Creation and One Consciousness in Spirit
I believe that all that lives in the universe are as one consciousness in spirit.
Why are we here? Why are we to suffer so? Let me ask, what would the chance be for me to be here, for this blink of an eye in the expanse of time in this realities time continuum? One flicker of light which could occur anywhere in universe, or not. Let us say, that what if before time we were the ones who chose what we are to experience here on earth? Is it possible that we chose to come here to learn from the experiences we are to partake of in in this life time? It is told that all has a reason and all goes as it is meant to be in harmony with all that is in the infinite plane.
We make the decisions as to what will be as we go of our own free will. But is there a pattern or a reason that we can discern as to why we are here? Well this is where I believe that along the way we are tested and we need to undergo these tests in order to evolve to the next phase we are to be in our lives either in this reality or another.
I believe that the potential of our choice can be a really beautiful place or a very bad place, again this is a decision or choice that we make for better or for worst, but remember, there is no loosing or winning in this game, it is all growth and progression within the awakening consciousness within the oneness of consciousness.
Some of us we may ask, why were we given a bigger serving on our plates then most. Why? Well, have you ever thought it is possibly because we are special? Perhaps we are the forerunners, the awakening or the quickened of necessity. These would be the true trail blazers, warriors of light so to speak, or light workers, the gifted, the awakening who are coming forward to light the way for others to follow. I believe that each step that I accomplish will be the deciding factor as to what I am or will be creating for myself in this life tomorrow, or perhaps even reach out into even other life times in other dimensions, (the ripple affect).
After all our own greatest desire is to know the true self, to know the one who resides within, then just be the best her/him you can be. I believe that is a pretty heavy human instinctual force or characteristic. A force within ourselves which drives us to continue to seek the meaning of our true being, and to become sufficiently awakened to our purpose here on Gaia. So that we may become conscious of our destiny.
We are all ripples on a pond. Energy rippling through all dimensions, circles within circles. These ripples can be harmonious as intended by universe or they can be without pattern and order chaotic and without cause or order.
We are drawn to this truth, the inner truth, it is an instinctive behavior much like a moth being drawn to a street light. But after as much time as I have walked on this journey I can not say truthfully claim that I know all the answers, no one does, the best we can hope for in this life time is that each of us will acquire their own little nugget of the truth to their understanding. I have found a measure of peace within myself during this quest in learning more about the inner self . I am still merely the seeker of the light and my desire is to share the wisdom and the light that I have aquiered with those who would follow.
It saddens me to see those many that are blinded by the illusion of materialism, false promises and lies that are imposed upon us to keep us from knowing the truth and gaining true. A shroud of deception that hides the truth which lies within each of us.
World deception by the present world order. It is for us to discern this truth which is within us and embrace ourselves for who we are and to be always true to ourselves and not to succumb to the lies that confronts us every day as soon as we step out the door of our homes in the morning. Who are you? Look deeply within and you shall see the light of truth.
Not by far Maya.
If you have the ability to truly see the world of our subconscious minds, then the perception is never limited unless you choose to put limits on it by your own choice. It can be quite amazing how much fear can keep one in a world of limited sight.
Below is part of a posting I had on another group of a similar topic
In the beginning there was only thought, then thought willed light in the dark void, this light was the birth of consciousness in creation. My theory is that even before and during the formation of the primordial soup of the early universe one would find all of the seeds of *thought* still remain or are still present in universe to this day, only just transforming from one form to another
. All of the seeds of Source (thought) are all out there for all to see in this universal web which constitutes the present day universe, and always will, ‘ad-infinitum,’ only perpetually transforming and changing it’s form. The seeds of all matter and energy and life = consciousness, “the living universe.”
The essence of life is within, this living shell which we reside in for but only a short time. How many life times and how many worlds since the beginning of time or universe?
Genesis 6 (New King James Version)
1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. 3 And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive[a] with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
So then what is above so shall it be below, everywhere in all the multi verses? I believe that we are all one in consciousness and does it mater what body, planet, galaxy or universe we inhabit if we are all sentient enlightened beings all as one in spirit including the planet we stand upon? We are “ Star Seeds.” Wouldn’t it be so super if you could become as one with our twin sister/brother, two separate physical beings feeling, thinking, and experiencing life as one in consciousness. Not just empathicly but experientially.
To be as one, even on an empathic level is one of the greatest miracles that universe allows us if we so desire it. When I was a kid I may have been a loner and felt like a stranger in an alien land most times, but I was never alone. Even at my age I still have a very fruitful and vivid imagination, where I can create my own worlds and I can populate them with who ever and what ever I want. Who knows, maybe some day it will manifest for real in another reality.
It saddens me to see those many that are blinded by the illusion of materialism, false promises and lies that are imposed upon us to keep us from knowing the truth. A shroud of deception that hides the truth which lies within each of us.
World deception by the present world order. It is for us to discern this truth which is within us and embrace ourselves for who we are and to be always true to ourselves and not to succumb to the lies that confronts us every day as soon as we step out the door of our homes in the morning. Who are you? Look deeply within and you shall see the light of truth.
So just be what you feel is real to you, your own two spirited being, believe it and live it and it will manifest.