A Fairy Love Song
Few folk have seen a Fairy.
As much as some would want to
they never seem to make it
to that special place,
that special place within your heart.
Once it is within, in your heart,
then shall you believe.
If you believe with all your might
she'll make your dreams come true.
But for now, my dear friend,
I found this one just for you!
The forest is teeming with fairies!
The trees alive with them!
They flitter, flutter and dance,
upon the waters of the nearby
rivers, streams and ponds.
Perhaps playing tag with the dragonflies;
See how they dip and dive!
What fun and endearing little fellows!
Such delicate beauty, the forests enchantment.
They dance and leap, and prance and sing
fairy cheers to you!
Composed by Cynthia ©

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