Follow without hesitation where the inner-knowing guides you to be.
Once you are where you are supposed to be within yourself, then shall you see the world in it's true form and so shall it come to be that the world will begin to heal itself.
PAST TEACHINGS will no longer fit, they will no longer be the right tools for the new system. As everyone's perceptions change, and eventually all memory of old ideals will begin to fade into nothingness like mist on a lake at early sunrise.
The Vally of Peace.
You may ask about the suppresors, what will become of them? They know their time is short., and yet still continue to suppress ravage, kill and enslave us regardless of the consequences of doing so will bring them.
Money once it gets in your blood it dulls the senses and feeling, like a narcotic, just live for money and just continue doing what their greedy minds want tot do. Little do they know that they are slowly strangling themselves with their own two greedy hands.
They are aware of this and will do everything they can to prevent it from happening. But the change will come relentlessly, nothing can stop it
What good will all those billions be to them when they find themselves in the middle of deserted streets and buildings.
But the technological force that is speeding things up like our perceptions for instance, like time moving faster making everything feel strange, odd, different, foreign, it's the transformation, the effects of which can play tricks with our perception of the material world, confusing it. Confusing it, because it is a world in transition
Greed always was and always will be. It may hide and change its face but it will never go away. The world is in transition and yet, to borrow from the Book of Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun.
ReplyDeleteIs all hope for a better world in vain?
I believe a better world will come. This wasn't meant to be this way forever