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Tuesday, 18 March 2025


Land of The Whispering Pines

🌅🙏Good morning everyone! I pray that you all be well, at peace, provided for, and be blessed🙏 🌅

Well, the pleasant thing is that it is a beautiful, typical early spring morning here in the Newsroom. It's supposed to be up to 60°F and 🌤
But beginning Saturday, it will be around the 43°F to 47°F mark, and then it will have low temperatures of around 43°F to 45°F until Sunday, April 6; the good news is that it will be partly sunny for most of those days.

I was outside earlier. It was cool, but there was nothing a sweater couldn't handle. I was watching the sun come over the tree as I waited for the coffee to get done. I heard a dove, which is something I hadn't heard for a while, followed by a few other spring birds who began their morning chorus. It is so wonderful to see spring again. The big deal I am looking forward to getting over with is that dumb arse trip to Toronto on an empty stomach, *fasting!* (We Are Not Impressed.) I am hoping to have no doctors for a while so that I can concentrate on looking after other personal things and needs; that will be nice to be normal again.

Just Came Up on The NEWS:


A fateful moment looms as Trump's team seeks to bypass the judiciary

The most chilling aspect of a new White House claim of boundless executive power is not whether officials ignored a judge's order to halt deportations of Venezuelan gang members.
It's that some senior Trump administration aides seem not to care if they did. There are even claims that some judges are simply too junior to question the actions of a president.
The furor caused by the administration's peacetime use of wartime powers under the 18th-century Alien Enemies Act is the latest, and perhaps most overt, sign of President Donald Trump's sense of omnipotence. He's also betting voters will reward him for, in his view, keeping them safe with ruthless immigration enforcement rather than recoil from his challenges to the Constitution.
Published 12:00 AM EDT, Tue March 18, 2025 - CNN -

Ceasefire shatters as Israel pounds Gaza with a wave of deadly strikes

Updated 8:21 AM EDT, Tue March 18, 2025 - CNN -

All of a sudden, the missiles fell:" the woman recounts in horror as she sits next to the bodies of her family

''Entire families wiped out'' Doctor in Gaza describes impact of Israeli strikes
Updated 8:21 AM EDT, Tue March 18, 2025 07:31 - CNN -

I can not go any further with this breaking news as I am crying too much. I can't see the keys on the keyboard for the tears.

TO MUCH EMPATHY, says the Orange Pus Bag-blowing Muskrat sidekick. They are slimy, spinless sh-t-holes, cold-blooded stone-hearted creatures, ugly as sin, sh-t-eating cockroaches, so I say.
NOW, DO YOU KNOW WHERE TO DRAW THE LINE BETWEEN EVIL AND GOOD? If I could capitalize this in bigger RED LETTERS like WAKE UP BUTT-HOLE! With a big flashing red light, I would do so


Carney says Canada can stand up for its own sovereignty as European trip wraps up

New PM returning to Canada Tuesday after visiting Paris and London
Prime Minister Mark Carney said Canada can stand up for its own sovereignty in response to annexation talk from the U.S. administration as he wrapped up his first international trip.
Carney met with King Charles and U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer in London on Monday evening after meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris earlier in the day.
Speaking to reporters after his meeting with Starmer, Carney was asked if he was concerned that allies should be more forceful in defending Canada as U.S. President Donald Trump continues to insist the country become the 51st state.
-The prime minister was presented to the King inside the London palace, and explained to Canada's monarch that he did not have his Order of Canada pin because it fell off and broke on the tarmac upon his arrival.
Charles jokingly offered Carney his pin, but the prime minister refused, saying he is "not of that rank."-
Posted: Mar 17, 2025 12:37 PM EDT | Last Updated: March 17
- CBC -
_*This tells me that Carney is an honorable man. There have to still be some men and women of honor and ethics left in the world, the unsung heroes! WHERE ARE YOU ALL HIDING?


🎆~Come with me on A Journey Meditation To The Land of Inner Peace And Healing~🎆



Tierra de los Pinos Susurrantes

🌅🙏¡Buenos días a todos! Rezo para que estén bien, en paz, bien provistos y bendecidos🙏 🌅

Bueno, lo bueno es que es una hermosa y típica mañana de principios de primavera aquí en la Sala de Prensa. Se espera que la temperatura llegue a los 15 °C y 🌤
Pero a partir del sábado, rondará los 7 °C y 8 ​​°C, y luego las temperaturas mínimas rondarán los 6 °C y 7 °C hasta el domingo 6 de abril. La buena noticia es que estará parcialmente soleado la mayor parte de esos días.
Estuve afuera antes. Hacía fresco, pero no había nada que un suéter no pudiera soportar. Estaba viendo cómo el sol se asomaba por encima del árbol mientras esperaba a que terminara el café. Escuché una paloma, algo que no había oído en mucho tiempo, seguida de otras aves primaverales que comenzaron su coro matutino.
Es maravilloso volver a ver la primavera. Lo más importante que anhelo superar es ese estúpido viaje a Toronto en ayunas, ¡*en ayunas*! (No nos impresiona). Espero no tener médicos por un tiempo para poder concentrarme en atender otras cosas y necesidades personales; será agradable volver a la normalidad.

Acabo de enterarme de las noticias:


Se avecina un momento crucial mientras el equipo de Trump busca eludir al poder judicial

Lo más escalofriante de una nueva afirmación de la Casa Blanca sobre un poder ejecutivo ilimitado no es si los funcionarios ignoraron la orden de un juez de detener las deportaciones de pandilleros venezolanos.
Es que a algunos altos funcionarios de la administración Trump parece no importarles si lo hicieron. Incluso hay quienes afirman que algunos jueces son simplemente demasiado jóvenes como para cuestionar las acciones de un presidente. El furor causado por el uso por parte de la administración, en tiempos de paz, de los poderes otorgados en tiempos de guerra bajo la Ley de Enemigos Extranjeros del siglo XVIII es la señal más reciente, y quizás la más evidente, del sentido de omnipotencia del presidente Donald Trump.
También apuesta a que los votantes lo recompensarán por, en su opinión, mantenerlos seguros con una aplicación implacable de la ley migratoria, en lugar de retractarse de sus desafíos a la Constitución. Publicado 12:00 AM EDT, martes 18 de marzo de 2025 - CNN -

El alto al fuego se quiebra mientras Israel bombardea Gaza con una oleada de ataques mortales

Actualizado 8:21 AM EDT, martes 18 de marzo de 2025 - CNN -

De repente, los misiles cayeron:", relata la mujer horrorizada sentada junto a los cuerpos de su familia.

"Familias enteras aniquiladas". Un médico en Gaza describe el impacto de los ataques israelíes.
Actualizado 8:21 AM EDT, martes 18 de marzo de 2025 07:31
- CNN -

No puedo continuar con esta noticia de última hora porque estoy llorando demasiado. No puedo ver las teclas del teclado por las lágrimas.

¡Demasiada empatía!, dice el compañero Rata Almizclera que sopla la Bolsa de Pus Naranja. Son unos agujeros viscosos y sin espinas. Criaturas de sangre fría y corazón de piedra, feas como el pecado, cucarachas comemierda, o eso digo.

AHORA, ¿SABEN DÓNDE TRAZAR LA LÍNEA ENTRE EL MAL Y EL BIEN? Si pudiera escribir esto con mayúsculas grandes y rojas como "¡DESPIERTA, PENDEJO!", con una gran luz roja intermitente, lo haría


Carney dice que Canadá puede defender su soberanía al concluir su viaje a Europa

El nuevo primer ministro regresa a Canadá el martes tras visitar París y Londres
El primer ministro Mark Carney dijo que Canadá puede defender su soberanía en respuesta a los rumores de anexión de la administración estadounidense al concluir su primer viaje internacional.
Carney se reunió con el rey Carlos y el primer ministro del Reino Unido, Keir Starmer, en Londres el lunes por la noche, tras reunirse con el presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, en París ese mismo día. En declaraciones a la prensa tras su reunión con Starmer, se le preguntó a Carney si le preocupaba que los aliados defendieran con mayor firmeza a Canadá, ya que el presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, sigue insistiendo en que el país se convierta en el estado número 51.
-El primer ministro fue presentado ante el rey en el palacio de Londres y le explicó al monarca canadiense que no tenía su insignia de la Orden de Canadá porque se le cayó y se rompió en la pista a su llegada.
Carlos, en broma, le ofreció su insignia a Carney, pero el primer ministro la rechazó, alegando que "no tiene ese rango".

Publicado: 17 de marzo de 2025, 12:37 p. m. EDT | Última actualización: 17 de marzo
- CBC -
Esto me dice que Carney es un hombre honorable. ¡Debe de haber hombres y mujeres de honor y ética en el mundo, los héroes anónimos!


🎆~Acompáñame en un viaje de meditación a la tierra de la paz interior y la sanación~🎆

1 comment:


    -Chief Justice John Roberts issued a statement following President Donald Trump's call for a judge to be impeached for ruling against the administration.-

    WASHINGTON — Chief Justice John Roberts issued a rare statement Tuesday rebuking President Donald Trump and his allies for calling to impeach judges who have ruled against the administration.

    "For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose," Roberts said in a statement.

    Trump allies have called for various judges to be impeached for blocking administration policies in the first months of his second term.

    But Trump himself raised the stakes on Tuesday, when he called for the impeachment of U.S. District Judge James Boasberg after he blocked the deportation of Venezuelan migrants.

    "This judge, like many of the Crooked Judges’ I am forced to appear before, should be IMPEACHED!!!" Trump posted.

    Soon after Roberts issued his statement, Rep. Brandon Gill, R-Texas, wrote in a post on X that he had introduced articles of impeachment against Boasberg.
    He claimed Boasberg had committed an impeachable offense by issuing a temporary restraining order against the administration over its novel invocation of a war-time law called the Alien Enemies Act to deport certain illegal immigrants.

    While a handful of federal judges have been removed from office in the past, it has been because of gross misconduct in office, such as taking bribes, not as a result of individual decisions they have made.

    Federal judges have frequently intervened on Trump's agenda since he took office again in January and implemented a set of aggressive policies that raised several novel legal issues. That has angered the administration and the broader MAGA base, leading to increasingly frequent calls for impeachment and raising concerns within the judiciary.

    Just last week, federal judges raised the alarm about security concerns and urged public officials to use caution when criticizing court rulings.
    Updated March 18, 2025, 1:18 PM EDT - NBC NEWS -
