Hi dear friends and followers today's topic is going to be on the topic of Animal whispering and empathy. I have questioned myself many times on this phenomena and did write my own report.
Link at the bottom of page.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
Have a wonderful day, and the Fairy Lady sends her love to you
The World's Leading Animal Healer and
Renowned Animal Communicator
Margrit Coates has paved the way for animal healingto become well known worldwide and her books, lectures and clinics have brought animal healing into respectability. Margrit Coates is based in southern England, but travels world wide to teach and lecture. Her empathy with animals is now legendary and she also communicates with animals soul to soul. www.thehorsehealer.com is Margrit's specialist equine focussed site andwww.margritcoates.com her generic site and distance healing.
Margrit has been featured in numerous magazines and publications and has written columns for publications including for the Daily Mail newspaper. Margrit has also been featured in several TV programmes and gives frequent radio interviews about her work.
Margrit is the author of six groundbreaking books - Hands on Healing for Pets, Angel Pets - incredible true stories of animal miracles (this book covers the psychic nature of pets), Healing for Horses, Horses Talking, Connecting with Horses and Communicating with Animals: How to tune into them intuitively
Margrit and Animal Communication
As well as being the world's leading animal healer, Margrit is also a renowned animal communicator. This is not something that Margrit has learned to do from someone else - from a child Margrit has had highly developed psychic senses. She is clairaudient (hearing messages from animals), clairsentient (picking up sensations from the animal to sense how they feel) and clairvoyant (seeing images and other information).

"Hello, thank you for looking up my website. First a bit of information about my background. I have over many years experience as a healer and interspecies communicator. On the healing side of things I now specialise exclusively with animals. Over the years I have given many thousands of hands on healing treatments to, and communicated with, a huge variety of animals. I also receive regular veterinary referrals for my work.
I am a member of The Healing Trust', and I teach animal healing for The Healing Trust. I am also a healer member of the British Register of Complementary Practitioners.
For several years I lectured in animal healing to post-graduate students studying companion animal behaviour at Southampton University UK, the first healer in the world to lecture in this topic at a university. I am a faculty member of the Open Center, New York, where I teach animal healing. My healing experience is wide ranging including with horses, dogs, cats, birds, farm animals, zoo and exotic animals etc. I lecture world wide in animal healing, and also run courses world wide for professionals working with animals (including vets, animal behaviourists, chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, etc).
I live in the beautiful New Forest National Park of southern England and it is wonderful to be surrounded by so much wildlife, some of which visit our garden, and of course the wild ponies."

My ethics and the unique offer I make.
As member of the world's largest healing organisation I adhere to it's strict code of conduct. and to the veterinary act. This is important in a field where anyone can offer animal healing or communication , even with little or no experience or training. As an all round healer who is very experienced with both humans and animals, I can help with the human - animal partnership.
I am passionate about helping people with their animals, and I offer a unique service in this respect. When I give healing to your animal I link you in that process, so that you too receive healing energy. No promises of a cure are made or implied by Margrit Coates. Each animal is unique and the outcome of healing cannot be predicted or assumed.
A link to some research into the benefits of healing.
Healing and the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
Healing - channelling healing energy through the hands from a universal source of energy - should not be used as a substitute for veterinary care and attention.
Please note that Paragraph 18 of Part 2F of the RCVS Guide to Professional Conduct, provides information including that all animals must be seen by a veterinary surgeon, and that the vet must be content for healing to be given by the laying on of hands.
With any concerns that you may have about an animals' health or wellbeing, your first port of call must be a veterinarian. Only a vet may make a diagnosis, or prescribe.
If you want to book Margrit for a healing session, you will need to first ask your veterinary surgeon for approval for this therapy to take place.
Making an appointment for a visit from Margrit Coates
If you would like to make an appointment you can Email me onmargrithealer@hotmail.com or use the webmail contact form but I cannot answer individual problems about pets on line. I cover Wiltshire, Hampshire, Dorset, Somerset, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Sussex, Surrey, London and South East Devon. You can bring your animal to the clinic near Winchester or I may be able to make a home visit in areas near Bournemouth, Southampton, Salisbury, New Forest, Winchester etc. I can communicate with your pet as well as offering him or her a healing treatment to help emotionally, mentally and physically. Healing reaches the soul level. Veterinary permission is required for a visit.
Travel to overseas venues by arrangement
I also offer a distant healing service, please get in touch with me via the contact me page if you are interested in this service.
My own perception and experience with animal whispering
Hi, I lived most of my growing up years in the bush country of Northern Ontario. Never gave it much thought but after coming across some topics on animal whispering after watching the movie, (horse whisperer) I became curious on this topic and began doing some research. I believe I am what one could call an "animal whisperer."
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