✿✿ڪے❤♫♪❤Hi my dear friends and followers.❤❤♫♪ڪے✿✿
Welcome to part 3 of Fairies and Similar Creatures, From A to Z. Some of this information may sound familiar to you, it is because parts of this were posted before on other postings.
Welcome to part 3 of Fairies and Similar Creatures, From A to Z. Some of this information may sound familiar to you, it is because parts of this were posted before on other postings.
This last series will be the last review unless requested
Fairies and Similar Creatures, From A to Z
Cailleac Bhuer....An element of water that originated in Scotland. She is an old women who walks the forest at night with a walking stick tipped with the head of a cow. Her familiar, a crow, is perched on her shoulder.
Imps....These are little devil-looking goblins, not linked to a house, but to a person to whom they assist and make their owner. They are usually linked to witchcraft and no particular place of origin.

Knockers....English in origin, Earth elementals who appear to look like small miners, with hunched backs. They usually carry sacks of raw metals on their backs, and often have picks and shovels. Rarely seen, but miners treat the Knockers with respect by leaving food and drink out for them, and in, turn the knockers will point out the ore veins.
Kobold...From Northern Europe, associated with the Earth. They are about 2 feet tall and are helpful and cheery. Known for taking care of the domestic chores, especially the fireplace. If angered or mistreated they can cause serious problems for their victims, behaving with intense poltergeist activity that is very difficult to stop. The Kobold hate smoke and can be smoked out if the smoke doesn't cause the human to leave first.
Leanansidhe....Associated with water and are beautiful young women with pale vampire-like skin. She is, in essence, a demon like entity or vampire. Legend says she will drain the blood of her victims and pour it into a vat which gives her the beauty and talent to continue gathering more victims.

Leprechauns have also become self-appointed guardians of ancient treasure (left by the Danes when they marauded through Ireland), burying it in crocks or pots. This may be one reason why Leprechauns tend to avoid contact with humans whom they regard as foolish, flighty (and greedy?) creatures. If caught by a mortal, he will promise great wealth if allowed to go free. He carries two leather pouches. In one there is a silver shilling, a magical coin that returns to the purse each time it is paid out. In the other he carries a gold coin which he uses to try and bribe his way out of difficult situations. This coin usually turns to leaves or ashes once the leprechaun has parted with it. However, you must never take your eye off him, for he can vanish in an instant.
Leprechauns originated in Ireland and are also called The Gentry. Their element is earth and they can be found in wild areas with large grassy hills. The Leprechaun is a solitary faery who loves to play pranks on humans. He appears as male, and no female sightings have ever been reported. They are almost always seen in green clothing or costly material and green tri-colored hats. They are mischievous, but will be helpful to humans when approached with respect.
They are very quick-witted except when drunk. He guards a pot of gold, if one can gain control of one they can have the pot of gold and three wishes. They are shoemakers by trade, however they only work on one shoe and only serve other fae. They do not enjoy working with fellow faeries keep to themselves except at parties. They have been known to invite humans do these, which can be joined as long as they do not eat, drink, or dance with them.
Lesidhe....Originated in Ireland and India. They are known as Leshes in Slavic lands, Suibotschniks in Russia, and Leshiye in Germany. Their element is air and they can be found in wild woods. Pronounced Lay-shee, they are guardians of forests and always disguised as foliage. They are usually found in groups, and seem to be andro- gynous. They are classified as solitaries rather than trooping faeries, because they seem to have little to do with each other. They are active in the spring and summer, especially at dawn and dusk, but seem to prefer being nocturnal. It is believed they have come to dislike humans for their careless treatment of the environment. Though they have never harmed anyone, their nasty pranks usually involve trying to lose people in deep woods.
Lorelei....From Germany, they appear as young women who sit on the rocks singing. They are manipulative and cunning, entrancing sailors and causing their ships to crash on the rocks. There purpose is to destroy humans and they are very dangerous.

Ly Erg....A Scottish water elemental, they appear to look like a Scottish soldier only about 4 feet tall. The give away is the right hand which is bright red. They are known to challenge anyone to combat, and even if the victim survives the battle, to engage the Ly Erg still means death within 24 hours.
Massariol....Known in Spain, earth spirits. They appear about 2 feet tall with the face of an elderly man, long hair and a beard, who is always neat and clean. They tend to livestock, milking cows and find young human women irresistible. When not working in the barns they can be found ogling the maiden daughters. They can become a nuisance due to the undying obsession they have for young girls, but are rendered harmless due to there small size.
Menehunas....Originating in Hawaii and are earth spirits. They are 3”-12” tall with stocky bodies and pointed ears and resemble the Native Hawaiian, only very small. They carry horns which they use to summon birds for transportation. They are said to help lost travelers with guidance and food and have been known to fight off sharks and major storms.
The Merrows....The word merrow or moruadh comes from the Gaelic muir (sea) and oigh (maid) and refers specifically to the female of the species. Mermen - the merrows male counterparts - have been rarely seen. They have been described as exceptionally ugly and scaled, with pig-like features and long, pointed teeth. Merrows themselves are extremely beautiful and are promiscuous in their relations with mortals. The Irish merrow differs physically from humans in that her feet are flatter than those of a mortal and her hands have a thin webbing between the fingers. In some parts of Ireland, they are regarded as messengers of doom and death.
Merrows have special clothing to enable them to travel through ocean currents. In Kerry, Cork and Wexford, they wear a small red cap made from feathers, called a cohullen druith. However, in more northerly waters they travel through the sea wrapped in sealskin cloaks, taking on the appearance and attributes of seals. In order to come ashore, the merrow abandons her cap or cloak, so any mortal who finds these has power over her, as she cannot return to the sea until they are retrieved. Hiding the cloak in the thatches of his house, a fisherman may persuade the merrow to marry him. Such brides are often extremely wealthy, with fortunes of gold retrieved from shipwrecks. Eventually the merrow will recover the cloak, and find her urge to return to the sea so strong that she leaves her human husband and children behind. Many coastal dwellers have taken merrows as lovers and a number of famous Irish families claim their descent from such unions, notably the O'Flaherty and O'Sullivan families of Kerry and the MacNamaras of Clare. The Irish poet W B Yeats reported a further case in his Irish Fairy and Folk Tales: "Near Bantry in the last century, there is said to have been a woman, covered in scales like a fish, who was descended from such a marriage".
Merrows have special clothing to enable them to travel through ocean currents. In Kerry, Cork and Wexford, they wear a small red cap made from feathers, called a cohullen druith. However, in more northerly waters they travel through the sea wrapped in sealskin cloaks, taking on the appearance and attributes of seals. In order to come ashore, the merrow abandons her cap or cloak, so any mortal who finds these has power over her, as she cannot return to the sea until they are retrieved. Hiding the cloak in the thatches of his house, a fisherman may persuade the merrow to marry him. Such brides are often extremely wealthy, with fortunes of gold retrieved from shipwrecks. Eventually the merrow will recover the cloak, and find her urge to return to the sea so strong that she leaves her human husband and children behind. Many coastal dwellers have taken merrows as lovers and a number of famous Irish families claim their descent from such unions, notably the O'Flaherty and O'Sullivan families of Kerry and the MacNamaras of Clare. The Irish poet W B Yeats reported a further case in his Irish Fairy and Folk Tales: "Near Bantry in the last century, there is said to have been a woman, covered in scales like a fish, who was descended from such a marriage".
Moerae....Originated in Greece and are a earth element. They appear as three women dressed in Grecian robes, in the three stages of life. They have no human interaction, it is a form of predestination.

Murdhuachas....Also known as Walrus People and Sea Cows. Of Irish origin, their element is water and they can be found at seasides, especially near rocky shores around dawn and dusk. Pronounced Mer-oo-khas, they are a race of Irish sea faeries, often mistaken for Merpeople. They have similar fish-like lower bodies, but have the upper bodies and heads of other mammals. They have an ambivalent temperament.
With love from your fairy lady ❤♪♫♪❤

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