Hi dear friends and followers, welcome.
We are back in Missouri today because I had missed highlighting one of the major Siouan Peoples in the middle America, the Osage. The map that I have shows that they had a strong presence in Missouri, along with the Illini, Otoe, Missouria, Quapaw, and Chickasaw.
The Wisdom of the Willow Tree
What is the meaning of life? Why is it that people grow old and die?
Little One walked a long way. Each night he camped in a different place, hoping that it would be the right one to give him a dream that could answer his questions. But no such dream came to him.
At last he came to a hill that rose above the land like the breast of a turkey. A spring burst forth from the rocks near the base of a great elm tree. It was such a beautiful place that it seemed to be filled with the power of Wah-Kon-Tah. Little One sat down by the base of that elm tree and waited as the sun set. But though he slept, again, no sign was given to him.
So Little One began to follow the small stream that was fed by the spring. It flowed out of the hills in the direction of his village, and he trusted it to lead him home. He walked and walked until he was not far from his village. But as he walked along that stream, he stumbled and fell among the roots of an old willow tree. Little One clung to the roots of the willow tree. Although he tried to rise, his legs were too weak.
Those words gave strength to Little One's spirit. He stood again and began to walk. Soon his own village was in sight, and as he sat down to rest for a moment in the grass of the prairie, looking at his village, another vision came to him. He saw before him the figure of an old man. The old man was strangely familiar, even though Little One had never seen him before.
"I see an old man whose face is wrinkled with age," Little One said.
"Look upon me again," the old man said.
Then Little One looked, and as he looked, the lesson shown him by the willow tree filled his heart. "I see an aged man in sacred clothing," Little One said, "The fluttering down of the eagle adorns his head. I see you, my grandfather. I see an aged man with the stem of the pipe between his lips. I see you, my grandfather. You are firm and rooted to the earth like the ancient willow. I see you standing among the days that are peaceful and beautiful. I see you, my grandfather. I see you standing as you will stand in your lodge, my grandfather."
The ancient man smiled. Little One had seen truly. "My young brother," the old man said, "your mind is fixed upon the days that are peaceful and beautiful." And then he was gone.
From that day on, Little One began to spend more time listening to the words his elders spoke, and of all the young men in the village, he was the happiest and most content
I hope that you have enjoyed these series of myths and legends of the Native American. Hope you all liked it. Thank you again for reading, have a great week
✿ڰۣ❤In Loving Light from the Fairy Lady❤ڰۣ✿

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