Poems and Verses By Me
Thank you my dear friends and followers. Today I have for you a few more of my poems and verses. Thanks you very much for visiting and reading my blog
The Lily
A short poem by me +Cindy Groulx
Pink blended with white;
Green leaves and stem;
dew drops lining its petals,
petals small and big
awakening to bloom
in the morning's first light.
The lily opens slowly
to welcome the morning's
warming, golden sunrays.
with stunning bright colors
reflecting on the ponds gentle wavelets
The Bright Moon
A short verse by me +Cindy Groulx
“The true joy of a bright moonlit night,
is something we no longer truly know
and understand it's it's true value,
for a romantic mood.
Only those folks of yesteryear,
remember the bright romantic moon
before the ambient lights,
that pollute the darkness of night,
hazing the glory of the bright silver moon above"
Fall Rain
A short poem by me +Cindy Groulx
It is raining and the skies are grey.
There is a chill in the air
indicating that fall has arrived.
It rains in the fields and on the trees
and pitter patters on the roof of my home.
It rains on the umbrellas people carry,
as well as on the cars, buses and ships at sea.
The time for shorts and flip flops has gone
and is now replaced by raincoats and rain boots,
and lots of puddles to dance around in!
I go Splish splash! when I see no one is watching
What a joy!
Like being a mischievous child again.
Thank you very much again, dear friends, for visiting my blog. Please share your thoughts with us, if you will. Have a great day.
✿ڰۣ❤In Loving Light from the Fairy Lady❤ڰۣ✿
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