The Path To Heaven
The path to Heaven is not the same as the way the heavens are governed. Heaven is revealed to us piecemeal each day, from the time of awakening, remembering, undertaking challenges, growing, and learning what each day brings.
The path is shown to you or revealed to you as part of each wakeful day, and you may not even be aware that you are picking up the pieces of information. They may not mean much when gathered, but they get stored away in your memory anyway.
That information is stored in the subconscious mind until called upon. Maybe another piece of information triggers what you had once thought to be insignificant. When combined with the new piece of information, the two pieces become a much greater part of a more significant concept. Each piece helps to make the pavement of a more extensive system of knowledge and reasoning highways.
Each day, the image becomes more apparent as your telescope's focus zeroes in. You can feel it within you, even if your mind remains skeptical because of the darkness pressing in, especially right now, given what is happening in The Trumpet's Bizarro World.
But we yearn to reach for the stars, as it should be; we are the children of the stars; from the stars we came, and to the stars we shall return. We are The Star Children, born of Star Dust.
It is the instinct of humanity to exceed its grasp on the temporal world for the stars or ask why there is Heaven. Heaven is my home. I only dropped by this rock for a short time, maybe simply to learn about the I Am Who I Am, of whom we all are minute projections of one thought.
The Fairy Lady
El Camino al Cielo
El camino al Cielo no es lo mismo que cómo se gobierna. El Cielo se nos revela poco a poco cada día, desde el momento en que despertamos, recordamos, afrontamos desafíos, crecemos y aprendemos lo que cada día nos trae.
El camino se te muestra o se te revela como parte de cada día despierto, y puede que ni siquiera seas consciente de que estás recogiendo fragmentos de información. Puede que no signifiquen mucho al recopilarlos, pero de todos modos se almacenan en tu memoria.
Esa información se almacena en el subconsciente hasta que la necesitas. Quizás otra información desencadene lo que antes considerabas insignificante. Al combinarse con la nueva información, ambas se convierten en una parte mucho mayor de un concepto más significativo. Cada fragmento ayuda a construir un sistema más amplio de conocimiento y caminos de razonamiento.
Cada día, la imagen se hace más evidente a medida que el enfoque de tu telescopio se centra. Puedes sentirla en tu interior, incluso si tu mente permanece escéptica debido a la oscuridad que se cierne sobre ti, especialmente ahora mismo, dado lo que está sucediendo en el Mundo Bizarro de La Trompeta.
Pero anhelamos alcanzar las estrellas, como debe ser; somos hijos de las estrellas; de las estrellas venimos, y a las estrellas regresaremos. Somos Los Hijos de las Estrellas, nacidos del Polvo de Estrellas.
Es el instinto de la humanidad exceder su alcance del mundo temporal por las estrellas o preguntar por qué existe el Cielo. El Cielo es mi hogar. Solo me detuve en esta roca por un corto tiempo, tal vez simplemente para aprender sobre el Yo Soy Quien Soy, del cual todos somos diminutas proyecciones de un solo pensamiento.
Comment: Paula Koval
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your thoughts about the difference between learning about what's in the heavens and the path to Heaven.
Humanity has looked skyward since its beginning because they found the Sun, the Moon, the stars, and the planets there. The display they viewed was beyond incredible.
As humanity evolved, people began to wonder about the forces of nature affecting their lives, the objects in the heavens, and how those things came to be. It wasn't long before a force greater than all the forces they saw was credited for creation. Thus, gods were given life and residence in the minds of people. Humans continued to believe that all dieties were above them, so they looked up toward them.
I won't go into how any clan, tribe, or nation went from polytheism to monotheism or how the concept of Heaven versus the heavens took root. I arrived too late for that meeting to understand anything aside from my beliefs. On this basis, I fully agree with Cindy's position that Heaven is revealed to us each day in a piecemeal fashion.
Gathering what we need to know about the path to Heaven, a bit at a time, is a good idea. Could I understand and retain all of it if it were given to me in one sitting? How much would I forget after the session? Would sleep erase all of it? One piece at a time, with time to consider what I heard and its meaning in my life, makes sense to me.
I must be discerning about who I listen to and what I'm hearing. There are many false prophets and teachers of erroneous things in the world. I must pray for help from the Higher Power of My Understanding to avoid being snared by them or my bad judgment.
New information will bring new thinking and broaden my understanding. When I was a child, I thought and spoke like a child. Childhood is past, and now I think and talk more maturely after traveling as I have on the path to Heaven.
I have an unknown distance to travel on my path. I pray I continue to learn. I strive to be welcomed in Heaven at the end of my journey.
Reply: The Fairy Laidy
Would sleep erase all of it? Yes, and rather quickly, the details fade upon awakening; the notepad and pencil are useless. By the time you get to it, you forget. And sometimes you remember what it was but not all the details.
There are many false prophets and teachers of erroneous things in the world.
That would be where empathy comes in, to feel their true intentions through what you feel emitting from them. Dead giveaway unless they are a really good actor who actually *feels!* what they act.
But you learn by feeling it. Like I've mentioned to you before, it's like when playing pool. You can feel you are going to make the shot before you even shoot. If one could hold that confidence and positive knowing at will, maybe we could build pyramids without tools, too.