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Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Magick is everywhere.

It is everything. Magick is a point of view.

Quite literally so. It is very much like the wind, invisible, yet moving around us everywhere we are. Magick is like a wind blowing through a busy city; everyone feels it but few pay attention to it. That is, not until it blows something over or a door open. Magick comes from the interactions of all things. This includes the "reality" we have identified, as well as what we call "fantasy." This interaction includes the point of view called "science" as much as the point of view called "religion" or "spirituality." This interaction also includes what we label as "truth" and that which we label as "falsehood."
Magick is not apparent, rather, it is innate.

It is innate to ALL of existence. Magick interacts with all things and is therefore not experienced as any ONE thing. You cannot point to magick and say "There it is!", for it is the dance of all things. The dance is too large to see by the eyes or to be reasoned by the brain. If science is the skill of living then magick is the art (implying the freedom inherent to existing.) Magick is the embrace of the existential power we possess as living creatures.

The existence of anything is a miracle.
To explain how the miracle occurred does not detract from the magick that it occurred at all.

Magick is a field effect created by the interplay of all life and all existence. Consciousness is but the tip of the iceberg; the virtual "trail of bread crumbs" which leads to the silent music, that is magick.

Wendy's Blog Spot

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