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Saturday, 7 September 2013

Fairy Sleep

Fairy Sleep
Sleep, sleep under the stars
and dream about nether-land
where the fairies fly to and fro .
On bright glittery wings do they fly
But when they nestle to the ground to rest
A sweet lullaby shall they sing
Welcoming the Sweet coming of Night
Sparkling silver stars like tiny diamonds
The tiny fairy folk give thanks for the comfort
of their nearness they lay in their
beds of grass and moss
To rest their tiny heads on folded arm
With no further fear of the nights darkness
From their hidden nests,
they watch as the sun sinks
below the darkening horizon
The joys of pleasant memories
of the days foray,
smiles trace their tiny faces
as they wish all in all a good night
and happy dreams

Cynthia ©

Friday, 6 September 2013

Jeremy RifkinAuthor, 'The Empathic Civilization:

Jeremy RifkinAuthor, 'The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis

Hi dear friends and followers. Welcome to my blog and thank you for reading

Jeremy Rifkin
Author, 'The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis
Posted: February 22, 2010 07:30 AM

For two hundred years the American Dream has served as the bedrock foundation of the American way of life. The dream, reduced to its essence, is that in America, every person has the right and opportunity to pursue his or her own individual material self-interest in the marketplace, and make something of their life, or at least sacrifice so the next generation might enjoy a better life. The role of the government, in turn, is to guarantee individual freedom, assure the proper functioning of the market, protect property rights, and look out for national security. In all other matters, the government is expected to step aside so that a nation of free men and woman can pursue their individual ambitions.

Although American history is peppered with lamentations about the souring of the dream, the criticism never extends to the assumptions that underlie the dream, but only to political, economic and social forces that thwart its realization. To suggest that the dream itself is misguided, outdated, and even damaging to the American psyche, would be considered almost treasonous. Yet, I would like to suggest just that.

The American Dream was spawned in the afterglow of the Enlightenment more than two centuries ago, at the dawn of the modern market economy and nation-state era. Enlightenment philosophers painted a new picture of human nature more in line with the new market forces that were promising a qualitative uplift in the standard of living of human beings. For 1500 years, during the feudal and medieval periods, the Church's dark view of human nature prevailed. Christian theologians exclaimed that babies are born depraved and in sin, and that personal salvation must await them in the next world with Christ. The Enlightenment philosophers views were a breath of fresh air, promising that market forces, if left unhindered by government, would guarantee every person the opportunity to improve his or her station in life. John Locke, Adam Smith, René Descartes, Marquis de Condorcet and other Enlightenment sages were of the belief that human beings were, by nature, materialistic, self-interested, and driven by the biological urge to be propertied, autonomous, independent and self-sufficient, and sovereign over their own domain.

Today, that dream is still fiercely championed by libertarian ideologues and tea party populists. Their increasingly shrill defense of the American Dream, however, seems almost panic stricken in tone, suggesting a desperate effort to hold on to a belief that may, in fact, be passing away.

How else do we account for the fact that the public discourse is becoming so ugly of late? The populist backlash against big government represents more than just a clash over legislative priorities. The opposition to a government stimulus to jumpstart an ailing economy, the reluctance to adopt universal health care, and the growing denial of human induced climate change speak to a deeper sense of apprehension and foreboding. Granted, there are legitimate concerns one might raise to each of these public policy issues. My sense however, is that there is something more profound taking place under the surface, a feeling, particularly among an older generation of Americans, that the American Dream is in jeopardy and, with it, our way of life.

After all, if the American Dream were really working, each person would be able to fend for him or herself in a self-regulating market and be without need of an economic stimulus package or universal healthcare. The reality, however, is that nearly one out of five Americans are either unemployed, underemployed, or have given up looking for work all together, and millions of families are facing foreclosures in a land where homeownership has been regarded as the epitome of the American Dream. Climate change is particularly upsetting; it implies that the invisible hand of the marketplace is both an enabler of global warming and incapable of addressing it without government intervention.

When we consider these big picture policy issues, what becomes clear, if we bother to read between the lines, is that our long held beliefs about human nature, and by extension, the institutions we have created to express those beliefs, played no small role in precipitating the very crisis that now faces the country. In a nation that has come to think of human nature as competitive, even predatory, self serving, acquisitive and utilitarian, is it any wonder that those very values have led to a "winner take all" syndrome in the marketplace in which the rich get richer while everyone else becomes marginalized, and the well-being of the larger community, including the biosphere, becomes eroded? The US ranks 27th among industrialized countries, in income disparity -- the gap between the very rich and the very poor. Only Mexico, Turkey and Portugal, of the OECD nations, have greater disparity of income. Moreover, the US enjoys the dubious distinction of being one of the two leading contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Could it be that the American Dream is becoming the American nightmare?

Interestingly, a younger generation of Americans is growing up in a very different world than the one described by the Enlightenment thinkers. Their reality is being lived out on a digital commons and in social spaces on the World Wide Web. All across America, our nation's teens are performing hundreds of hours of community service as part of their formal educational requirements. In school, they are learning that every activity they engage in -- the food they eat, the car they drive, the clothes they wear -- comes with a carbon footprint and affects the well-being of every other human being and fellow creature on Earth.

Today's youth are globally connected. They are Skyping in real time with their cohorts and friends on the far corners of the Earth. They are sharing information, knowledge, and mutual aid in cyberspace chat rooms, apparently unaware of the so called "tragedy of the commons." They have little regard for traditional property rights -- especially copyrights, trademarks, and patents -- believing information should run free. They are far more concerned with sharing access than protecting ownership. They think of themselves less as autonomous agents -- an island to oneself -- and more as actors in an ever shifting set of roles and relationships. Personal wealth, while still important, is not considered an endgame, but only a baseline consideration for enjoying a more immaterial existence, including more meaningful experiences in diverse communities.

Surveys show that the millennial generation in the United States is much more likely than older generations to feel empathy for others. They are far more concerned with the planetary environment and climate change and more likely to favor sustainable economic growth. They are also more likely to believe that government has a responsibility to take care of people who can't care for themselves, and are more supportive of a bigger role of government in providing basic services. They are more supportive of globalization and immigration than older generations. They are also more racially diverse and the most tolerant of any generation in history in support of gender equality and the willingness to champion the rights of the disabled, gays, other minorities, as well as our fellow creatures. In short, they favor a world of inclusivity over exclusivity, and are more comfortable in distributed networks than in old fashioned centralized hierarchies that establish boundaries and restrictions separating people from one another.

The new sensibilities of the younger generation are beginning to usher in a different idea about human nature and the dream that accompanies it. Today's youth find little value in the Enlightenment caricature of human nature as rational, calculating, detached, and utilitarian. They prefer to think of human nature as empathic, mindful, engaged, and driven by the intrinsic value and interconnectedness of life. Homo sapien is being eclipsed by homo empathicus, as they shift their horizon from national markets and nation-state borders to a global economy and a planetary community. Even their preferred indicators of economic progress are shifting, from the crude calculation of gross domestic product and per-capita income to more sensitive social indicators -- like health and longevity, social equality, safe communities, clean environment, etc. -- that measure the well-being of the broader community.

If we listen very closely, we can hear the whisper of a new dream in the making, one based on what youth around the world are beginning to call "quality of life". In this new world, the American Dream seems almost provincial, even quaint, and entirely unsuited for a generation that is beginning to extend its empathic sensibility beyond national identities, to include the whole of humanity and the entirety of the planet as their extended community. If the American Dream served as the gold standard for the era of national markets and nation-state governments, the dream of "quality of life" becomes the standard for the emerging biosphere era.

In this new, more expansive human setting, libertarian cries and tea party bravado suddenly seem far less significant. The assumptions about human nature and the meaning of the human journey that are bound up with the conventional American Dream, which motivate much of the current political brouhaha, are more like a faint echo of the past than a clarion call for the future. The empathic civilization looms on the horizon.

Kindred Spirit with Gaia

Kindred Spirit with Gaia

The wind is your soul and the water is your living essence.
Your spirit is kin with the children of Gaia as is your heart.
You are at complete balance and at peace with the world around you.
You are a natural beauty inside and out, and you are loved and favored by Gaia.
Your inner beauty permeates all that it touches.
You are a true daughter of Gaia and she has blessed you;
She has blessed you with the gift to be her kindred spirit.



Sunday, 1 September 2013

Have You Heard the call? A Spiritual Awakening

Have You Heard the call? A Spiritual Awakening

This is about the souls who have awakened to the awareness of having heard the call and why they have  volunteered to incarnate on planet Earth at this time.

You have received the call, now are you ready to pick up the phone and receive the message? A message that will lead you on a journey with a definite destiny, but not without its potential hazards. Do you love and care enough for yourself and others around you to do this?

I am a stranger in an alien land? If I am an alien to this world then where did I come from, where did everyone one else come from, and what species have I originated from? If I am a seed from the cosmos then why did I come to this planet in this time line? Have I been here before and what is my source? Where does all this come from, who created this world *and the universe* which in itself is  ensconced within an immense void like a tiny grain of dust among many other grains of dust in a great sea of darkness?

Regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon talks about the souls who heard the call and volunteered to incarnate on planet Earth at this time as evidenced by her regression hypnotherapy clients who have been reporting on future events while under hypnosis. Are you one of the people who heard the call?

When the time comes and the phone rings will you pick up the phone and take the message?

Listen, listen to the whispers in the forest blue.

Cynthia ©

Also read Jonny Brush
A Phoenix Rising

Blue Energy Experience

Blue Energy Experience

Hi All,

Before I proceed with any further posts, ont topic of energy beings or light beings I wish to clarify and answer some questions you may want to ask in this article. I have been repeatedly asked when the topic comes up regarding these energy beings, ‘one I also call Blue’ which is the most frequent one I see. So I will keep it short as I would not wish to lose your interest in the midst of a long narration. Cynthia

When I was a very small sickly infant for a time, I had an experience which I later learned was an NDE. Whatever it was, it could have been a vivid dream, It is hard to tell in the dream state I guess it all depends on how realistic the dream felt. But this experience is imprinted on me in some way like a vivid memory which can not be forgotten, is inseparable and I remember it to this day vividly in ever cell and fibre of my body and being. Without going into detail of the experience, In short I did not meet some angel, nor jesus, a ghost, a long dead relative or some alien from another planet, although there have been times I wish I had. I did not review my life, there was no reviewing much at the age of 3 or 4 nor was I told that "I need to come back to accomplish some  purpose, mission, I didn’t even know how to pronounce those three words very well yet.

In short - i saw myself as being of light burst out spiraling over the surface of an ocean or field or some very large open area under the stars. of vivid vibrating went throughout my body like the buzzing of a light electric charge that radiated in a blue energy field around my body. Thus the name i gave it was "BLUE". This energy was like pulsing/surging, like it was breathing in and out, Like i was breathing it in and out, like we were one. It was communicating with me but it wasn't verbal or in any known language. The communication was like "impressions / impressed". (Years later i recall some symbols, like thoughts, but not those of my own. Many were visionary like a place things, or peoples,  symbols, etc). Even if I had never been there they seemed as vivid as this room I sit it.

Every time I came in contact with these being it was the same experience. It was like complete surrender - complete bliss - drowning in this blue vibrating energy. Just as I had completely surrendered, floating in blue bliss completely embraced I began swirling/spinning, like this ocean of blue was bubbling, gushing warm water. As i spun faster, I could actually feel the immensity of the infinities that radiated outwards in every directing. Her was many colors like the rainbow, rainbow energies different sources and different frequencies I knew this phenomena to be the very substance or spiritual energy of all living things.  this blue energy embraced, covered over me like a blue blue sphere, began spinning with me down a tunnel/tube, I seemed to be expanding/growing as i went down. The last I remember of this vivid experience was my light bursting out into what looked like millions of stars and then nothing but black/darkness.

Years later, as a child, I had "a friend" i would converse with whilst i lay in bed trying to sleep or whilst i played outside in the garden/backyard or by myself in the school playground. (yes parents in my earlier years just passed off my talking to myself at a stage child conversing with imaginary friends.). At first it was a girl with blue skin and short blonde hair, but as I got older this friend became a tall 7ft blue orb like being, having lost all features of the child but stiil making it’s presence known in a different form. In Later year this blue friend would only visit me in dreams, then stopped all together. I can still sense he presence when I seek it, but I do miss the actual contact I enjoyed in earlier years.

There is many said theories of what the above experience could have been. Anything from the newage to the religious. Was it myself/higher/greater self I encountered. Was it jesus, an ET. Was it maligned or benign. Is it some defect psychological hallucination caused by lack of oxygen in the brain cells. Was it a walking, hovering or flying etc etc. An old friend calls this type of experience the " a soul being.