Pray, a way will manifest itself although it may not be exactly the results you
were seeking. Often times in my life I encountered detours in my journey that took
me to a different destination in life then I had planed or anticipated.
If I have
faith in, and follow my own inner guide, the right tools to do the work to get to that destination
will present themselves. The end result is rarely what I had planed, or expect, but I will be where I am
meant to be to do what I need to do. If I but quiet the mind chatter and listen to, and follow my inner guide.
what my heart speaks to me, and I will
achieve what is necessary to continue on my life’s journey. I have been
guided and I am where I am supposed to be. I am not saying that I have never
been led astray by the chattering mind but the inner voice was always there to guide
me back when I was ready to listen
I must be
honest and say that many times in my
life I have been lost not only in my own minds chatter but also have been led
astray by other peoples chatter, telling me what was right and what was wrong
and how to do this and how to do that. Most were well intentioned of course,
but some not so well intentioned, I call them lost souls.
But if the
advice is given me by another out of love, even if I knew they were wrong. This
I accepted as a good indication that they cared and loved me. That was what made
some people in my life so very special and precious for the time that we were
together, it goes so fast, cherish it while you have it. But In the end it was
only I that could make that final decision
friends, loved ones support love and care for each other and enlighten others
around them just as they did when you needed them, and if they are true to you
they will be there for you regardless weather you followed their advice or not
I am only human there were many times where I lost faith and fell by the wayside but when I turned to prayer and meditation my faith returned I believe sincerely in that faith along will not do it if not accompanied by prayer and meditation from within my heart, then that prayer will not go unheard. A way has always be revealed to me.. Believe in your heart you can do it, and so shall it be.
I petition to Great Spirit to help me see the path, and the path will be lit for as long as I believe within my heart that it will .
Praying is like making a telephone call, you talk or express to the person on the other end your thoughts then you listen for the response, this is the meditation part. Listen with your heart or your inner intuition and believe with unwavering faith
I am only human there were many times where I lost faith and fell by the wayside but when I turned to prayer and meditation my faith returned I believe sincerely in that faith along will not do it if not accompanied by prayer and meditation from within my heart, then that prayer will not go unheard. A way has always be revealed to me.. Believe in your heart you can do it, and so shall it be.
I petition to Great Spirit to help me see the path, and the path will be lit for as long as I believe within my heart that it will .
Praying is like making a telephone call, you talk or express to the person on the other end your thoughts then you listen for the response, this is the meditation part. Listen with your heart or your inner intuition and believe with unwavering faith

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