Fairy Energy – by The Painted Spirit
Have you ever been shocked by someone or shocked another person by accident? I’m not talking about the short, little ones. I’m talking about the strong zaps that literally make you say, “Ouch!”. Well, I compare a fairy's energy to that type of “zap”. It’s not negative in any way, but for me, their energy is fast, concise and strong. I have also found that their energy exchange is not unconditional as with the angels.
I have shared the energy of angels through direct experience and their energy and service to us is unconditional in its love and more expansive than fairy energy because of that love. I don’t necessarily mean that it's stronger. I mean that an angel's energy will consume a room. It fills the space both around you and within you. It’s gentle, loving, and unconditional.
A fairy's energy will tingle all around you. It will twitter, zig and zag, and even push you. It’s very similar to a sparkler that you light to celebrate the Fourth of July or other holiday. Bright, bursting, and pulsing, their energies will continue to send off flashes. Their energy, as I’ve experienced it, has worked via compulsions instead of what I’m used to by the angels, which is guided by love.
At one time in my life I had received direction to get outdoors more often. The angels had sent me a few messages. The messages were gentle. They would come via oracle card readings, dreams, pendulum readings. They wished for me to be back out in nature more. They wanted me to get into open space and surround myself with fresh air, trees, flowers, so I began taking walks with my dog.
The walks would steer me through some beautiful scenery and I did always feel better. One morning I was sitting at my desk, doing my journal work, and felt a strong sense, a push really, to pull a card from a new oracle card deck I had received where fairies were depicted. I pulled the card and it said I needed to call on the fairies, that the next time I went out on a walk I should call on them, ask them to show themselves to me. The card was that specific! And so I did.
On my next walk I opened myself and said, “OK, fairies, I invite you to be with me on this walk and work with me in whatever way is for my highest good. I am safe to see you.” And within just a few seconds a large flight of tiny finch birds took off from a tree across the street from where I was walking. They flew from tree to tree, bush to bush, all along my walk. I smiled and even laughed as the tiny little birds were talking to one another. I took note and said, “Thank you for joining me.”
Now birds can been seen as just something in nature that happened along, but I know without doubt it was the fairies. These tiny little finches never left the path I walked. They just went the exact direction I did until my walk was complete. From that point on the fairies have not left my side. Has it all been fun? No, but I say that with a smile as they expect a return on their investment. I also say that with great respect for they only ask that I step up and do my part.
The answer to, “Well, what would my part be?” – if you’re asking that question – is pretty simple. For me, it was getting myself outside and working with Mother Earth, restoring her and helping her to heal in areas where I felt compelled to do so. That didn’t mean I had to join a group or a cause. It meant I needed to step outside and work in my yard, be a part of it, work the weeds out, put in new plants, and talk to the life out there. It meant that on my walks I would need to pick up trash along the way – and I do. I also teach others respect for our Earth in just casual conversation and rear my children in this way. These are my tasks and so they don’t ask too much of me, only that I reflect that which I believe to be true, that we are all one and must treat all life with respect.
From this exchange the fairies visit with me often. They provide me with opportunities I would not have expected. My house is located on a lot of land where landscaping is quite a chore. It’s just a lot of work and often due to the size some of it does not get attention. My husband and I had talked many times about what we wanted to do with the front yard, but were overwhelmed. The same goes for the back yard. To top it off, we always chose plants that seem to die. I remember just giving up and saying, “Well, if you want us to work in our yard then give us some help.” Then it happened.
One of my husband’s clients is a horticulturalist and runs a landscape business. She just happened to be working a job across the street during the early part of summer. On one of her stops to our neighbor's house she walked over. To ours. She began talking about our yard and the next thing we knew, as a favor to us, she engaged in helping us with ideas and plans for our front yard. She did a fantastic job and now our front yard looks like a fairy tale! We’re in process of working on the backyard now and with the help of my fairy friends it’s coming along nicely.
Our back yard is to have a garden where we can get wholesome fruits and vegetables. The fairies have been giving many ideas of what to do and how to do it. How do they do this? By planting the pictures in my mind of what will work and how I can use all the resources I already have. That is another great perk to working with fairies in that they will always go the recycling approach if possible so items you never considered before will be used one way or another. I wasn’t sure what to do with some very large river rocks that came from our front yard. They are now serving as the walls for a wonderful planter that will have all types of vegetable growing in it.
These are some of the ways in which fairy energy works in my life. I know that I have yet to see all of it and I am excited as I wait to see what they might do next. Some say that fairies can be mean. I don’t feel that way. I have not come across any that have been mean or negative towards me.
I can say they will be insistent that you do your part. I can also say that when you don’t do your part they will not engage and help in any way. I also feel they are saddened by this as they want to reengage with humans. They want to believe again that our intentions are pure. I feel that inviting them into one's life is a commitment and one worth making.
I would love to hear fairy stories from anyone willing to share. It’s possible you might know this, but they love it when we talk about them.
Thank you dear friends for reading this post. It is about faith my dears.
With love from the Fairy Lady
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