Land of The Whispering Pines
🌅Good morning everyone!🌅
I hate to say this, but when I awoke this morning to go to the bathroom, a strange thought occurred to me. Yesterday, I read a post on X, something about Trump's world being a bizarro world. What if that bizarro world collides with us in Canada? That thought almost scared the pants off of me!
After that, I didn't bother going back to bed; I made coffee and had breakfast. By that time, the Sun was up nice and bright. I was waiting for that to see if there were any streaks left on the windows I'd cleaned yesterday. I got the job done with a squeegee that had turned brittle and useless at removing water from the glass. If you don't have a proper squeegee, it's hard to wash windows without streaks. So, I went after the squeegee streaks with a dry cloth. I only used the squeegee twice. They sell nothing but garbage nowadays.
Bizarro World
I haven't heard of the word Bizarro since the DC Superman comic books back in the Sixties. I know; I read a lot of them while sitting in the car waiting for Mom and Dad to come back from shopping and, of course, meeting up with friends in the local downtown hotel. They have a more modern brick-and-glass one now. I remember when it was a large wood structure that reminded me of the old Western saloon-like style.
- Google Search -
Bizarro World - Reverse Reality:
Everything in Bizarro World is the opposite of the "normal" world. This includes the way people speak (backward), how things are done, and how they think. "Sound familiar?"
Bizarro World—what a thing to think about first thing in the morning while sitting on the can. I am thankful that it brought me back to a happier time: DC comic books. I could go to the movie theater and have some French fries and a hot dog with a Coke at the local Rock&Roll Chinese restaurant, which was like an old-style diner with a jukebox. Add a couple of comic books, all for $5. There was even some change left, maybe to buy bubble gum. I was a loner; I didn't hang out with other kids except for one, and that's an entire other story.
- Google Search -
What disorder has bizarre delusions?
The presence of bizarre delusions (BD) is considered a sufficient criterion of schizophrenia.
A delusion is an unshakable belief in something that's untrue. The belief isn't a part of the person's culture or subculture, and almost everyone else knows this belief to be false. People with delusional disorder often experience non-bizarre delusions.
What is delusional disorder?
Delusional disorder is a type of psychotic disorder. Its main symptom is the presence of one or more delusions.
A delusion is an unshakable belief in something that is untrue. It isn't part of a person's culture or subculture, and almost everyone else knows it is false.
Remember: If you want to know and are interested sufficiently in the topic, it is not very difficult to find the information you want if you know what you're looking for.
Another word for that is Dreams of Grandeur:
- Google Search -
"Dreams of Grandeur" can refer to strong aspirations for success, wealth, or power, or, more specifically, to a type of delusion called "delusions of grandeur," characterized by an inflated belief in one's own importance or abilities.
Eh! We all have our times of dreaming dreams of grandeur, but most of us keep our fantasies and dreams to ourselves, especially some that I had. They would think I am bizarre. I may be different and even weird for some, but not bizarre, and I think I still have all my flakes, not like some of them in the House and Senate. My flakes may be moving a little slower on the switching, but they still work quite fine.
Schumer backs down on fight against GOP’s government funding bill as Democrats face reckoning over Trump strategy
Veteran Democrats privately believed Chuck Schumer’s decision on the shutdown was inevitable. Others were ready for the top Senate Democrat to lead them into their first big battle against President Donald Trump — and instead have been left fuming.
Schumer’s declaration Thursday night that he would vote for Republicans’ stopgap spending bill, backing down in the party’s first big leverage point in President Donald Trump’s second term has confirmed a dire political reality for his caucus: Democrats had no good options left to avert a government shutdown with just hours to go until the deadline.
“If we go into a shutdown, and I told my caucus this, there’s no off-ramp. The total off-ramp of a shutdown, how you stop a shutdown, is totally determined by the Republican House and Senate, and that is totally determined because they’ve shown complete blind obeisance [to] Trump, DOGE, etc. They could keep us in a shutdown for months and months and months,” Schumer told reporters Thursday night.
Published 8:44 PM EDT, Thu March 13, 2025 - CNN -
"C'mon, Schumer! You can do better than that. Are you losing your flakes, too? If that's so, I pray Cortez fries your arse on that one. All is fair in love, war, and saving AMERICA and Americans. Doesn't ANYONE IN AMERICA CARE AT ALL about those folks who will not be able to get jobs and will be in tents by the end of the year? Another Bangladesh? Is that the person you want to deal with?
CLOSE THE DAMNED GOVERNMENT! Either way, it's going to take some time to get rid of the hairball that's stuck in America's arse.
-CBC News:- Special | Carney Swearing-in
-CBC News- Chief Political Correspondent Rosemary Barton hosts special coverage as Mark Carney is sworn in as Canada's 24th prime minister.
VIDEO Included:
March 14 2025 / Started less than an hour ago. -CBC -
Justin Trudeau's final message to Canada as prime minister
With Mark Carney set to be sworn in on Friday as prime minister, Justin Trudeau took to X to leave one final message as the country’s leader. ‘I will always be boldly and unapologetically Canadian,’ he says, and asks for his fellow Canadians to be the same.
22 hours ago -CBC-
Mark Carney arrives at Rideau Hall
Incoming prime minister to take oath alongside cabinet
-CBC News- Chief Political Correspondent Rosemary Barton hosts special coverage as Mark Carney is sworn in as Canada's 24th prime minister.
The Latest
The swearing-in ceremony will begin around 11 a.m. ET.
After Carney is in place, his cabinet will take their oaths.
The new cabinet will be mostly made up of ministers who have previously been in cabinet.
-CBC News- is live now with special coverage. Follow the updates here.
VIDEO Included: -CBC-
Marck 14 2025 Updated8 minutes ago
🎍Time for relaxation and to allow for your imagination to flow🎍
Tierra de los Pinos Susurrantes
🌅¡Buenos días a todos!🌅
Lamento decir esto, pero cuando me desperté esta mañana para ir al baño, me vino a la mente una idea extraña. Ayer leí una publicación en X sobre que el mundo de Trump es un mundo bizarro. ¿Y si ese mundo bizarro choca con nosotros en Canadá? ¡Esa idea casi me mata del susto!
Después de eso, no me molesté en volver a la cama; preparé café y desayuné. Para entonces, el sol ya brillaba. Estaba esperando a que llegara ese momento para ver si quedaban manchas en las ventanas que había limpiado ayer. Terminé el trabajo con una escobilla de goma que se había vuelto quebradiza e inútil para quitar el agua del cristal. Sin una escobilla de goma adecuada, es difícil limpiar ventanas sin dejar manchas. Así que, seguí las manchas de la escobilla con un paño seco. Solo usé la escobilla de goma dos veces. Hoy en día solo venden basura.
Mundo Bizarro
No había oído la palabra Bizarro desde los cómics de DC Superman de los sesenta. Lo sé; leía muchos mientras estaba en el coche esperando a que mamá y papá volvieran de la compra y, por supuesto, quedando con amigos en el hotel del centro. Ahora tienen uno más moderno, de ladrillo y cristal. Recuerdo cuando era una gran estructura de madera que me recordaba al estilo de las cantinas del Viejo Oeste.
- Búsqueda de Google -
Mundo Bizarro - Realidad Inversa:
Todo en el Mundo Bizarro es lo opuesto al mundo "normal". Esto incluye la forma de hablar (al revés), cómo se hacen las cosas y cómo piensan. "¿Te suena?"
Mundo Bizarro: ¡menudo pensamiento en el que pensar a primera hora de la mañana mientras estoy sentado frente a la lata! Me alegra que me haya traído de vuelta a una época más feliz: los cómics de DC. Podía ir al cine y comerme unas papas fritas, un perrito caliente y una Coca-Cola en el restaurante chino Rock&Roll de la esquina, que parecía una cafetería tradicional con gramola. Además, un par de cómics, todo por 5 dólares. Incluso me quedaba algo de cambio, quizá para comprar chicles. Era un solitario; no salía con otros chicos excepto con uno, y esa es otra historia.
- Búsqueda de Google -
¿Qué trastorno presenta delirios extraños?
La presencia de delirios extraños (BD) se considera un criterio suficiente para la esquizofrenia.
Un delirio es una creencia inquebrantable en algo que no es cierto. La creencia no forma parte de la cultura ni de la subcultura de la persona, y casi todo el mundo sabe que es falsa. Las personas con trastorno delirante a menudo experimentan delirios no extraños.
¿Qué es el trastorno delirante?
El trastorno delirante es un tipo de trastorno psicótico. Su síntoma principal es la presencia de uno o más delirios.
Un delirio es una creencia inquebrantable en algo falso. No forma parte de la cultura ni de la subcultura de una persona, y casi todos saben que es falso.
Recuerda: Si quieres saber y te interesa lo suficiente el tema, no es muy difícil encontrar la información que buscas si sabes lo que buscas.
Otra palabra para eso es Sueños de Grandeza:
- Búsqueda de Google -
"Sueños de Grandeza" puede referirse a fuertes aspiraciones de éxito, riqueza o poder, o, más específicamente, a un tipo de delirio llamado "delirios de grandeza", caracterizado por una creencia exagerada en la propia importancia o habilidades.
¡Vaya! Todos tenemos nuestros momentos de sueños de grandeza, pero la mayoría nos guardamos nuestras fantasías y sueños para nosotros mismos, especialmente algunos que yo tuve. Pensarían que soy extraño. Puede que sea diferente e incluso raro para algunos, pero no extraño, y creo que todavía tengo mis escamas, a diferencia de algunos en la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado. Puede que mis escamas se muevan un poco más despacio al cambiar de tema, pero siguen funcionando bastante bien.
Schumer cede en su lucha contra el proyecto de ley de financiación gubernamental del Partido Republicano mientras los demócratas se enfrentan a un ajuste de cuentas sobre la estrategia de Trump
Los demócratas veteranos creían en privado que la decisión de Chuck Schumer sobre el cierre era inevitable. Otros estaban listos para que el principal demócrata del Senado los liderara en su primera gran batalla contra el presidente Donald Trump, y en cambio, se han quedado furiosos.
La declaración de Schumer el jueves por la noche de que votaría a favor del proyecto de ley de gastos provisionales de los republicanos, cediendo en el primer gran punto de apoyo del partido en el segundo mandato del presidente Donald Trump, ha confirmado una terrible realidad política para su bancada: los demócratas no tenían buenas opciones para evitar un cierre gubernamental a pocas horas de la fecha límite.
“Si entramos en un cierre, y se lo dije a mi grupo parlamentario, no hay salida. La salida total de un cierre, cómo detenerlo, está totalmente determinada por la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado republicanos, y eso está totalmente determinado porque han mostrado una obediencia ciega a Trump, DOGE, etc. Podrían mantenernos en un cierre durante meses y meses”, dijo Schumer a los periodistas el jueves por la noche. Publicado 8:44 PM EDT, jue. 13 de marzo de 2025 - CNN -
"¡Vamos, Schumer! Puedes hacerlo mejor que eso. ¿Tú también estás perdiendo la cabeza? Si es así, rezo para que Cortez te dé una paliza. Todo vale en el amor, la guerra y para salvar a ESTADOS UNIDOS y a los estadounidenses. ¿A nadie en Estados Unidos le importan esas personas que no podrán conseguir trabajo y estarán en tiendas de campaña para fin de año? ¿Otro Bangladesh? ¿Es esa la persona con la que quieres tratar?
¡CIERREN EL MALDITO GOBIERNO! De cualquier manera, va a llevar tiempo deshacerse de la bola de pelos que tiene atrapada en el trasero de Estados Unidos.
-CBC News:- Especial | Juramento de Carney
La corresponsal política en jefe de -CBC News-, Rosemary Barton, presenta una cobertura especial de la juramentación de Mark Carney como El 24.º primer ministro de Canadá.
VIDEO incluido:
14 de marzo de 2025 / Comenzó hace menos de una hora.
-CBC -
Mensaje final de Justin Trudeau a Canadá como primer ministro
Con la juramentación de Mark Carney como primer ministro prevista para el viernes, Justin Trudeau se dirigió a X para dejar un último mensaje como líder del país. "Siempre seré canadiense, con valentía y sin complejos", declaró, y pidió a sus compatriotas canadienses que hicieran lo mismo.
14 de marzo de 2025 Hace 22 horas -CBC-
Mark Carney llega al Rideau Hall
El primer ministro entrante prestará juramento junto con el gabinete
La corresponsal política en jefe de -CBC News-, Rosemary Barton, presenta una cobertura especial de la juramentación de Mark Carney como el 24.º primer ministro de Canadá.
Lo último
La ceremonia de juramentación comenzará alrededor de las 11:00 a. m., hora del este.
Tras la toma de posesión de Carney, su gabinete prestará juramento. El nuevo gabinete estará compuesto principalmente por ministros que ya han formado parte del gabinete.
-CBC News- está en vivo ahora con cobertura especial. Siga las actualizaciones aquí.
VIDEO incluido: -CBC-
14 de marzo de 2025. Actualizado hace 8 minutos.
Comment: The Fairy Lady
ReplyDeleteA Bizarro world, no thank you, gives me the creeps just to think of it.
The Trumpeter and his sidekick pal, the bag-blowing Muskrat, don't really appeal to me, yuk! Except maybe invite them over to peel the paint off the wall. Next time, we need to repaint the place and PUT THE VALUABLES AWAY!
Reply: Paula Koval
Greetings, Everyone! Happy Friday and a pleasant weekend to all.
The realization that the president has been living in a Bizarro world is hard enough to live with. To see Bizarro thinking merged with Orwell's "Animal Farm" and "1984" would have been a shock to my physical person. Pondering the collision of that mode of presiding over the Executive Branch of America's government would have obviated any need for ExLax on my part.
It's not that I'm immune to the machinations of a dangerous psychopath, his co-president, and their enablers who have abdicated their duties in the House of Representatives and the Senate. I listened before Election Day to the shouting organ grinder and his dancing monkey who bought the election for his master.
The last time the psychopath who would be king said a truthful word was when the doctor lifted him by his heels and whacked his butt in the delivery room. I was ready for lies, hate, and blaming everyone else for his errors.
I wonder about the Bizarro world of the emperor of the White House colliding with Canada. It has already made its mark on the population. National pride is up. More people are flying the Maple Leaf from their homes and cars. The unnecessary tariffs will mess with the Canadian economy and unemployment, but American exceptionalism won't shield America from the pains of counter-tariffs.
I found it bizarro that the delusional king complained about being ripped off by Canada because of a trade imbalance. All trade was conducted under the terms of the USMCA, a trade agreement negotiated by the schoolyard bully himself. If America buys more from Canada than it sells to Canada, how is that a ripoff? In the absence of coercion, that's business.
The other thing Trumpkins has wrong is that America is subsidizing Canada by providing defense against attacks in the Arctic region.
It's true that America has far more troops and facilities in the polar areas and that it costs them a lot of money to keep people ready to defend against Russian or Chinese attack. But doesn't the one who occupies the Offal Office see that stopping an invasion in the Arctic will save America from defending against an invasion on American soil? What's the alternative?
That America moves its forces to Upstate New York and the northern regions of other states to stop a polar attack in America instead of in the Northwest Territories or Yukon? Who is subsidizing whom?
Maybe someday, the Republicans in the House and the Senate will go back to serving their constituents and the nation instead of cowering before a delusional field marshal. Perhaps the Supreme Court will remember that ALL of them serve the people. Their loyalty was sworn to the Constitution and not to a wealthy patron who gives them lots of free travel of the world in luxury style, or who buys them a top-of-the-line motorhome, or to someone who flies them to Alaska for some salmon fishing, Justice Thomas and Justice Alito.
Maybe someday, Bizarro will be a memory. Maybe someday. Don't let anyone kill or steal your dream!