Hi dear friends and followers today I would like to present to you one of my poems, a great day for relaxation with some light reading.
Gaea's Breath
The dark, forbidding, rain clouds part.
The glorious streams of light show forth
To dance upon the fresh, wet earth.
Light shows like patches on a quilt.
The seed in the cradle of earth awakens,
peeking through the dark, rich soil.
Thus are Gaea's new babies born.
The evening sky darkens into night.
A gentle breeze moves through the valley.
It tickles the grass and needles of the evergreen,
And whispers to the water of the pond,
scattering the light of the silver moon
to magically dance like tiny diamonds.
The breath of creator and created
are joined on the pond.
In the forest fireflies are everywhere;
the droplets of rain glisten on the grass .
And now the night's chorus begins.
The voices of the frogs, owls, crickets,
cicada, and whippoorwill, I love them!
Mother Gaea's symphony, free for the listening.
What a delight to be there as rain glistens on the grass!
I listen to the sound completely enrapt.
It's life's grand presence all around.
A moment of peace,
a moment of connection
with all that is.
It's the empath's road map.
Listen, enjoy it whenever you can.
It's good for your soul.
Peace and love prevails when you do.
I hope you found the poem pleasant reading and feel free to share your thoughts, it pleases me greatly to hear from you.
With love to all from the Fairy Lady