Hi, dear friend and followers. Well, here we are
Wednesday, half the week gone by already, and time to resume my poem stories.
Maggalie and Angor
A dragon and a magic spell;
a dragon caught in a whirling cyclone;
from the heavens it falls,
with the grace of a stone.
Being spat out by the furious storm
the dragon sees, as plainly as day,
that his landing on the ground will be hard.
Down in a heap, near the water he lands,
among the thickets and stones at the rivers edge.
A sharp descent, to say the least;
one that would have broken the stoutest of necks
Filled with glee and misery every day,
Dwarves at work and elves at play.
Excitement haunts your every step
when you are in a place not yours.
Dragon scrambles out of the thickets,
somewhat dazed, but still alive.
He stood and roared and billowed flame
to see that he could defend himself.
With a flip through the air,
as light as a lark,
he entered the water;
'neath the current dark.
The dragon resurfaced a distance upstream,
in a peaceful pond that fed into a brook.
He clambered out onto the peaceful bank,
and lay on the green grass, in a hidden nook.
Now they say one can get there
by enchanted dream or magic spell;
but the truth is that there is a Fairy Land
and dragon missed his home he knew so well.
This world was his, to live in and love.
'tis as wicked as hell, nice as heaven above.
He knew that the dream and the spell were out,
and there was one other way to get back to Fairy Land.
He decided to rest before trying his plan.
And sleep he did, until the evening of the day.
"So listen well, and take my advice,"
a tiny voice within him spoke,
"and listen to what I am about to tell you;
and you will be there on the evening of tomorrow."
Upon awakening the dragon looked to the east
for this was the way of his destination;
east to the land of the Faie folk and safety.
he could not stay where he was any longer,
for great harm to him would surely come
in this place so foreign,
this world between worlds.
He spread his great wings and took two full flaps;
they sounded like air filled sails on a tall, fast ship!
Over the wilderness the dragon flew
out of sight of frightened human eyes.
Came the dusk and he landed
not far from his start,
on a leaf-covered dirt road that was on the way
out of this place, the world between worlds.
A mist arose on the forest floor;
the forest soon became but a silhouette
to either side the leaf-covered road.
It was fast growing into darkness,
when the dragon stopped and turned to his right,
and quickly disappeared into the forest,
Feeling relieved not to be as exposed,
not as he had been on the open road.
"A forest of mystery and fear," he thought,
"where one's imagination can run wild."
"Cease your movements!" his inner voice told him
"Hark! A sound!" the thought he had heard
The dragon hissed and spread his wings,
and prepared to defend himself as only dragons could.
Then he said, in a deep growl,
"Show yourself, whoever you are!
Lest I roast you and eat you,
afore the arising of the sun!"
The bushes rustled, and a small form appeared,
dark against the first shades of dawn,
and before him stool, transfixed, not afraid,
by the large form which stood before it.
The dragon's night vision clearly noted,
a girl who looked to be around ten;
her red hair and green eyes accenting her fair face.
If they both had been in Fairy Land,
he would not have known the difference,
between this girl and the others of her kind.
"Where do you come from, child?" the dragon asked
in a deep voice, mellow compared to its initial growl.
The child was startled by the dragons tone;
she stepped back a couple paces, then stopped.
She knew about dragons, from stories of the faie;
but she did not know that they could talk.
The bright amber eyes of the dragon softened
and ceased to glare downward as he looked at the child.
"Where are you from, child?" he asked again,
in a softer voice, to allay her fears.
The girl dropped the hood of her fur-trimmed cape;
to the dragon she spoke in so tiny a voice:
"I am from here. I live here. This is home, my home."
"How long have you lived here?" the dragon replied.
"All of my life, I remember no place else."
"You have not gone with the others. Why?" he said.
She pulled back her hair and showed him why:
two long pointed ears, as plain as the day.
The dragon, he knew, from whence she came;
Her people lived in the other world,
the Fairy Land that was his destination!
She put her hood back on her head,
then turned and motioned for him to follow.
She led the way as they walked to a steep ravine;
it was lined by a thick forest on both sides.
Upon reaching the bottom of the ravine,
there lay silhouetted by the morning mist,
what appeared to be a large, grassy mound.
To the eastern side of the hillock she stood,
to open a door which a moment ago,
was invisible to the unknowing eye.
Inside was space for a dragon to fit;
At the center, a hearth kept the chills at bay.
The dragon laid upon the coals with a sigh.
The structure was of sheets of steel,
with wooden walls, as was the floor;
lit well by chandeliers and candelabra
and fragrant oil lamps upon the shelves.
This dwelling, it was furnished complete.
"No doubt that all was built and supplied,
with throw-aways from the human folk," he thought,
Then turned again to look at the child.
She was one of the Elfin, that he knew.
But how long away from her kinfolk was she?
Was she lost in a time between times, like he?
She had no recall of how she got here.
She only knew of the life she had made;
and that it would be a fatal move
to expose herself to the raging humans.
"Would you come with me?" the dragon asked,
as he noticed the child was not so much a child.
She was one of the Fairy folk whose vitality glowed!
Her beauty far brighter than the brightest of stars
on a summer night 'neath the silver moon!
A creature of magic, she was, as he.
Of this world not, where the humans forbid
enchantment and magic and live in dreary gray.
"What is your name, child,
or should I say young lady? the dragon queried
in the softest of voices.
The girl stood, dropped her cape, and then to reveal
a stunning, pale blue dress, floor length, with gold trim;
it was homespun, as all her garments were.
Her brilliant unbraided red hair,
flashed as she lowered her head;
speaking quietly and shyly her name she told:
My name is Maggalie, a name of my choice.
And how shall I call you, my fine dragon?
"Angor. I am a forest dragon," came the reply.
"If there be names for dragons, that it would be."
"I know little of the Fairy Land, Maggalie said.
"I know little of the worlds from this one aside,
save what I have learned from discarded books.
This world you speak of, what is it like? Maggalie asked.
"It is light. All is magic. It is colors, and hues.
If you wish, I would be pleased to take you there.
Maybe that is where you will find your real home," Angor said.
The girl stood silently for a time, to think;
lips pursed, tapping them with her right index finger.
Then she spoke thus: "That would be my delight!"
"I have been lonely for others like me and
I thought that I was the only one left.
I knew I was different from those who live here
and here difference can spell my death."
"Then let us go, my lady! Angor exclaimed.
He stood, fully tall,
then waved towards the door,
with his right front appendage.
"Yes," she said as she wrapped herself in her fur cape.
Outside she climbed on Angor's back,
then turned and took one final look,
at what had been her only home,
for who knows for how many years past.
Angor gave two huge, jumping leaps
as he beat his great wings and they were aloft.
Maggalie trusted the great beast beneath her.
She slid forward to lay upon his back
and embraced his strong neck
with her delicate arms,
to the steady beat of the huge wings.
She drifted into a safe, sound sleep.
Through the thick fog, Angor flew.
There were times that he
could not see land or sky.
He shook himself to awaken
the slumbering Maggalie
and told her to brace for rough going.
No sooner had he finished speaking
than a huge whirlwind came up from below them.
Into it they were drawn like a bug,
into what looked like the eye of a tornado,
Angor fought the winds and stayed aloft.
The eye closed and they were buffeted about
as Maggalie held onto Angor for her life.
Suddenly, again were they were in clear blue sky.
Below she saw that magical place
where daisies sing songs like little birds.
Between the sun and showers,
the tall grasses sing a melody
about this new world she was now in.
Butterfly flowers are there beside the way.
All about her insects flew;
but they were not insects at all.
All about tiny fairy beings flew.
This place was as Angor described,
a place of light and colors and hues;
all beings spoke to her;
the plant beings;
the animal beings;
the bird beings;
the fairy beings;
as well as those of the sea.
Then she saw them,
the woodland beings,
beings like her!
She now knew that after all these years,
she had finally found her home;
the home she could only dream about,
when she lived alone, in the other world.
A handsome Elfin fellow came to her,
and offered his arm for his lady to take.
On his arm, he lead her to the home tree.
Then said to her, Do you not recognize me, Maggalie dear ?
She did not recognize the form, but she knew what dwelt within.
I appreciate your sharing this time with me. I'm grateful for your thoughts on this poem and everything that I post. Thanks again and have a great Wednesday!
✿ڰۣ❤In Loving Light from the Fairy Lady❤ڰۣ✿

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