Some choose to navigate their lives’ in is a way of life they are comfortable with, perhaps the only one they know. Accepting all the wrong doings of others as normal. The most frequent reason for this stems from ones conditioning, the environment they grew up in from early childhood. How one grows up from this conditioning to think and feel that it’s easier to work under a negative conditions self destructive conditions because it is the only way they know or have learned how to survive.

I knew of the light and was aware of something within me that was much more powerful then what presented itself on the exterior and many a times through the years have I questioned others, seeking an understanding of this concept of the ‘light’, The light of hope and balance and harmony in the world. It is everywhere but no one sees it. They talk but don’t see. But just as many times my questions fell on the ears of the ignorant.
I had no way to know except what was taught to me by
the supposedly religious teachings about A God of the church. Murder in the
name of God? That is a power I can not grasp in my mind and heart, it’s out of
my scope of understanding The power I came to know as the essence of all that I
can sense and feel through my own inner consciousness and have come to name as
the living essence Great Spirit. ‘The power’ that be, the web of creation,
there in the harmonics of universe. This power is neither bad, or good, nor is
it negative or positive, the duality is necessary for balance in the universe
it’s ego that needs tampering
It is solely of our choice when we tap into (pray and
meditate into) this energy force which is within our own being that we
determine, out of our own free will, as to how we will utilize this energy,
again if it be for good, bad or for negative, positive, for what ever purpose,
it is done of our own free will, it is of our own choice, but when making this
choice, is our conscious clear of doubt as to what we choose to do with this
gift received from the essence of Universe? Do we truly listen to the inner knowing
or the inner voice for guidance?
Beware of the super ego’s, puissance of self deception
playing a good part on how or what we decide to do with the energy channeled
(prayed for) from the forces that be. Perhaps you have heard of the saying
absolute power can deceive and corrupt absolutely? Subconscious can not be
killed, but it can be suppressed into oblivion. Only the person who has
suppressed the subconscious mind is the one who can bring back a recall of his/her
subconscious memories if it be their will to do so.
As for me, I am who I am, I am a child of universe who
was given a unique ability to think and choose what it is I must do on this
journey called life. I pray and meditate to the Source that I be shown the path
I must follow on this journey. A first step into the limitless realm that
Source has chosen for me.
I am a child of the mother, a blue spherical shaped
gem floating in an ocean of darkness, I am also a mother unto my own children,
we are all as a people or children of the mother. We are children of the Sacred
Feminine which is the soul energy of universe, it is just unfortunate how close
sighted we are in this reality. So dimmed is our eyesight to the Oneness of
infinite reality that we can only see the tip of the iceberg of the wonders of
the infinite potentialities of creation.
Written by Cynthia)© 2009