
Welcome my dear friends. Enjoy your visit and share your thoughts. Thank you, much love

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Algunas Otras cosas que he aprendido

Algunas Otras cosas que he aprendido
Hola queridos amigos y seguidores. Hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes un poco de mi viaje espiritual. Muchas gracias por su visita y espero que disfruten la lectura de mi entrada. Sería por favor me muy mucho que recibir sus comentarios.
He aprendido a ser amigos con el las roto y perdido. Ellos me han enseñado cómo sobrevivir. Tienen una gran profundidad del amor que mantener oculto dentro de sí mismos porque no tienen la capacidad de compartir una profundidad de amor y comprensión que el observador casual no vería o reconocer.

He aprendido que la soledad no tiene nada que ver con la cantidad de personas que tienes a tu alrededor. Usted puede estar solo en una multitud. Siendo solitaria solo depende de cuántas personas realmente saben y entienden.

He aprendido que la palabra más pequeña puede romper tu corazón o repararlo.

Todos somos buenos en hacer algo, como hacer reír gente o dar un poco de apoyo, como limpiar una lágrima o compartir una palabra amable. Nunca dejes que nadie te diga que estas cosas no importan.

Siempre tenemos hambre de amor, incluso cuando la persona que amas está durmiendo al lado de usted. Usted pone su brazo alrededor de ellas para sentir su calor y obtener la seguridad del amor a través de ese calor, sabiendo que están ahí a tu lado.

He aprendido que no debemos temer, por el tiempo que nos conocemos a nosotros mismos vamos a encontrar nuestro camino. Está en nuestras almas y se puede escuchar si escuchamos que "vocecita" que nos habla desde lo profundo de nosotros mismos.
La magia que buscamos es creer en nosotros mismos. Cuando nos damos cuenta de lo que realmente somos, podemos hacer que algo suceda en nuestras vidas.
Thank you very much again, dear friends, for visiting my blog. Please share your thoughts with us, if you will. Have a great day. 
ڰۣIn Loving Light from the Fairy Ladyڰۣ

Friday, 1 January 2016

Pensamientos para el nuevo año

Pensamientos para el nuevo año

Hola, queridos amigos y seguidores. Hoy me gustaría compartir un poco de Año Nuevo, sabiduría. Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog y espero que te guste la lectura de la entrada para hoy

No importa cómo te sientas, levántate, vestir, aparecer, y nunca te rindas, porque si no nunca se sabe cuáles son las oportunidades que puede haber perdido que nunca podrá presentarse de nuevo.

El mejor día de tu vida es cuando usted decide que su vida es el tu propio. Sin disculpas o excusas. Nadie en quien apoyarse, confiar en, o la culpa. El don de la elección es suya y sólo tú puedes tomar esa decisión. Usted puede utilizar las Consejo de los demás como postes de señales, pero la decisión final es tu sola para hacer.

El don de la opción que podría llevar usted en un viaje sorprendente o un ser desastroso. Usted es responsable de la decisión que tomes lo elige con cuidado. Usted es el único responsable de la calidad de su vida, y este es el día en que comienza su vida.

No compares tu vida con otros y no juzgarlos. No tienes ni idea de lo que su viaje se trata.

Deja de pensar también mucho. Está bien no saber las respuestas. Ellos vendrán a usted cuando menos te lo esperas.

Nadie está a cargo de tu felicidad excepto tú.

Haz las paces con tu pasado; que no arruine Este Dia, ello puede incluso ser los bloques de construcción de un futuro mejor.

Lo que los demás piensen de ti es de tu incumbencia.

Tiempo cura casi todo; Dale tiempo.

Sonrisa, que no son propietarios de todos los problemas en el mundo.

Hoy no va a ven volver de nuevo. Hoy en día, ser una bendición. Se un amigo. Anime a alguien. Tómese el tiempo para cuidar. Deja que tus palabras sean palabras de sanación, y nunca las palabras de de los

lastimando naturaleza.

La posesión más valiosa que puede adquirir es un corazón abierto.

El arma más poderosa que puede ser un instrumento de paz.

No dependa de algo que podría puede perder.

Y nunca olvides, tu mejor maestro fue tu último error.

Muchas gracias de nuevo, queridos amigos, por visitar mi blog. Por favor, comparta sus pensamientos con nosotros, si se quiere. Que tengas un gran día.
ڰۣEn Amor Luz de la Señora de hadasڰۣ

Thursday, 31 December 2015

An Army of One at a Time

An Army of One at a Time
Hi, dear friends and followers. Today I would like to take you on a little trip into the realm of the heart. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy reading the entry. I encourage you to leave comments if you would, please, otherwise I have no way to know if my work is noticed.   

Have you ever asked yourself about what is the driving force in some of us that causes us to do things to make others happy? Self-satisfaction is certainly a factor, but it has nothing to do with selfishness. It feels more like getting a bonus for a job well done, a bonus that money could never come close to bringing such a satisfaction. It is the proof that virtue can be its own reward.

I also believe that if enough people felt and acted in a positive way, that would go a long way to improving this ailing world and save it from drowning in a sea of negativity. Such help and improvement can happen, but only if we are willing to adopt doing positive deeds and speaking positive words as ways of achieving self-satisfaction. Making such little things happen is its own reward and brings its own sweet pleasure. So let us be happy ourselves and endeavor to contribute to the happiness of others.

It took me many years to learn about myself and longer before I surrendered to the personality that dwells within me. I know now that I do not need to change myself into someone to effect change in this world. I need not be unfeeling, a warrior, standing with blade in hand, at the ready to fight off everything around her that might cause her injury. The wounds had already been inflicted by my hand.

Today I know that I do not need a sword. But I do need a shield, and it is always in my hand. What I seek the most is to hold up high the Sword of Light. It is the superior weapon in the fight to improve our world because its power comes from within me, from the feelings and beliefs held deep in my heart. Today my heart may be weak, but it's not alone, and it grows stronger with each new experience of giving or sharing. And I am not alone in this undertaking. I have a soul mate who is also my life partner with whom I share the gifts of my heart. We support one another through all of the tribulations and chaos life sends our way. We count on one another, and we can depend upon one another, and that is a rare thing in this life.
My heart has found a home among those who accept me. If you allow me to become part of your heart, I will allow you to be a part of mine. That will make the Sword of Light glow more brightly because the source of its light comes from the sharing of our happiness and positive outlook with our neighbors.

Of dreams and Fantasies
An elixir for the spirit
A fairy fantasy 
Where fireflies and fairy tree homes,
twinkle in the darkness of the magic forest
Faeries, come take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind,
Run on the top of the water,
And dance over the forest from tree to tree
like a flame lighting the way in the darkness.
In the land of fairy tails come true.
Thank you very much again, dear friends, for visiting my blog. Please share your thoughts with us, if you will. Have a great day. 

In Loving Light from the Fairy Ladyڰۣ

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

How They Came to Me

How They Came to Me

Hi, dear friends and followers. Today I would like to share with you about my own experience into the words or reality and fantasy and what it meant to me. Thank you very much for visiting and reading my blog
My stories reflect my personal experience with fantasy and dreams. My dreams are created from my imagination as an escape from reality when reality becomes too heavy a burden, or they are given to me as I sleep and replenish myself for the day ahead.

Fantasy involving horror or imagining things having dire consequences rarely enter my mind. I suppose the reason for that is when I enter any fantasy that I have conjured from my imagination, it is to escape from those fears and burdens brought upon us by the ghosts of yesterday today and those that have not yet arrived. But I can still feel their bite as though real.

I invent my ghosts and other characters. They might be funny, adventurous, romantic, or able to do what is impossible in this world as magical, mystical heroes. I can go to places where the sun always shines, or where the moon always comes out from behind the clouds, and the law of gravity does not exist!

My interest in the supernatural can create complications for some people, so I seek those who have seen similar understandings and vision as mine, and we share by sharing fantasies.
For me, fantasy and nonsense are necessary for healthy living as clean air is for breathing. I feel that a good dose of nonsense now and again can lift the spirits and help the soul to find its true brilliance when it feels lost under the cares of this world. As for love, I find that fantasy love goes much deeper into the heart and much more sincerely than romantic love in daily life can ever hope to go.

So, my dear friend, what can it hurt to believe in fairies and other creatures that you cannot see with your physical eyes? Look for them using your mind’s eyes, or the feelings in your heart! They can make dreams come true.
Short poem

Believe in the wonderment of magic!

The twinkling stars become nighttime’s jewels;

a silver moon reflected upon the ponds surface

helps you to see the magic of the night.

Be still and watch and the fairies may come

to dance upon the multi-hued wildflowers,

And share their sacred songs of love with you.

And if you truly believe in star jewels and fairies,

And do what is right at every turn in life,

The fairies will be there whenever you need them,

Whenever you close your eyes and think of beauty.
Thank you very much again, dear friends, for visiting my blog. Please share your thoughts with us, if you will. Have a great day. 

In Loving Light from the Fairy Ladyڰۣ

Monday, 28 December 2015

The Imagineers

The Imagineers

Hi, dear friends and followers. Today's topic is about Imagineers, this could be in the form of engineers, researchers, scientists, writers, dreamers of all sorts Etc. Thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoy reading.
Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge being based on fact. What you can see, touch, hear, and taste is what we perceive as the material world, and the knowledge we have as fact is very limited and on but one level of true reality. But in the many levels of imagination, there exist many layers in true reality. Layers that can only come to be reality through the manifestation of the imagination and imagination is limitless because new thoughts are being born every second of every day.
These many layers have very real differences. Today's science fusion, "the fusion" of scientific theories becomes tomorrow's reality, laying the framework for what is termed realistic fiction. This would also be the same for horror, fantasy, romance, and mystery. The difference is in how you read them, criticize them, and how you perceive them, or how the dreamer envisions or imagines it will be.
Those who actively imagine are the true engineers of what will be. They are the "Imagineers" building bridges between realities. I have been a fan of fantasy and science fiction, for many years, since I was old enough to read a comic book, which is nigh on to 60 years, and I still very much love escaping into the realms of the worlds unseen.  That is what I call them. I belive that the realm of science, fantasy, or science fiction and fantasy allow people to think that there are possibilities beyond the gravity of our planet. 

Thank you, gain for visiting my blog.
Please feel free to leave a comment, comments are much appreciated

With love from the Fairy Lady

Sunday, 27 December 2015

¿Qué estás haciendo poco mamácita?

¿Qué estás haciendo poco mamácita?
By Paula Koval

I had the absolutely marvelous pleasure of visiting with my aunt and cousin today.  It was that much of pleasure because my cousin, her mom, and her late father and I got along quite well when I was younger.  They loved me and the feelings were mutual.

Twenty-eight or twenty-nine years have passed since we last were together.  In that time, her father, who was as gentle and as generous as he was tall (he was, at least, six feet, six inches tall!) has gone into the next world. I hope to see him there, but I am grateful that my cousin and I decided to see one another in this life!

As we talked about the passage of time, our careers became a topic. She has worked for the same small business for more than 40 years.  She started in the sales department of an architectural glass company, helping contractors and end users to properly specify their needs in the language of architectural glass.

Following a protracted illness, she returned to work and is now in accounts payable.  She loves it there.   Then I mentioned that I had enjoyed my work when I was in Washington, DC.  She told me that she knew I was there, but she was not sure what I was doing there.  So I told her that I was once a buyer and that through the study of procurement and contracting, initiative, drive, and God's grace, I retired as a senior contract specialist.  She asked me to talk about it.

I started to fumble for a way to tell an uninitiated person about what I did that made me love my work as I did.  I told her it was like solving puzzles with a new one showing up each day.  Then I found an example or two to illustrate my career to her and her mom.

I told her of the time that I had a wall repair and painting job to be done in one of my employer's buildings.  I sent out a request for proposals to five small businesses and I selected the offer made by the one who seemed to be the lowest priced, responsible offer who submitted a bid that was responsive to my specifications.  OK, that made sense to me. The offeror and I sign a contract and work is to begin on a certain Monday morning.

As sure as the sun rises, there were two men at work at 06:30 on that morning, fixing holes in the walls and painting.  Our staff, which includes many women with jobs like secretary, administrative assistant, economist, data systems analyst, and associate division director were arriving for work.  This influx of women to their offices did not go unnoticed by the two workmen.  At about 08:30 they put their tools down and decided to take a walk and look at the women.

It was at about 08:40 that I got a call from the secretary to the staff director for management.  This guy was a big fish.  There was only one bigger fish in our pond and he never made his own calls, so I was listening carefully.

She asked me if I was aware of two workmen who were covered with dust and paint spots who were wandering the halls and walking into offices.  I answered that they werehired to fix the holes in the walls and paint them.  When she told me that they were walking into any office they so desired and asking, in Spanish, of the first woman they saw, "What are you doing, little mama?", I knew that I had about 60 seconds to get them to stop. 

I assured the secretary that I would handle the problem right away.  I called the contractor and told him to call his crew, PRONTO, and tell them that they are to get back to wirk and stay away from all of our staff.  If they could not do that, the contractor would be discharged for failure to perform and be charged every cent it cost to get a new contractor.

I concluded my call and in about one more minute I received a call back from the secretary who had reported the problem.  She told me that she had gotten word that the two guys got a call on the cell phone, aparently from someone whom they feared, and went back to work.

Case closed, right?  Wrong!  I summoned the contractor to my office and gave him a written modification to the contract that called for his crew to wear uniforms when on our premises, so our staff could readily see that they were contractor personnel.  He balked at the cost for uniforms.  I agreed, so I changed the requirement to be for printed T-shirts with the comany name on them, to be worn starting the next morning.  I also ga\ve the contractor written notice that his crew was not to speak to any staff when they are on our premises.  He signed and accepted the modifications, at noadditional cost.

To the best of myknowledge, those contract clauses are still in use 15 years after that incident.

Yes, I loved my work.  Where else besides a circus ccould I be entertained while at work?

Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for reading this entry by Paula Koval