The Tree House News:
The land of whispering pines.
"Hi everyone!" Yes, a beautiful sunny Tuesday, Not a breath of air stirring; silence. Sun is just peeking over the trees, making an orange-yellow glow in the haze of an early summer morning. It is so beautiful and peaceful in the early morning. The trees across the way bring me back to where I grew up, back on the homestead, which was in the northern bush country. I don't miss the cold, but I do miss the wilderness.

I am quite happy with the climate here. It is the fruit-growing land of Ontario, which is the warmest part of Ontario, with only one lovely month of below-freezing and a couple of weeks of snow in January. I can handle that.
The only other place comparable to this is Okanogan Valley, BC.
STAY AWAY from the Lower Mainland; it's jacket and sweater summers and grey, wet weather 12 months of the year, like London, UK. We lived there for seven years until I felt like a withering plant because there was no sunlight.
I do not have much else to report from the Tree House today except that I do "PRAY!" that today you are well and protected, and may the Great Spirit guide you in every step and venture you take to do what is right on this day, August 27, 2024.
Creator: The closest symbol we have on record thus far to describe this entity is the symbol,

Although, in ancient records, I also liked what The Eye of Horus stands for, the goddess Isis and, in the Catholic religion, The Virgin Mary.
They are all part of the created and creation .
They are all part of the created and creation .
Now I have just heard that some obnoxious bunch of useless meat-for-human beings is going around slashing electric cords on EV chargers.
Sh-t heads, why not the hoses on those insidious C02-polluting fossil fuel sh-ts gas pumps?
The Supreme Court is sowing confusion over how it will handle election disputes this fall
The recent US Supreme Court decision changing voter registration rules in Arizona has voting rights advocates anxious about how the justices will approach emergency election appeals in the run up to the November election.
Not only was the Arizona ruling a missed opportunity for the justices to explain when they will engage in election and voting cases,
Published 5:00 AM EDT, Tue August 27, 2024 - CNN -
*THEY NEED* to come up with a new law that allows them to fire a judge who breaks the law just like any other ordinary citizen who serves time for breaking the law, no ifs, ands, or buts.
And when they say Impeached, they mean *IMPEACHED* . and not just powder puffing them as they did with Trump twice? That's rubbing the nose of the public right into Trump's dirty diaper. "I am King Sh-t of the universe! Now, if you don't like it, you can kiss it."
Toronto EV drivers can't use the closest overnight charging station because of permit restrictions
City needs to rapidly increase pace, scale of EV infrastructure to meet targets, experts say
A Toronto-based Uber driver spends nearly half an hour most days walking back and forth between an on-street electric vehicle (EV) charging station and his home.
John Chen says he could cut that walk down to eight minutes each way if the city allowed him to use a closer charging station in his neighboring permit parking zone
Posted: Aug 27, 2024 4:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: 6 hours ago
- CBC -
"You Don't say! Fart heads!"
The White Sox batter always wore his lucky white socks at the batter's box.
Because he believed in always putting a lucky, socked foot forward in the game.
The socks made it to home plate, but the batter didn't.

The Fairy Lady
It's a beautiful, relaxing video.
It's a beautiful, relaxing video.
______________________________ _____________________
The Tree House News: 

The land of whispering pines.
"Hello everyone!" Yes, a beautiful sunny Tuesday. Not a breath of air moves; silence. The sun barely peeks through the trees, creating a yellowish orange glow in the haze of an early summer morning. It's so beautiful and peaceful in the early morning. The trees across the road remind me of where I grew up, on the farm, which was in the rural north. I don't miss the cold, but I do miss the nature.

I'm pretty happy with the weather here. It's Ontario's fruit country, which is the warmest part of Ontario, with only one lousy month of sub-zero temperatures and a couple of weeks of snow in January. I can handle it.
The only other place comparable to this is Okanogan Valley, BC.
STAY AWAY from the Lower Mainland; it's jacket-and-sweater summers and grey, damp weather 12 months a year, like London, UK. We lived there for seven years until I felt like a wilted plant because there was no sunlight.
I don't have much else to report from the Tree House today except that I "PRAY" that you are well and protected today, and that the Great Spirit guides you in every step and venture you take to do what is right on this day, August 27, 2024.
Creator: The closest symbol we have on record so far to describe this entity is the symbol,

Although, in ancient records, I also liked what the Eye of Horus represents: the goddess Isis and, in the Catholic religion, the Virgin Mary. They
are all part of creation and creation.
are all part of creation and creation.
Now I just heard that a disgusting group of useless human beings are going around cutting electrical cables at EV chargers.
Shitty heads, why not the hoses of those insidious fossil fuel gas pumps that pollute with CO2?
The Supreme Court is sowing confusion over how it will handle election disputes this fall
The US Supreme Court's recent decision changing voter registration rules in Arizona has voting rights advocates anxious about how the justices will approach emergency election appeals in the run-up to the November election.
Not only was the Arizona ruling a missed opportunity for the justices to explain when they will weigh in on election and voting cases,
Published at 5:00 a.m. EDT, Tuesday, August 27, 2024 - CNN -
*THEY NEED* _*to draft a new law that allows them to fire a _*judge who breaks the law just like any other ordinary citizen serving a sentence for breaking the law, no ifs, ands or buts.
And when they say Impeached, they mean *IMPEACHED* . And not just go off on them like they did with Trump twice? That's rubbing the public's face in Trump's dirty diaper. "I'm the King of Shit in the Universe! Now if you don't like it, you can kiss it."
Toronto EV drivers can't use the nearest overnight charging station due to permit restrictions
The city needs to rapidly increase the pace and scale of electric vehicle infrastructure to meet the goals, experts say
A Toronto-based Uber driver spends nearly half an hour most days walking back and forth between an on-street electric vehicle (EV) charging station and his home.
John Chen says he could cut that walk to eight minutes each way if the city would allow him to use a closer charging station in his neighbouring permit parking zone.
Published: August 27, 2024 4:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: 6 hours ago
- CBC -
"No way! Fart!"
The White Sox batter always wore his lucky white socks in the batter's box.
Because he believed in always putting one lucky foot and one sock ahead in the game.
The socks made it to the plate, but the batter didn't.

The Fairy Lady
MAGICAL SOUNDS OF NATURE IN 3D It is a beautiful and relaxing video.
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