Hi my dear friends and followers, today I want to share with you one of my poems about the unsuspecting elven prince. Thank you for coming and enjoy the read
The Unsuspecting Elven Prince
Somewhere in the land between worlds,
there, lived a lonely elf.
He sat on a large boulder contemplating his life,
and daydreaming once again of a different place;
wherein he dreamed of someone special,
to share his heart and farm and life.
Who would take his work-worn hand?
She, in his dreams, a princess grand,
would take a poor farmer elf,
in her hand as her husband to be.
Far away in another land between worlds,
there, was a maiden, princess of Thull.
She had all for which she could wish.
There she sat, on the groomed lawn,
before her home, Castle Rawen.
She was lonely with a heart so blue,
longing for a prince from a far-away land
to come and take her in his hands.
Absently, she stared at the creek,
tears tracing their way down her cheeks.
Her longing was great;
It consumed all her thoughts.
She stood, and lifting her gown she ran,
ran from the grounds of the Castle Rawen.
To where? Just run, she did not care.
With a heart full of turmoil she fled,
unknowingly into the enchanted woods;
a forbidden land for those of Thull
Where demons and witches ruled
and misdeeds were a daily, common event.
Fatigued, she wandered, not knowing where at.
'til she lay at the feet of a large shade-tree.
Whilst she slept, the spirits of the enchanted forest
came to dance, dancing 'round her in a circle,
around the fair maiden, Princess of Thull.
As the Princess awakened, she sat;
Rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands
she looked to the forest before her.
The forest had changed while she had been napping.
The shade tree behind her turned into a sapling!
Out of a field of tall grass
undulating in the summer breeze,
like waves on surface of a lake,
there came a dark and rugged form.
A tall commoner surely was he,
a very handsome commoner indeed!
And he spoke: "I have come for thee, my lady,
To take you home with me.
“Will you take my hand, my princess
my princess of my dreams come true?"
The princess was stricken by the commoner's mien,
Never had she met a man such as he!
“Yes, I will come gladly with thee!”
Through the tall grass she flew,
to embrace the commoner;
and it was bliss.
Then she fell under a spell of warmth and caring;
“He's not a commoner but a prince of elves, by sharing.”
In the land of between worlds
she cared not where he hailed.
And both the Prince of Elves,
and the Princess of Thull
danced on a cushion of air,
In the land of rainbow light.
One can still see them dance,
in the mist of waterfalls and fountains,
and upon rainbows in the heavens above,
Or through the northern lights,
in the frozen polar night.
Written by Cynthia
✿ڰۣ❤ In Loving Light from the Fairy Lady ✿ڰۣ❤
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