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Saturday, 19 April 2014

My observations and experience with the fairies continued

My Observations and Experience with the Fairies (continued)

Fairies are the most commonly known elementals, probably because they have been in lore and in our literature everywhere around the world.  Fairies have the also been recorded as guardians of plants and flowers. You may or may not see them, only depending on how much you truly desire in your heart to do so. If you are at a higher rate of sensitivity than the average person, you could see them, if you so desire. Most people do better at sensing than actually seeing them. Every plant has a Fairy on it, maybe even more than one. You will particularly be able to feel Fairy energy more often around flowers. Fairies also stay with cut flowers after they have been picked so if you have bunches of flowers in your house, Fairies will be nearby. You can feel their presence through the scent of the flowers.

The Fairies were the first Elementals that introduced themselves to me. At the start I could not see or hear Fairies but I could feel their excitable energy. Only through the years did I come to differentiate this feeling from any other. After a some time I began to enjoy being out in the woods. I always have, but this time it was different. It was like I could actually feel the life essence of the forest itself.  I felt like I was part of it. I still do. I just became more sensitive and aware of things most people didn't even realise were in existence. I remembered as a child when I did see the wee folks, such an amazing time that was. I named them my invisible friends, as they would be to any other nearby. It was on these little excursions into the woods that I began working on connecting into the Fairy realm I started to hear them and to see them on occasion. Fairies have squeaky little voices and are very playful but also sometimes a bit mischievous. They look like little people with slender bodies, big eyes (usually blue) and pointy ears.

But mind you, they can appear to you in the form of whatever conception you have of them, like shapeshifting to your own conception of them. This explains the many different forms reported  by eye witnesses and poets that have described them  all around the world.  The flower Fairies wear hats which are usually the flower they are guarding and living on. 

They all wear different colours depending on their plant type and they have beautiful little wings protruding from their back, some with dragonfly wings and some with butterfly wings. You need to be relaxed and conscious of the environment around you for they are very subtle in form like tiny wisps of smoke, so you need to be at peace and at rest.

The Fairy elementals have been here for a very long time, possibly since the beginning of life on this world, what was once their entire domain. They also knew that their duty was to help all of life to evolve and emerge from the dark void into the light. They are here to safeguard all of flora and fauna of the world, especially the plant kingdom and to produce beautiful flower displays for insects, animals, humans and birds. 

All of the earth is an intricate system working in harmony and balance. Every time man interferes with that balance in nature another species makes it's leave as so do the fairies, returning to their domain. I can't urge enough how crucially important it is for man to change their attitude that the planet's resources are inexhaustible. WE only live on a very small finite ball, the only one of its kind we know that can support life for millions of light years..

The Fairies are a very friendly group of Elementals who love to be spoken to and asked to help or just to listen while you communicate with them. No word of mouth is necessary, communication is from mind to mind. Fairies are very powerful abilities and can bring about transformations through the processes of firm belief and clear visualisation. They can attract what is necessary for the continuum of life on our planet. The Fairies who have been here since before recoded time are still willing to work with humans who are pure of heart and open minded enough to learn about their powerful transformation skills, for one, using the moon cycles that produce an energising affect in the upper atmosphere like the tides in our oceans, to harness the available energy for all here on earth.

Fairies are also keen to help with terrestrial energies, to heal our hearts and to find love empathy and compassion in everything and every situation. They have made it known to me how sad they felt watching the behaviour of humans. This was not meant to be, this apathy among humans was not meant to go on as long as it has. So it was told to me from mind to mind with my visit with the Fairies. It pains them to watch humans' behaviour towards one and other and the animals and nature. 

Fairies reside together in clans or large families as we call it, and they like to socialize, party and have fun together just as much, if not more often than, humans. They always see the love in every situation however, they do get angry when we trash their homes and show no respect for planet Earth and this is why they have a mischievous reputation.

Mind Speak With the Fairies

To connect into the Fairy realm all you need to do is to sit amongst flowers and plants. Quiet your mind and close your eyes. If you wish to but not necessary, perhaps holding pieces of bright coloured cloth as the Fairies are attracted to the bright colours like that of the  flowers, or something sparkly will also get their attention. 

Fairies connect with us through mind speak. It can also be called clairsentience, which is intuition that allows us to receive messages through feelings. Open your heart to the Fairies. Still keeping your eyes closed, allow yourself to feel them to come to you. 

They can truly know who we are. Remember, like some of us are more sensitive than others, the fairy beings are at a higher form in the evolutionary system. They have sensitivities much beyond ours. Fairies can truly see if you have any problems or tendencies you know are not serving you well. There is nothing you can hide from them and if you share your innermost feelings with them, the Fairies can help you to heal. All is lifted within their light and help us to see a better way of being. "Listen to the little voice within you."

Imagine yourself surrounded in a ball of white light. You may see sparkles and flashes as the Fairies throw their healing dust upon you. Imagine that from your feet there are roots reaching down deep into the ground connecting with the soul energy of Mother Gaea. who protects and nurtures all life.  Now share your thoughts with the Fairies just like you would a trusted friend. Ask them anything and notice any thoughts, feelings or visions that you get as the Fairies communicate with you.

Once you connect with the Fairies you will feel a greater need to connect with nature and be much more conscious of the damage being done to our Mother Gaea. You will feel an urgent need to open peoples' eyes to both the beauty of nature and its connectedness to the spirit of all living things. You do your best to educate them to do their part even if it is just by encouraging you to pick up litter, participate in environmental projects, or perhaps create a nature garden.

Although some Fairies may visit gardens in towns and cities, Fairies and Elementals prefer wild, natural environments, therefore you will find more of them in these locations that are not so populated by man as their sustaining energy is more abundant in these unpopulated locations,

Fairies are good helpers in the garden, guiding you to the right plants to buy and where to place them in your garden, for example. Just knowing the exact right location where each plant will thrive the best and how to best tend to these plants can be advice from the Fairies. If you seek a little more meaning in your life ask the Fairies for their guidance, then take a moment of silence and listen for the tiny voice within you.

I would love to hear from you, My Dear Friends and Followers!
¸¸.¸❤❤.´¯)¸.´¯)¸´Much love,¸¸.¸❤❤.´¯)¸.´¯)¸´

Cynthia ©.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Fairies in Legend, Lore, and Literature

Fairies in Legend, Lore, and

In his famous poem "The Horns of Elfland," Tennyson wrote that even the echoes of elfin bugles are growing faint and dying away, as the fairies disappear from the woods and fields, chased away by modern life. This was a favorite theme of the Victorians, who believed that the fairies were taking their leave of us and that magic would soon vanish from the world forever. Fortunately, as far as I can see, the Victorians were dead wrong. The British Isles, and other parts of the world, are still thickly populated by the elfin tribes, if the present revival of fairies in popular culture is any indication. In North America, fairies are everywhere — in books and paintings, on t–shirts and teacups, in children's toyshops, in art museums, and flying through the airwaves. If Tennyson's elfin bugles have dimmed . . .well, never mind. The fairies play electric bagpipes now.

Instead of Tennyson, I'm more inclined to listen to the poet William Butler Yeats, who knew a thing or two about the fairies, for he believed in them all his life. He said that "you can not lift your hand without influencing and being influenced by hordes of them."

There's a famous story of a Scottish house fairy who proved to be so terribly annoying that the family in the house tried and tried to make him leave, to no avail. Finally there was no help for it. The family packed to go themselves. But as they drove down the road, their worldly goods strapped to the old farm cart, they noticed the fairy perched on top, saying, "Ah, but it's a fine day to be moving!" And so they sighed and went back home, knowing they were stuck with him for good. The fairy haunts that cottage and their descendants to this day.

So it is with fairies in literature and art. Fairy stories go in and out of fashion. But just when you think they're gone for good, cast out by book and art critics who insist we move on to weightier matters, the fairies are still there, grinning, saying, "Ah, it's a fine day to be moving!" — determined to move right along with us and be a part of whatever the future has in store.

"Fairy" by Richard Doyle

End Notes:

1. Quoted from The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, 1893.

2. Spiritualism was a practice in which "spirit mediums" provided contact with the spirits of the dead and with supernatural creatures. The movement was started in America by the Fox sisters in 1848, who claimed to communicate with the dead through mysterious knocks upon a table. Soon "table–turning" parties were all the rage in all levels of English society, right up to the Royal Court. Spiritualist societies sponsored lecture tours, opened reading rooms and published newspapers, and popular spirit mediums developed huge followings.

3. Theosophy was a Spiritualist and philophical movement founded by Madame Blavatsky at the end of the 19th century. Many prominent Theosophists believed in fairies.

4. Quoted from The Hidden Side of Things by Charles W. Leadbeater, 1913.

5. Quoted from The Coming of the Faires by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1922.

6. Quoted from "Some Remarks About the Spirits of Nature," published in The Occult Review, 1911.

7. Quoted from The Vanishing People: Fairy Lore and Legends by Katherine Briggs, 1978.

8. Painter and poet William Blake firmly believed in faeries, and once wrote about witnessing a fairy funeral.

9. Opium derivatives like laudanum, called "the aspirin of the 19th century," were available without prescription in Victorian England, and were commonly used for insomnia, headaches and "women's troubles." It may be no accident that the Victorian's obsessions with fairies and Spiritualism occurred during the same span of years when casual opium use was widespread.

10. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was the son of the fairy painter Charles Doyle who, like Richard Dadd, had been confined to an insane asylum and whose imagery came from his personal visions. The fairy painter Richard Doyle (by all accounts a sane, sweet–tempered man) was Arthur Conan Doyle's uncle. 

11. Quoted from Alison Lurie's "Braking for Elves," first published in The New York Review of Books and reprinted in her excellent book Don't Tell the Grown–ups: Why Kids Love the Books They Do.

12. Some claim that North America has no fairies, which is stuff and nonsense. What it has is a melting pot of fairies and stories carried over by numerous immigrant groups, transplanted to new soil and bearing fruit both familiar and strange. Mixed into this pot are Native American tales from a variety of tribal traditions — including tales about magical little people who live under the hills or deep in the woods, and are sometimes good and sometimes bad, and who tend to play tricks on human beings — fairies, in other words, in everything but name. 

Thank you for visiting my dear friends, In loving light.
ღღ`*´ ❥❥❥ The Fairy lady `*•.¸) ¸❥❥❥ღღ

by Terri Windling

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Happy Easter My Dear friends

Happy Easter My Dear friends
The Fairy Lady sends you the best over the Easter Holliday
¯) ¸.´¯) (¸ ❤❤ᴥᵔ ᵔᴥᵔ ᵔᴥᵔ ♪♫♪❤❤´´¯`•.¸¸.☆¸.☆´¯)

Drop by and visit, miss you 
In loving light
¸´ (¸.´´¯`•.¸¸.¸❤❤.´¯)¸.´¯)¸´ 

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

The Legend of the Piasa Bird

The Legend of the Piasa Bird

"The Piasa bird is said to have flown over the "Great Father of Waters" thousands of moons before the white man came, when magolonyn and mastodon were still living." The Piasa, or Piusa, means "the bird that devours men" or "bird of the evil spirit". Early drawings depict it as part bird, reptile, mammal, and fish. The colors used in early paintings symbolize war and vengeance (red), death and despair (black), and hope and triumph over death (green).

Marquette and Joliet recorded in their diaries a description of an image of this creature incised into the limestone bluffs 40 to 50 feet above the water near their historic landing site at the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers. This image was later painted, and has been relocated several times. Today a painting of the Piasa Bird can be seen on the bluffs near Alton, Illinois. The most enduring and fascinating legend about this bird was written by John Russell in 1836. It follows:

Before the village of the Illini, the mighty river swept to the south, clear and fresh. The surrounding woods were rich with game. The bluffs and the mighty trees shielded the Illini from the harsh winds that sometimes swept in from the north. Their village was a secure and happy place. Chief of the Illini was Ouatoga (Watoga). He was old and had led his tribe in the ways of peace for most of his lifetime. Ouatoga and his people loved their home and their way of life. Then one morning, as the sun began to climb towards the summit of its cloudless sky, terror touched the Illini. The village stirred. A number of younger braves were leaving on an early morning fishing expedition. Some were already on the river in their canoes, others preparing to embark, when suddenly the very earth seemed to shudder with the sound of an alien scream.

Out of the Western sky came a gigantic flying monster. Its body was much the size and shape of a horse; long, white fangs stabbed upward from the protruding lower jaw and flames leaped from its nostrils; two white, deer-like horns angled wickedly from its head. Its huge wings pounded the air with such force the trees bent; its stubby legs held dagger-like talons and its spiked tail wound around the grotesque body three times.

Almost before the braves realized their danger, the beast, soon to be named the Piasa Bird, swooped across the beach and carried one away. From that moment on, the Illini were terrorized by this incredible and blood-thirsty monster. Each morning and afternoon thereafter, the Piasa Bird came, shattering the peace of the village with its blood-chilling screams and the thunderous beat of its wings. More often than not, it returned to its lair with a victim.

The Illini looked to their chief, Ouatoga, for a solution to this menace. Time and time again he had led them through the trials of famine, illness, and the threat of warlike tribes. But Ouatoga felt helpless before this danger and the years weighed heavily upon him. The beast seemed invulnerable. His body was covered with scales, like a coat-of-mail. The best efforts of Tera-hi-on-a-wa-ka, the arrow maker, and the tribe's finest archers were to no avail.

Then Ouatoga appealed to the Great Spirit. For nearly a full moon he prayed and fasted. Then in a dream he found the answer. The body of the Piasa Bird was not protected under the wings. After offering thanks to the Great Spirit, Ouatoga called the tribe together and devised a plan that could destroy the Piasa Bird. All that day Tera-hi-on-a-wa-ka sharpened arrowheads and painted them with poison while the tribe fasted and prayed. That night, Ouatoga and six of the finest braves crept to the top of the high bluff overlooking the Great Father of Waters. When dawn came only Ouatoga was visible, standing straight and firm in full view. The braves were hidden nearby behind a rock ledge, bows ready.

Suddenly, the scream of the Piasa Bird broke the silence and the winged monster swept into view. Immediately it sighted Ouatoga and with what seemed a shriek of delight, it pounced. As it did, Ouatoga fell to the ground and grasped the strong roots that grew there. The pain of the talons sinking into his flesh inspired him to grip the roots even more tightly. As the Piasa Bird raised its great wings in an effort to carry off its victim, the six braves stepped from their hiding place and shot six poisoned arrows into the unprotected place beneath the beast's wings. Again and again the bird raised its wings to fly. But Ouatoga held fast and each time six poisoned arrows drove into the bird's vulnerable spot. Finally, the poison did its job. With a scream of agony, the Piasa Bird released its hold on Ouatoga and plunged down the bluff to disappear forever in the swift waters of the great river.

Carefully, tenderly, the braves carried Ouatoga to his tepee where, in time, he was nursed back to health. Then a great celebration was held in the camp of the Illini. The next day, Tera-hi-on-a-wa-ka mixed paints and, carrying them to the bluff, painted a picture of the Piasa Bird in tribute to the victory of Ouatoga and the Illini. Every time an Indian passed the painting, he shot an arrow in salute to the bravery of Ouatoga and deliverance from the Piasa Bird.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Fire Fairies

Fire Fairies

As well as the many house fairies that live in the hearth or behind the stove, there are spirits that represent the fire itself. In Northern European countries, they were called drakes, salamanders or dragons. They are said smell like rotten eggs, and their presence is usually only betrayed by the stench, though they are sometimes glimpsed as a flaming ball. They only take on the character of fire when they fly, when they look like streaks of flame or fiery balls with long tails. Otherwise they look like small boys with red caps and coats. They are house fairies who move into a house and keep the firewood dry and bring gifts of gold and grain to the master of the house. The bond is between the male head of the house and the male drake, and is a serious pact, often written in blood. The drake takes care of the house, barn and stables, making sure that the pantry and money chest are well stocked. They can travel the world in a split second, and bring their masters a present back from far away places. In return, the master keeps the drake fed and treated with respect.
Should the drake be insulted the house will not be there long. If you see a drake on its travels, take shelter, for they leave behind a poisonous sulphurous fug. If you quickly shout "half and half" or throw a knife at the creature, then the drake may drop some of its booty in your lap. If two people together see a drake, they should cross their legs in silence, take the fourth wheel off the wagon and take shelter. The drake will then be compelled to leave them some of his haul.

The spirit of the hearth fire is often thought of as female, and was once widely worshipped as a goddess. In Greek myth she was Hestia. Her name, according to Plato, means 'the essence of things'; a formless essence symbolised by the flame, which flows through everything that has life. As the domestic hearth is the sacred centre of the home, the hearth of the gods is the centre of the cosmos. She presided over all hearth and altar fires, and she was worshipped every day with prayers offered to her before and after meals. Her hearth was in the care of the woman of the home and before each meal something was thrown on the fire as an offering.

In Celtic lore, the spirit of the hearth is Brighid. She was invited into the home by the woman of the house, in the form of a doll or corn dolly dressed in maiden white. Oracles were taken from the ashes of the hearth fire, which people examined for a sign that Brighid had visited, i.e. a mark that looked like a swan's footprint; if found, it was a lucky omen (the swan was an ancient attribute of the goddess Brighid). Many Irish homes still have a Brighid's cross hung up. This four equal-armed cross was originally a solar symbol.

There are many other fire spirits. The Arabian Djinn, for example, are composed of fire without smoke, with fire in their veins instead of blood. Will o’ the wisps are bog fairies that appear as curious lights, usually seen flickering in the distance over swamps and marshes. They jump and dance along with the aim of leading travellers astray. Perhaps the most common name is Jack-a-lantern or Jack O'Lantern. In Wales the will o' the wisp it is called ellylldan meaning ‘fire fairy’. It can be seen dancing about on marshy ground, into which it may lead a hapless traveller. When the will o' the wisp appears at sea it is generally called St Elmo's Fire, and is seen on ship’s masts and accompanied by a crackling sound.

There is a connection between trades that use fire and magic. The magical reputation of the smith persisted in Europe into the nineteenth century and is still extant in India and Africa. In Britain, it was believed that smiths were blood charmers [healers] and could foretell the future. Even the water the smith used to cool metal had magical properties and was much sought after for healing purposes. A smithy-forged nail, hammered into a tree, was thought to transfer the illness to the tree. Smiths also possessed the secret of the Horseman’s Word which, when whispered into the ear of the wildest horse, would calm it. People swore oaths by the smith's anvil and in some places, he had the authority to marry couples, as at the famous Gretna Green in Scotland. In fairy stories smiths often protect people and animals against malignant fairies, evil spirits, witchcraft, and the evil eye.


Fire is the most mysterious of all the elements. It seems almost supernatural in comparison to earth, air or water. The spirits of fire are concerned with creativity, life energy and the spirit. Fire generates illumination within, the light of the spirit. Fire gives us the power of energy, igniting action, animation and movement. It sparks courage and acts of bravery. It heats passion and enthusiasm. Fire is the power of inner sight and creative vision, directing it and controlling it to make it manifest in the world, the dominion of Will. It is the glow of the candle flame, the warmth of the hearth, the burning heat of the desert, the incandescence of the sun. However, fire transforms what it consumes, a power which may either purify or destroy. Fire is wild and untameable, dangerous; it can burn those around it. This is true of the fire spirits too. They are intense, impatient of human ignorance; they can be intolerant of our failings, and capable of infernos of rage and intemperance.

Rituals connected with fire spirits are necessarily concerned with placating the spirits, availing ourselves of their gifts while averting disaster. A friend of mine invented a divination system she called Ken Sticks. Ken is a rune connected with illumination and fire. She used nine matches, invoking the powers of Ken into each as the match was struck and flared, then blown out. The matches were then thrown onto a cloth and the resulting rune shapes read. Shortly after inventing this method, she taught it at a workshop to nine people. Thus there were nine times nine invocations of Ken- fire. After the workshop we stayed at a hotel which caught fire twice in the same night. Other workshop attendees also experienced unexplained outbreaks of fire. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but be warned!

Fire is an agent of transformation- the food in the cauldron is changed as it cooks, raw ores and metals are altered into useful objects on the blacksmith’s forge, and it transforms the materials it consumes into ashes. Fairies and other spirits were attracted by these fires and circled round them, and sometimes had to be placated so that they would not cause trouble and steal the feast. Fire spirits are agents of purification. Cattle were driven over the ashes of the Beltane and Samhain fires to purify them, and flaming torches were carried around the crops at Midsummer to protect them.

Fire symbolises the life force. It was associated with the fertility of the land, and the ashes of the sacred fires were scattered on the land, to transfer the vigour of the fire spirits into the earth. It was also connected with the fertility of humans. Young men would leap through the festival fires to increase their virility, and young women jumped to become fertile. Fire magic is concerned with action and will. Fire corresponds to energy, power, passion, vitality.

People with a preponderance of fire in their make-up are energetic, vital, passionate, creative, intuitive, generous, courageous, driven, friendly, enterprising, philanthropic, warm, cheerful and honourable. However, they can also be ostentatious, arrogant, excessive, dominating, vain, promiscuous, aggressive, tactless and opinionated.


Symbols: wand, staff, candles, torches

Colours: red, orange, flame, gold,

Direction: south

Season: summer

Time: noon

Life Tide: maturity

Magical Influences: active energy, illumination, wisdom, willpower, passion, healing,

Gems: red agate, amber, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, quartz, diamond, garnet, red jasper, lava, ruby, sard, sardonyx, sunstone, topaz, red tourmaline

Quality: directing

Vowel Sound: I

Sense: smell

Key Words: burning, light, flame, energy, growth, balancing, directing, controlling, illuminating, transforming, passion, fertility, virility, courage, lust, force, enthusiasm, desire, energy, courage, initiative, creativity, dynamism, radiance, illumination

Herbs: allspice, frankincense, ginger, juniper, marigold, orange, rosemary, dragon's blood, clove, bay, ash

Animals: lions, lizards, salamanders


Household Spirits Shrine

For the ancients, the hearth-place was also the altar of the household spirits, where offerings could be made; when you being to think of your home as having indwelling spirit it can make a huge difference to the quality of life within it. You can use your mantelpiece as an altar, and many people do, or you can make a small shrine or niche beside it. What you put on that altar is up to you. You might want statues of gods and goddesses or a fairy to represent the house spirit. You could bring the outside in by adding stones, crystals or leaves, plus candles and your magical tools if this seems appropriate. Change the flowers often and decorate it for the Eight Festivals. As the place of protection, decorate it with shiny horse brasses, which attract sun energy and deflect negativity.

Hearth Spirit Shrine

As well as protective ancestral spirits, the spirit of hearth and fire dwells within every hearth, whether large or small. In many ancient religions, a fire was kept constantly burning to represent the presence of the divine. Nowadays, you probably don’t have a fire in your home all the time, if at all. But you can celebrate the living flame with candles, joss sticks, incense on charcoal and oil lamps.

The Hearth as Cosmic Axis

As the dwelling place of the living flame, the hearth was a holy place, a threshold between this world and the realm of the gods. Its rising smoke took prayers to the gods of the Upperworld, while the gods of the Worlds Below could be contacted through the hearthstone. Offerings were placed on the hearthstone. In many tales, the hearth and chimney it is the entrance and egress of spirits. In lore, various fairies are said to live behind the hearth, or to come down the chimney.

Fire Smooring Ritual

At night the fire should be covered in a special way to appease the hearth spirit. The embers are divided into three equal sections, with a peat laid between each section, each one touching a little mound in the middle. The first peat is laid down in the name of the spirit of Life, the second in the name of the spirit of Peace, and the third in the name of the spirit of Grace. The woman of the house then covers the circle with ashes, a process known as smooring, taking care not to put out the fire, in the name of the Three of Light [originally the goddess Brighid]. A protective prayer is then said over it:

Protect my house and family

Keep my hearth warm and welcoming to all who come

In the name of the Three of Light

Moving House Ritual

When moving to a new house it was often the custom to take live coals from the previous one to ensure the continuation of the life and spirit of the home and family. You can repeat a similar custom by lighting a candle brought from your old home in the new one. This echoes the carrying of Hestia’s sacred fire to new colonies and towns.


Lamps and fires were kept in temples not just to illuminate the place, but to embody the living spirit of fire. When our ancestors danced around the flames, they were dancing around vital spirits of fire. It was believed that these elementals could speak through the actions of the leaping flames. This is called pyromancy, and is a form of divination

· When a fire burns all on one side, or falls into two heaps in the grate, it foretells a parting of some kind.

· If it will not start in the morning it predicts quarrels in the house, and arguments are also presaged by a spluttering piece of coal.

· A coffin-shaped piece of coal flying out of the fire and into the room foreshadows a death, whereas

· A cradle-shaped piece means a birth.

· A cluster of bright sparks at the back of the chimney means good news on the way,

· Dull sparks mean bad news.

· Showers of gold sparks indicate money and

· Blue flames in the fire indicate coming frosts.

Nyd Fire

The Nyd Fire, or Need Fire, is a sacred fire lit on magical occasions or fairy festivals by using friction or light projected by a magnifying glass.

DRAKES or Grak or Krat or Drachen are English, German and Scandinavian fire fairies who are said to smell like rotten eggs, and their presence is usually only betrayed by the stench, though they are sometimes glimpsed as a flaming ball. They only take on the character of fire when they fly, when they look like streaks of flame or fiery balls with long tails. They move into a house and keep the firewood dry and bring gifts of gold and grain to the master of the house. The bond is between the male head of the house and the male drake, and is a serious pact, often written in blood. [Originally the spirits of the drakes were kept imprisoned in carved mandrake roots.] The drake takes care of the house, barn and stables, making sure that the pantry and money chest are well stocked. They can travel the world in a split second, and bring their masters a present back from far away places. In return, the master keeps the drake fed and treated with respect. Should the drake be insulted the house will not be there long. If you see a drake on its travels, take shelter, for they leave behind a poisonous sulfurous fug. If you quickly shout "half and half" or throw a knife at the creature, then the drake may drop some of its booty in your lap. If two people together see a drake, they should cross their legs in silence, take the fourth wheel off the wagon and take shelter. The drake will then be compelled to leave them some of his haul. They are flying dragons known in Anglo Saxon England. Drake appears in many place names like Drakenage Farm [‘Drake’s Ridge] in Warks, and Drakelow [Dragon Mound] nr Stourbridge.

DJINN or Jin or Ginn or Jinn or Genie or Jan [‘Spirit’] (Jinnee m., jinniyeh f..) In elemental lore, Djinn is king of the fire fairies. Djinn are Arabian fairies mentioned in the Koran. A tradition says that the djinn were formed of "smokeless fire," i.e. the fire of the wind Simoom, while others say they are the offspring of fire with fire in their veins instead of blood, or alternatively they are composed of air. They were created 2000 years before Adam was made from earth, but will be annihilated at the Final Judgment. Prophets were sent from time to time to instruct and admonish them, but on their continued disobedience, an army of angels appeared, driving them from the earth to the regions of the islands, making many prisoners, and slaughtering many more. Among the prisoners was a young Jinnee named Azâzel [Azazeel, or El-Harith, afterwards called Iblees or Iblis from his despair], who grew up among the angels, and became at last their chief. When Adam was created, God commanded the angels to worship him and they all obeyed except Iblees, who, for his disobedience, was tuned into a Sheytan or devil, and he became the father of the Sheytans. There are five varieties of djinn from the very powerful Marid, to the Afreet, the Sheytans [or Shaitan], and the Jinn to the least powerful order, the Jann [or Jan].

When the Arabs poured water on the ground, let down a bucket into a well, or enter a bath, they would ask the permission of the djinn, "Permission" [Destoor] or, "Permission, ye blessed!" Good djinn are very beautiful and the bad ones very ugly, though they are shapeshifters and can appear as humans, monsters, cats, ostriches, dogs and snakes. The evil djinn cause sandstorms and waterspouts. When the Zôba’ah, a whirlwind that raises the sand in the form of a pillar of tremendous height, is seen sweeping over the desert, the Arabs, who believe it to be caused by the flight of an evil Jinnee, cry, "Iron! Iron!" All djinn hate iron and can be bound with magic words and talismans to reveal the future. They can fly up to the heavens and listen to the words of angels. They have great powers of magic, They are long lived, but can be destroyed by men, other djinn and shooting stars flung at them from heaven. The djinn mate and have families like human beings. Their country is Jinnistan and its capital the City of Jewels, though they may take up abodes in wells, rivers, ruins, ovens, and market places. While a human man may marry a female jinniyeh, a human female may not marry a male jinnee. The offspring of a human-djinn union has the attributes of both.

WILL O’THE WISP is a curious light seen flickering in the distance over swamps and marshes. In many parts of the world the will o’the wisp is attributed to the bog fairies or mischievous imps who appear as balls of light to lead travellers astray or fairies who carry lanterns to guide the unwary over cliff tops or into marshland. If a person follows one they may meet their death in a bog or a deep pool, though some lights have been helpful, and shown travellers to safety. Some particularly vicious will o'the wisps have chased terrified people through mire and thorns, leaving them stranded amid peals of malicious laughter. Some say that the lights are the souls of dead children as are the British spunkies. Others say that will o'the wisps are the souls of greedy men with hidden treasure, money lenders and swindlers, or people neither good enough for heaven nor evil enough for hell. In Northern Europe such lights are seen hovering over the tombs or burial mounds of warriors, and thought to be the souls of the dead, guarding the treasure buried within the grave. In German and Swedish lore the lights belong to the souls of those who, in life, disregarded boundary markers and stole a neighbour's land. In Italy they are souls in purgatory. Seeing a will o'the wisp or corpse may be an omen of death, either for the person who sees it, or someone they love.

FIRE ELEMENTALS are spirits composed solely from one element. The ancients believed that a spirit inhabited every stream, hill, tree, and natural thing. Following the theory of the four elements the Neoplatonists divided these spirits into four classes, each associated with one of the elements. However, it was the sixteenth century alchemist, doctor and philosopher Paracelsus who gave them their familiar names. He called the elemetal spirits of fire Vulcans or salamanders [from the Greek meaning ‘fireplace’] and are usually portrayed as the newts of the same name. According to Paracelsus, while sylphs and undines are kindly disposed towards humans, salamanders cannot be approached or approach humans, and gnomes are usually malevolent. 

Paracelsus declared that while man is made of three substances, the spiritual, the astral, and visible or terrestrial and exists in all three, elementals live exclusively in only one of the elements. They occupy a position between men and pure spirits, though they have blood and bones, they eat and sleep and mate and produce offspring. They are not immortal but can succumb to disease. They live in dwellings that are made of special materials ‘as different from the substances we know as the web of a spider is different from our linen’. He said that elementals have no souls and are incapable of spiritual development. Some occultists believe that fairies are elementals, spirit-beings made up of one element only - earth, air, fire or water. Sinistrari described beings of an intermediate nature between the angels and man, capable of independent thought and of choosing good or evil, composed of one of the four elements. Ritual magicians, modern witches and Pagans call upon the spirits of the four elements. They maintain that they are beings who have evolved along another line to humans. In the Cabala they are called the Shedim.

(Extract from Working With Fairies)

Orbs, Rods, Sparklies, Light Beings, Fairies etc.

Orbs, Rods, Sparklies, Light Beings, Fairies etc.
Researched by Cindy on November 10/2011 at 9:26

HI dear friends and followers. Today I would like to share with you this article I have personally pieced together myself, a continuation on the topic of orbs and other ethereal phenomena. Thank you for visiting and reading my blog

I have seen orbs on occasion, one such occasion, in particular, I shall never forget. My partner and I were visiting a friend on Long Island, we were residing in her cottage near the ocean. I woke up one morning to find my partner sitting in a chair, intently examining her leg. She had what appeared to be a discolored ulcerated area on her left leg, about the size of a quarter, possibly melanoma.

We walked down to the ocean shore which was only a short distance away from our friends guest cottage. I sat on the shore while she waded into the water up to her knees then she stood still while apparently gazing absently across the water. While she stood there not moving, something caught my attention, it was about the size of a quarter about six inches distance to the left side of her head. I had first thought it was a large insect, as my eyes adjusted I was awed at what I saw.

It was perfectly spherical in shape and semi-transparent. It appeared to be emitting its own light from within, a brilliant purple radiance. Even though I had seen orbs on different occasions before, I had never seen one quite so detailed like this one before or since. I could actually see what looked like a network of tiny spider-like veins within it similar as what one would see in a jellyfish. It hovered only inches away from her left ear for a few seconds then it, "POOF," gone .

When my mate came out of the water we were both amazed to see that the discolored spot on her leg had completely vanished.

Has anyone seen the orbs and the sparklies? It is not necessary to have a camera to see sparklies, they are most observable in the daytime and can be seen best in the bright blue sky. Tiny pinpoints of light, like tiny sparks everywhere in the sky appearing to blink along a straight line in different directions. You can also see them occasionally around the house at night, especially on the ceiling and walls after lights out. They almost look like tiny blinking stars in a night sky.

Has anyone seen the light beings? A faint humanoid silhouette within a bright oval shaped bluish white light. Usually standing at about 7 o 8 ft tall.

How about the spirit shadows, not the kind one would associate with being bad, I am speaking of the ghost like ones that you see at your peripheral vision, hovering about like guardian angels. I have one who has been with me since I was nine years old, I named her Cassandra.

Then you have those elusive luminous bars like thingies of various colors, like the orbs, they can only be seen by those whose perceptive sensitivities are at a much higher vibrational frequency than average, or through a camera lens. They appear to be bar or tube shaped and look like they have fins along both sides their entire length. It is these fins vibrating at a very fast velocity that appears to propel them through the air at an eye-blurring movement.

The orbs, on the other hand, are spherical in shape and can also be perceived in varying colors, like soap bubbles that glow in the dark. The fairy type entities appear to be a smaller version carbon copy of the larger light beings I mentioned earlier in this post. I suspect there is a connection with these phenomena of luminous energy entities as I have described and many other different forms of light energy entities, perhaps interdenominational sentient energy beings we have still not detected with our senses. Only in recent years have they been more frequently detected with the advent of the digital camera.

The two photos bellow are an example of orbs

Sparklies magnified. Pin point but very bright like below 


Orbs, Fairies and bars

Thank you for your interest this article has been researched and put together on the date stated above 
Please feel free to share your thoughts, thank you

Monday, 14 April 2014

Rossendale Fairies ~ The Huffington Post

Rossendale Fairies: Skeptics Swarm
Over Alleged 'Fairy' Photos

The Huffington Post | by David Moye
Posted: 04/07/2014 4:06 pm EDT

A British professor is getting a swarm of attention for a series of photos depicting tiny creatures that he suggests look like fairies.

John Hyatt, who lectures on art research at Manchester Metropolitan University, took the photos around Lancashire, UK. The collection, entitled "Rossendale Fairies," is on display at the Whitaker Museum in Rossendale.

In an email to The Huffington Post, Hyatt said that he spotted the tiny creatures after taking pictures at dusk.
"I was just taking sunset through the trees and when I enlarged the photographs later in the studio, I saw these figures," he wrote. "They are not doctored apart from I increased the size of a detailed section of a larger photograph along with the DPI to stop them being just large pixels -- normal size enhancement techniques."
He said that the creatures in his photos don't look like normal insects.

“It was a bit of a shock when I blew them up, I did a double take," he told the Manchester Evening News. “I went out afterwards and took pictures of flies and gnats and they just don’t look the same."

Hyatt's photos have skeptics buzzing around him like flies. In fact, flies are what the photos actually show, according to one insect expert.

Entomologist Erica McLaughlin writes in the British Natural History Museum's NaturePlus blog that the creatures that Hyatt photographed aremost likely a small species of fly known as the "midge."

"These tiny midges form mating swarms where the males will ‘dance’ around trying to attract the opposite sex," she writes. They have delicate wings and long legs which dangle down."

Hyatt isn't worried about skeptics:
“People can decide for themselves what they are. The message to people is to approach them with an open mind," he said, according to the Mirror. “I think it’s one of those situations where you need to believe to see. 

A lot of people who have seen them say they have brought a little bit of magic into their lives and there’s not enough of that around.”

However, Hyatt's opinion on the subject was enough to convince former FBI special agent Ben Hansen -- the former host and lead investigator of paranormal claims on the Syfy Channel series, "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" -- that Hyatt is fully aware that his photos don't really show fairies.
"The majority of his quotes are redirecting the conversation away from the facts of the case and instead, toward a discussion on belief and magic," Hansen told HuffPost by email. 

"His motive? He clearly does what you would expect for an art and design director to do... bring 'magic into their lives' by appreciating the beauty of life that 'grows everywhere,' which in turn 'can make people believe.'"

Hansen is also skeptical that Hyatt had no clue he was photographing "fairies" until he developed the photos.
"The foliage is all blurred together for that artsy look that really crushes the background. He says he didn't see the fairies until later, but aside from the motion blur, they look quite in focus," Hansen said. "It would be quite coincidental that the fairies all happened to emerge in front of the camera at the precise distance they would be in focus."

The title of the show, "Rossendale Fairies," appears to be a direct reference to the Cottingley Fairies, a famous hoax involving fairies that occurred in 1917. 

In that case, two girls, Elsie Wright, 16, and Frances Griffiths, 10, pasted drawings of fairies onto cardboard and took pictures of themselves with the mythical creatures. Although it sounds endearingly low-tech, the photos managed to convince luminaries like Sherlock Holmes' creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle that the fairies were real, according to the Daily Mail.

The author wasn't alone. In fact, the Cottingly Fairies created enough doubt that some believers were genuinely shocked when Griffiths admitted they were a hoax in 1983.
Considering Doyle was duped by a hoax, it may seem ironic that Hyatt quotes him to defend the validity of his paranormal pics to HuffPost.

"In [Doyle's] 1922 book, 'The Coming of the Fairies,' he said, 'We see objects within the limits which make up our color spectrum, with infinite vibrations, unused by us, on either side of them If we could conceive a race of beings which were constructed in material which threw out shorter or longer vibrations, they would be invisible unless we could tune ourselves up or tone them down… there is nothing scientifically impossible, so far as I can see, in some people seeing that which is invisible to others.'"

Hyatt's background is in art, but he doesn't believe that prevents his photos from providing a window to a world so far missed by scientists.
"I think it is entirely appropriate that the beauty of the artistic form enables people to open up to the possibilities of their world and to see it with fresh eyes. That is the goal of both the artist and the scientist," he wrote to HuffPost.

You may also find my own observation on orbs and sparklies interesting just click on link below to view