Welcome to part 2 of Fairies and Similar Creatures, From A to Z. Some of this information may sound familiar to you, it is because parts of this were posted before on other postings.
But this is the first time I have pieced them all together in one piece. This will be the last review unless requested, I do hope you enjoy reading
Fairies and Similar Creatures, From A to Z
Cailleac Bhuer....An element of water that originated in Scotland. She is an old women who walks the forest at night with a walking stick tipped with the head of a cow. Her familiar, a crow, is perched on her shoulder. She has jagged teeth and one big blue eye. She is a child killer and should be avoided.

It is their temperament, however, which most marks the changeling. Babies are generally joyful and pleasant, but the fairy substitute is never happy, except when some calamity befalls the household. For the most part, it howls and screeches throughout the waking hours and the sound and frequency of its yells often transcend the bounds of mortal endurance.
A changeling can be one of three types: actual fairy children; senile fairies who are disguised as children or, inanimate objects, such as pieces of wood which take on the appearance of a child through fairy magic.
This latter type is known as a stock.
Puckered and wizened features coupled with yellow, parchment-like skin are all generic changeling attributes. This fairy will also exhibit very dark eyes, which betray a wisdom far older than its apparent years. Changelings display other characteristics, usually physical deformities, among which a crooked back or lame hand are common. About two weeks after their arrival in the human household, changelings will also exhibit a full set of teeth, legs as thin as chicken bones, and hands which are curved and crooked as birds' talons and covered with a light, downy hair.
No luck will come to a family in which there is a changeling because the creature drains away all the good fortune which would normally attend the household. Thus, those who are cursed with it tend to be very poor and struggle desperately to maintain the ravenous monster in their midst.
One positive feature which this fairy may demonstrate is an aptitude for music. As it begins to grow, the changeling may take up an instrument, often the fiddle or the Irish pipes, and plays with such skill that all who hear it will be entranced.
Clurichaun....From Ireland, but similar fairies are found in Italy by the name of Monciello. It is also known as His Nibs in some parts of Ireland. His element is earth and he is found in wine cellars. He is a solitary faery who resembles the Leprechaun. Pronounced “kloo-ree-kahn”, no females have ever been sighted. He guards wine cellars, which he chooses in his own time, then he moves in and makes himself at home. He is impeccably well-groomed and well-dressed, and is almost always drunk. He generally has a cheery disposition, but is a bit aloof, even while intoxicated. He wears a red hat that may be made of plants. If he is ignored or mistreated it is said he will wreak havoc on you cellars and on your home, and most defiantly will spoil your wine stock.
Dryads....Grecian in origin and their element is air. They appear as wispy lights that are seen in old trees. These spirits are known mainly for playing and tend to have a prankish nature. They are associated with the ancient Druids and Pagans; both groups use them to communicate with the old gods.
Duergar....France or Spain is their beginning and are earth elementals. They appear about 20” tall with leathery, black skin, and are somewhat strong and athletic. Duergars are angry, bitter, and hate humans, and will kill them when they see them.
Dullahan....The dullahan is one of the most spectacular creatures in the Irish fairy realm and one which is particularly active. Around midnight on certain Irish festivals or feast days, this wild and black-robed horseman may be observed riding a dark and snorting steed across the countryside. It is advisable to stay home with the curtains drawn, particularly around the end of August or early September when the feast of Crom Dubh reputedly took place. The dullahan’s call is the summoning of the soul of a dying person rather than a death warning. There is no real defense against a dullahan because he is death’s herald. However, an artifact made of gold might frighten him away, for dullahans appear to have an irrational fear of this metal. Even a small amount of gold will do.
Elfs....Elfs are huge, magical beings divided into two categories; Light Elfs and the Dark Elfs.
Light Elfs dominate the change in appearance, have an ethereous beauty, and are one of the best-dispositioned elfs. They are translucent and blue colored.
Fir Darrigs....From Ireland with Scotland being a possible first home; also known as “Rat Boys.” Their element is water and they can be found along polluted coastlines, swamps, marshes, and in coastal ruins and are most active in winter. Pronounced “Fear Durgs,” they are fat, ugly faeries with dark, hairy skin and long snouts and tails which give them a rat-like appearance. They wear shabby, torn costumes which seem to date to the Middle Ages. They are morbidly dangerous and feed on carrion. His shillelagh (Irish walking stick) is topped with a skull of unknown origin. They live near the sea, in damp raths or marshes, rather than in the sea. They like the heat near human fireplaces.
Formorians....They originated in Ireland and are also called Formors. Their element is water and they are found at sea shores at night. They are sea monsters, the survivors of a banished faery race that was driven out of Ireland by the Tuatha De Danann. They have bizarrely misshapen bodies. They do have arms and legs and have been occasionally seen on land. They are very stupid and ill-tempered.
Gancanagh....Originated in Ireland and is called the Gaconer in Scotland and Cornwall. His element is air and he is a lonely male faery that materializes in lonely places and attempts to seduce females who will eventually die of love for him. Pronounced “Gon-cawn-ah,” and his trademark is an Irish clay pipe which he is either holding in his hand or has clenched in his teeth.
One positive feature which this fairy may demonstrate is an aptitude for music. As it begins to grow, the changeling may take up an instrument, often the fiddle or the Irish pipes, and plays with such skill that all who hear it will be entranced.

Clurichaun....From Ireland, but similar fairies are found in Italy by the name of Monciello. It is also known as His Nibs in some parts of Ireland. His element is earth and he is found in wine cellars. He is a solitary faery who resembles the Leprechaun. Pronounced “kloo-ree-kahn”, no females have ever been sighted. He guards wine cellars, which he chooses in his own time, then he moves in and makes himself at home. He is impeccably well-groomed and well-dressed, and is almost always drunk. He generally has a cheery disposition, but is a bit aloof, even while intoxicated. He wears a red hat that may be made of plants. If he is ignored or mistreated it is said he will wreak havoc on you cellars and on your home, and most defiantly will spoil your wine stock.
Corrigans....English origin and is associated with water. Appear as an ugly, old, deformed woman by day, but a beautiful blonde maiden by night. They are known for being very intelligent, and great at solving many types of problems.
Dinnshenchas....Originated in Ireland. Their element is fire and they are found in pastures or at shrines to Aine which are found in her home county Kilkenny. Pronounced “din-sheen-k'has,” they are dwarf fairies in the service of the Irish goddess Aine, who is a cattle goddess and a protector of women. They can shapeshift and guard cattle and avenge women harmed by men.Dryads....Grecian in origin and their element is air. They appear as wispy lights that are seen in old trees. These spirits are known mainly for playing and tend to have a prankish nature. They are associated with the ancient Druids and Pagans; both groups use them to communicate with the old gods.
Duergar....France or Spain is their beginning and are earth elementals. They appear about 20” tall with leathery, black skin, and are somewhat strong and athletic. Duergars are angry, bitter, and hate humans, and will kill them when they see them.
Dullahan....The dullahan is one of the most spectacular creatures in the Irish fairy realm and one which is particularly active. Around midnight on certain Irish festivals or feast days, this wild and black-robed horseman may be observed riding a dark and snorting steed across the countryside. It is advisable to stay home with the curtains drawn, particularly around the end of August or early September when the feast of Crom Dubh reputedly took place. The dullahan’s call is the summoning of the soul of a dying person rather than a death warning. There is no real defense against a dullahan because he is death’s herald. However, an artifact made of gold might frighten him away, for dullahans appear to have an irrational fear of this metal. Even a small amount of gold will do.
Elfs....Elfs are huge, magical beings divided into two categories; Light Elfs and the Dark Elfs.
Light Elfs dominate the change in appearance, have an ethereous beauty, and are one of the best-dispositioned elfs. They are translucent and blue colored.
Dark Elfs build their homes beneath the earth. They are frequently found in houses where they prefer dark corners, only visible at night. They may be grey, brown, red or black colors. Gloom elfs are the most numerous and are found in trees, plants, brooks and ponds. They are quite cautious and protected from the interference of strangers.
Ellyllon....Welsh in origin, and water is their element. They appear as tiny, thin human looking, and attractive, both male and female. These spirits are trooping, jovial and basically happy and helpful. They like cleanliness and order, and have a good time while cleaning the homes of the downtrodden or looking after livestock. If seen, they vanish but will not take revenge like many of their cousins.
Erluitle....Swiss, and associated with the earth. They generally look like dwarfs except for their large duck feet. They used to assist with farming, but nowadays seem to dislike humans. Some believe their race is dying out.
Ellyllon....Welsh in origin, and water is their element. They appear as tiny, thin human looking, and attractive, both male and female. These spirits are trooping, jovial and basically happy and helpful. They like cleanliness and order, and have a good time while cleaning the homes of the downtrodden or looking after livestock. If seen, they vanish but will not take revenge like many of their cousins.
Erluitle....Swiss, and associated with the earth. They generally look like dwarfs except for their large duck feet. They used to assist with farming, but nowadays seem to dislike humans. Some believe their race is dying out.

Formorians....They originated in Ireland and are also called Formors. Their element is water and they are found at sea shores at night. They are sea monsters, the survivors of a banished faery race that was driven out of Ireland by the Tuatha De Danann. They have bizarrely misshapen bodies. They do have arms and legs and have been occasionally seen on land. They are very stupid and ill-tempered.
Geancanach....From Ireland and the Hebrides Islands of Scotland, their element is fire and they are most active at night. They can be found around a blazing fire at your hearthside. Pronounced “Gan-cahn-ock,” they are always depicted as being very small, and having playful, mischievous smiles. They are pixie-like in appearance and have huge eyes that curve upward on the ends and large pointed ears. They have small wings, but they do not seem to be functional, and appear to dematerialize and reappear quickly to move from place to place. They are often mistaken for flickering lights or lighting bugs. They are guardians of the home and hearth and crave the warmth of the fireside and are harmless. They do have a tendency to play pranks, though. Any kindness from them can be repaid with the warmth of your fire and fresh milk.
Gitto....Welsh, and associated with air, they have the heads of horses and the bodies of goats. They are able to communicate in human language, and despite being wingless, they can fly short distances. They are very malevolent and are known to steal a harvest and cause physical harm. They aren't very intelligent so they are rarely able to figure out how to cause physical damage.
Glaistig....Originated in Scotland and associated with water. They appear from a distance to be a beautiful young woman but up close she is made up of animal parts. They are known to aid and like women, children, the elderly, and sometimes farmers, but she will kill adult men. She has two methods: Either sucking the blood from her victim or drowning him.
Gnomes....Origin is in various parts of Europe and are earth spirits; they preferably to work the soil and tree roots, to which they grant power. They look like funny, little old men, as they belong to a race coming from the beginning of times and can live for 1,000 of years. They are also the elementals of high magic. It is said that they inhabited the lost Atlantis. These tiny creatures build their homes under aging trees. They only go out at night and their home is lively after sunset. They are friends of animals and speak their same language and protect them from danger. The best feasts are when the freezing winds blow over the woods. Dancing and playing, they start to run and some prefer rain for their dances. They tend to live in ancient oaks and the only time gnomes may cause problems is when their homes are chopped down and a house is built over their sacred tree spot.
Goblins....These beings are in the rough image of man, virtous or vicious, pure or impure, better or worse. Domestic Goblins- live inside houses or in the surroundings. For centuries they inhabited wild, woody and mountainous areas, living inside caves or caverns until one of them approached the places where human beings lived, first for the sake of curiosity, then with the objective of having fun. They appear preferably at night. They stand about 50cm high and resemble a man. They go out at night and love to have fun by dint of those sleeping. Even though most of them like to bother or frighten human beings, some of them, however, love to help men in domestic households. Sleep Goblins-belong to a strange family of aggressive and individualist goblins. They cause nightmares and choose women and children as their victims.
Grant....Orignated in England and looks like a small horse but walks upright. While disturbing to look at the Grant is not an evil creature. He warns of danger and has also been known to protect against enemy attack.
Gremlins....Originated in Germany and is associated with air. They have been described as a mix of a bull terrier/jack rabbit, human/goat or a mixture of a bunch of animals and human. Gremlins began being documented during WWII, and are almost always associated with flight. They have a fascination with airplanes and the mechanics behind them. Nowadays some accredit them with fooling around with appliances like VCR's and microwaves. (Read The Spirit of St. Louis, Charles Lindbergh's account of his flight overt the Atlantic and his encounter with Gremlins)
Grogoch....Grogochs were originally half human, half-fairy aborigines who came from Kintyre in Scotland to settle in Ireland. The grogoch, well-known throughout north Antrim, Rathlin Island and parts of Donegal, may also to be found on the Isle of Man, where they are called “phynnodderee.” Resembling a very small elderly man, though covered in coarse, dense reddish hair or fur, he wears no clothes, but sports a variety of twigs and dirt from his travels. Grogochs are not noted for their personal hygiene. There are no records of any female grogochs. His home may be a cave, hollow or cleft in the landscape. In numerous parts of the northern countryside are large leaning stones which are known as “grogochs' houses.”
He has the power of invisibility and will often only allow certain trusted people to observe him. A very sociable being, the grogoch, he may even attach himself to certain individuals and help them with their planting and harvesting or with domestic chores - for no payment other than a jug of cream.

Guagach....Originated in Scotland and she appears as an old shepherd woman with a walking stick who has facial hair and very withered skin. She is known to walk the villages asking for food, if a home- owner grants her request, she will protect his livestock. If refused, she will steal livestock.
Gwragedd Annwn....From Wales and is associated with water. Appears as a beautiful blond woman who is singing and dancing by sacred lakes. They are friendly and helpful to women, love children but are uninterested in men unless for a mating partner from time to time. They make cold wives, but excellent mothers for any man who would choose to marry one.
Glaistig....Originated in Scotland and associated with water. They appear from a distance to be a beautiful young woman but up close she is made up of animal parts. They are known to aid and like women, children, the elderly, and sometimes farmers, but she will kill adult men. She has two methods: Either sucking the blood from her victim or drowning him.
Gnomes....Origin is in various parts of Europe and are earth spirits; they preferably to work the soil and tree roots, to which they grant power. They look like funny, little old men, as they belong to a race coming from the beginning of times and can live for 1,000 of years. They are also the elementals of high magic. It is said that they inhabited the lost Atlantis. These tiny creatures build their homes under aging trees. They only go out at night and their home is lively after sunset. They are friends of animals and speak their same language and protect them from danger. The best feasts are when the freezing winds blow over the woods. Dancing and playing, they start to run and some prefer rain for their dances. They tend to live in ancient oaks and the only time gnomes may cause problems is when their homes are chopped down and a house is built over their sacred tree spot.
Goblins....These beings are in the rough image of man, virtous or vicious, pure or impure, better or worse. Domestic Goblins- live inside houses or in the surroundings. For centuries they inhabited wild, woody and mountainous areas, living inside caves or caverns until one of them approached the places where human beings lived, first for the sake of curiosity, then with the objective of having fun. They appear preferably at night. They stand about 50cm high and resemble a man. They go out at night and love to have fun by dint of those sleeping. Even though most of them like to bother or frighten human beings, some of them, however, love to help men in domestic households. Sleep Goblins-belong to a strange family of aggressive and individualist goblins. They cause nightmares and choose women and children as their victims.
Grant....Orignated in England and looks like a small horse but walks upright. While disturbing to look at the Grant is not an evil creature. He warns of danger and has also been known to protect against enemy attack.

Grogoch....Grogochs were originally half human, half-fairy aborigines who came from Kintyre in Scotland to settle in Ireland. The grogoch, well-known throughout north Antrim, Rathlin Island and parts of Donegal, may also to be found on the Isle of Man, where they are called “phynnodderee.” Resembling a very small elderly man, though covered in coarse, dense reddish hair or fur, he wears no clothes, but sports a variety of twigs and dirt from his travels. Grogochs are not noted for their personal hygiene. There are no records of any female grogochs. His home may be a cave, hollow or cleft in the landscape. In numerous parts of the northern countryside are large leaning stones which are known as “grogochs' houses.”
He has the power of invisibility and will often only allow certain trusted people to observe him. A very sociable being, the grogoch, he may even attach himself to certain individuals and help them with their planting and harvesting or with domestic chores - for no payment other than a jug of cream.

Gwragedd Annwn....From Wales and is associated with water. Appears as a beautiful blond woman who is singing and dancing by sacred lakes. They are friendly and helpful to women, love children but are uninterested in men unless for a mating partner from time to time. They make cold wives, but excellent mothers for any man who would choose to marry one.
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