The Realm of the Fairies
Fairies are some of the most popular creatures of myth today, specifically the collection of immortals living in the magical domain of Tir Na Nog from Irish folklore that have spread all over the world during the past few centuries. Calendars, books, paintings, and tons of other creative mediums showcase these tiny humanoid beings who have a supernatural realm of their own but love coming to the human world to interact with its inhabitants. However, what most people do not realize is that “fairy” is a rather general term that encompasses all the magical creatures of fae (or fay) folklore, including small, winged beings, gnomes, goblins, or specific ethereal individuals. The unique binding quality of these supernatural creatures is the fact they live in a parallel realm of magic, like to impose themselves on the lives of mortal humans even when they are invisible, and tend to be smaller in stature than the average adult. There are also several basic concepts about the fae that are useful for humans to know. They are caretakers of the natural world and prefer to stay in places that are untouched by humans or overrun by nature. Want to meet one? You aren’t alone.

Best Ways to Meet a Fairy
Fairies do visit our realm even though they constantly flutter in and out of the several parallel dimensions of their own. However, when on the human plane, the fae folk much greatly prefer areas that are filled with nature (woodlands, ponds, gardens, and other outdoor places). The reason for their preference has been debated, and many good explanations have been given such as their aversion (or even allergy) of iron and their comfort with places that resemble the way the world was when they ruled it.
Best Ways to Meet a Fairy
Fairies do visit our realm even though they constantly flutter in and out of the several parallel dimensions of their own. However, when on the human plane, the fae folk much greatly prefer areas that are filled with nature (woodlands, ponds, gardens, and other outdoor places). The reason for their preference has been debated, and many good explanations have been given such as their aversion (or even allergy) of iron and their comfort with places that resemble the way the world was when they ruled it.
Either way, the chances are much better for you catching sight of a fairy if you are in the great outdoors, away from technology and civilization. You quite probably have already seen a fairy but did not know it at the time—flickers of light around trees, light tinkling of bells, or even a change in air pressure around you while you are close to large groupings of plants. These signs of a fairy are thought to be extended greetings. One of the easiest ways to meet an actual fairy is to extend a greeting back to them when you experience one of these happenings.
Sit next to a pond (or other moderately sized body of still water). Bring a small set of wind chimes with you and allow them to tinkle just above the water. The song of the chimes should call water fairies to the surface. You may not specifically see their form as water spirits tend to be very shy but take note of rippling water or bubbles within the water after you have allowed the chimes to sound for a few moments.

Sit beneath a tree and close your eyes to center yourself to the nature around you. Play a flute or whistle a favorite tune for roughly a minute (or even a few extended seconds). Then, wait. Leaves should rustle as the spirits of the air are the most likely to come to you here.
Sit next to a pond (or other moderately sized body of still water). Bring a small set of wind chimes with you and allow them to tinkle just above the water. The song of the chimes should call water fairies to the surface. You may not specifically see their form as water spirits tend to be very shy but take note of rippling water or bubbles within the water after you have allowed the chimes to sound for a few moments.
The best time to perform these activities to attract fairies are what are called “between times” since those times are the easiest for transitioning between realms. Between times themselves are exactly as their name implies—in between major parts of the day. Therefore, the four primary between times are dawn, midday, dusk, and midnight.

For those who seriously wish to get up close and personal with fairies, a ritual spell can be performed. This spell originally is a spell for witches to see the fae folk, but the proper amount of dedication and desire make it an easy way for anyone to see fairies. Drawing on their “between time” tendencies, this spell is best used or conducted on the nights between Midsummer (June 21) until June 29. The process of the spell even includes the dates of this particular “in between” week. On the evening of Midsummer, the wanting mortal should gather fern seed. Try to gather the fern seed in the place you are going to request the appearance of fairies to keep your fairies local rather than having them come from far away to you.
Sit next to a pond (or other moderately sized body of still water). Bring a small set of wind chimes with you and allow them to tinkle just above the water. The song of the chimes should call water fairies to the surface. You may not specifically see their form as water spirits tend to be very shy but take note of rippling water or bubbles within the water after you have allowed the chimes to sound for a few moments.
Sit beneath a tree and close your eyes to center yourself to the nature around you. Play a flute or whistle a favorite tune for roughly a minute (or even a few extended seconds). Then, wait. Leaves should rustle as the spirits of the air are the most likely to come to you here.
Sit next to a pond (or other moderately sized body of still water). Bring a small set of wind chimes with you and allow them to tinkle just above the water. The song of the chimes should call water fairies to the surface. You may not specifically see their form as water spirits tend to be very shy but take note of rippling water or bubbles within the water after you have allowed the chimes to sound for a few moments.
The best time to perform these activities to attract fairies are what are called “between times” since those times are the easiest for transitioning between realms. Between times themselves are exactly as their name implies—in between major parts of the day. Therefore, the four primary between times are dawn, midday, dusk, and midnight.
For those who seriously wish to get up close and personal with fairies, a ritual spell can be performed. This spell originally is a spell for witches to see the fae folk, but the proper amount of dedication and desire make it an easy way for anyone to see fairies. Drawing on their “between time” tendencies, this spell is best used or conducted on the nights between Midsummer (June 21) until June 29. The process of the spell even includes the dates of this particular “in between” week. On the evening of Midsummer, the wanting mortal should gather fern seed. Try to gather the fern seed in the place you are going to request the appearance of fairies to keep your fairies local rather than having them come from far away to you.
On the night of June 27, make a wreath of foxglove (also known as fairy’s thimble) to place around your head like a crown. Travel to your favorite place in a secluded woodland (hopefully near to where you gathered your fern seed the other night) just before sunset. Settle yourself into a place and create a ring of stones. Within this circle of stones, create a small fire. Let the fire burn and meditate on the nature around you while you wait for the sun to slide beneath the horizon. Once the dun goes down, rub the fern seed on your eyelids and try to keep yourself in the natural state of mind. Dancing around the fire in the dusky glow as the moon is on the rise would not hurt your chances of making the fairies feel safe enough to pay you a visit since they probably will be doing the same thing in their fairy world.

If you prefer to try to attract fairies to you naturally, as in draw the fae to a certain place or toward a certain person without much effort or random rituals, you should try herbs. Rose oil, just a few drops, should attract fairies to you as they tend to love roses in general. To take this even further, green thumbs can plant rose bushes in their backyards or away from the center of the house as fairies will be attracted to them but will only be brave enough to venture close if they feel the main portion of humans is securely held back from these areas. Thyme is another strong herbal draw for fairies. Wearing a small amount of thyme in a pouch or pocket that you keep on your person is thought to help you see fairies more easily in their natural habitats.
All of these techniques are only here as an aid though. If your heart is not open and you do not harbor peaceful thoughts toward nature and the natural world, no magic at all can bring these earthly spirits to you. Asking with a pure desire is the best way to contact the hidden fairy realm, but these are independent beings of their own. They can choose to ignore your call if they wish it. They can even choose to come to you when you are not asking—even if only as mischief makers to hide things from you. If you are consistently seeking out the fae folk, do not be surprised when they pop out at you at random times or places. Always keep your eyes and senses open!
If you prefer to try to attract fairies to you naturally, as in draw the fae to a certain place or toward a certain person without much effort or random rituals, you should try herbs. Rose oil, just a few drops, should attract fairies to you as they tend to love roses in general. To take this even further, green thumbs can plant rose bushes in their backyards or away from the center of the house as fairies will be attracted to them but will only be brave enough to venture close if they feel the main portion of humans is securely held back from these areas. Thyme is another strong herbal draw for fairies. Wearing a small amount of thyme in a pouch or pocket that you keep on your person is thought to help you see fairies more easily in their natural habitats.
All of these techniques are only here as an aid though. If your heart is not open and you do not harbor peaceful thoughts toward nature and the natural world, no magic at all can bring these earthly spirits to you. Asking with a pure desire is the best way to contact the hidden fairy realm, but these are independent beings of their own. They can choose to ignore your call if they wish it. They can even choose to come to you when you are not asking—even if only as mischief makers to hide things from you. If you are consistently seeking out the fae folk, do not be surprised when they pop out at you at random times or places. Always keep your eyes and senses open!