Land of The Whispering Pines
🌅🙏Good morning everyone! I pray that you all be well, at peace, provided for, and be blessed🙏 🌅
The above will be my opening prayer statement each morning until things begin to return to sanity and the end of Trump's Bizarro World.
Since there is no weather service in The US, I'll stand in for the day. Today's weather report is as follows: Clean out and stock up the storm shelters; severe orange pus bag-adoes are forecasted for some areas, not regular tornadoes, which could hit your location at any time.
And you wouldn't want to find out what happens when you have 350 pounds of pus in a one-pound bag? Better get out of town. Or find a maintenance hole cover to get under!
Slime (Earth-616) | Marvel Comics. Click Images at the top of the page; it's the first image in the upper left corner—a portrait of The Orange Pus Bag without his makeup.
Enough of that; I don't want to sh-t in my won ton soup and spoil my day because of that jackass.
Personal Care
Just Another Tiny Personal Annoyance:
Aren't eyeglasses just wonderful? They're never where I need them. I can't see a sh-tin thing without them, and I can't even check the time or the battery level on my cellphone; I need pain-in-the-arse glasses to see the numbers, so my cell is useless without the glasses. I can't drive because I would need to put on and take off the glasses to see both close up and far; what happens to the glasses in between? End up on the floor between the seats. At one time, all I needed to do was squint a bit, and I could see and read whatever I needed to read without digging for glasses—a pain in the arse. First, I leave them in another room; then I have to get off my arse and play the fetch the glasses game; more time wasted doing that than I can shake a stick at.
This time, I had to bring both pairs of glasses to check them under the bright kitchen light. THERE ARE SCRATCHES ON THE LENSES—no wonder! It wasn't my eyes starting to go. My eyes are pretty okay at my regular vision distance. Eyeglasses are a blessing if you need them to see; keeping track of where the Heck they are is the problem. And I don't like lanyards, the glasses dangling getting into things while you're working around the house, like the soup pot.
I also see another pain in the arse appointment with an optometrist coming, that and to get my teeth checked. I don't want any more doctor's appointments getting in the way; that is just too much, but I do need some personal maintenance time once the bug season is in retreat, which is the last time I checked with Canada Health, the flu will begin to moderate at the end of March, and the other bugs are not that much of a worry right now except measles, I fear I can not feel sorry for these people that get this virus simply because the dumb butt holes don't believe in vaccines.
Once the warm weather arrives, my schedule will be filled with appointments. At least this time, I pray it is filled with personal stuff that I haven't had a chance to look after since the outbreak of COVID-19. I also pray I can get the GERDS under control and drop off the map with doctors for a while.
I think I will feel much better after my little excursion to Toronto from the Niagara Peninsula on an empty stomach is over. An empty stomach and GERDS don't mix well. But I bet that will be fun. It will be like sitting and listening to our Bizarro OPB Trump all the way to Toronto. Wanna bet I will be bringing a couple of joints and my bag of jokes with me; we will be needing humor.
There might be appointment days this summer getting in the way of when I deliver the news, but I will provide at least the news in part, if not complete, on what part of the day, you ask? It will depend on whether it's a morning or afternoon appointment. This is not just a pet peeve report but also a notification, a possible list of things that may be getting in the way of when I deliver the news. Thank you for taking the time to read the news.
‘‘Delete’ is one of their favorite terms’: Inside DOGE’s IRS takeover ahead of tax season
The chaos at the Internal Revenue Service began almost immediately after the first envoy from the Department of Government Efficiency arrived last month at the agency’s Washington, DC, headquarters.
Within minutes of showing up, a twenty-something software engineer dispatched from DOGE began demanding access to the tax collection agency’s most protected internal databases – first the IT systems and then one containing the personal and financial data for millions of American taxpayers and another system housing IRS contracts.
Another DOGE staffer sought to shut down nearly all of IRS’s congressionally funded programs and initiatives planned for this fiscal year – many aimed at modernizing the agency and improving the tax filing process.
Updated 10:45 AM EDT, Sat March 15, 2025 - CNN -
How COVID changed Canadians, their health and the future
*5 years after the pandemic, COVID-19 is in the rear-view mirror for most Canadians, yet its effects live on*
His story is part of -CBC- Health's Second Opinion, a weekly analysis of health and medical science news emailed to subscribers on Saturday mornings.
Five years ago this week, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, warning that the situation would worsen for countries around the world.
"We expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths, and the number of affected countries climb even higher," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at the time.
Effectiveness of Canada's pandemic measures
Canada had the second-lowest mortality rate after Japan, Razak and his team reported. The country also had the highest vaccination rate for two doses of the vaccine between Feb. 4, 2020, and Feb. 8, 2022.
- CBC -
🍃🌴~Heart Of Mother Nature. Come in and rest in the Loving Essence of Mother Nature~🌴🍃
Tierra de los Pinos Susurrantes
🌅🙏¡Buenos días a todos! Rezo para que todos estén bien, en paz, bien provistos y bendecidos🙏 🌅
Esta será mi oración inicial cada mañana hasta que todo vuelva a la normalidad y el mundo bizarro de Trump termine.
Como no hay servicio meteorológico en EE. UU., me encargaré de su turno. El pronóstico del tiempo para hoy es el siguiente: Limpie y abastezca los refugios contra tormentas; se pronostican fuertes tornados anaranjados con pus en algunas zonas, no tornados normales, que podrían azotar su ubicación en cualquier momento.
¿Y no querrían descubrir qué pasa cuando tienen 159 kilos de pus en una bolsa de medio kilo? ¡Mejor váyanse de la ciudad! ¡O busquen una tapa para un agujero de mantenimiento!
Slime (Tierra-616) | Marvel Comics. Hagan clic en las imágenes en la parte superior de la página. Es la primera imagen de la esquina superior izquierda: un retrato de la Bolsa Naranja sin maquillaje.
Ya basta; no quiero cagar en mi sopa de wonton y arruinarme el día por culpa de ese imbécil.
Cuidado Personal
Otra Pequeña Molestia Personal:
¿A que son maravillosas las gafas? Nunca las necesito. No veo nada sin ellas, y ni siquiera puedo mirar la hora ni la batería del móvil; necesito unas gafas insoportables para ver los números, así que mi móvil no sirve sin ellas. No puedo conducir porque tendría que ponerme y quitarme las gafas para ver de cerca y de lejos; ¿qué pasa con las gafas que quedan entre medias? Acaban en el suelo entre los asientos. Antes, solo tenía que entrecerrar los ojos un poco y podía ver y leer lo que necesitaba sin tener que buscar las gafas; un rollo. Primero, las dejo en otra habitación; luego tengo que ponerme manos a la obra y jugar a buscar las gafas; pierdo más tiempo del que puedo imaginar.
Esta vez, tuve que llevar las dos gafas para revisarlas bajo la luz brillante de la cocina. ¡LAS LENTES TIENEN ARAÑAZOS! ¡Con razón! No eran mis ojos los que empezaban a fallar. Mis ojos están bastante bien a mi distancia de visión normal. Las gafas son una bendición si las necesitas para ver; el problema es saber dónde están. Y no me gustan los cordones, ni que las gafas se metan con las cosas mientras trabajo en casa, como con la olla de sopa.
También veo otra cita fastidiosa con el optometrista, eso y para que me revisen los dientes. No quiero que más citas médicas me estorben; es demasiado, pero necesito tiempo para mi bienestar personal una vez que la temporada de virus esté en retirada. La última vez que consulté con Salud de Canadá, la gripe empezará a moderarse a finales de marzo, y los demás virus no me preocupan tanto ahora mismo, excepto el sarampión. Me temo que no puedo sentir lástima por la gente que contrae este virus simplemente porque esos imbéciles no creen en las vacunas.
Cuando llegue el buen tiempo, mi agenda estará llena de citas. Al menos esta vez, rezo para que esté llena de asuntos personales que no he tenido oportunidad de atender desde el brote de COVID-19. También rezo para poder controlar el reflujo gastroesofágico y desconectar de los médicos por un tiempo.
Creo que me sentiré mucho mejor después de mi pequeña excursión a Toronto desde la península del Niágara con el estómago vacío. El estómago vacío y el reflujo gastroesofágico no se llevan bien. Pero apuesto a que será divertido. Será como sentarme a escuchar a nuestro bizarro de la Oficina del Fiscal General Trump durante todo el camino a Toronto. Apuesto a que llevaré un par de porros y mi colección de chistes; necesitaremos humor.
Puede que este verano haya días de cita que me impidan dar las noticias, pero daré las noticias al menos parcialmente, si no completas, ¿en qué momento del día? Dependerá de si es una cita por la mañana o por la tarde. Esto no es solo un informe de mis manías, sino también una notificación, una posible lista de cosas que podrían estar impidiendo dar las noticias. Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer las noticias.
«Eliminar» es uno de sus términos favoritos: Dentro de la toma de control del IRS por parte de DOGE antes de la temporada de impuestos
El caos en el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS) comenzó casi inmediatamente después de que el primer enviado del Departamento de Eficiencia Gubernamental llegara el mes pasado a la sede de la agencia en Washington, D.C. A los pocos minutos de llegar, un ingeniero de software de veintitantos años enviado desde DOGE comenzó a exigir acceso a las bases de datos internas más protegidas de la agencia de recaudación de impuestos: primero los sistemas informáticos, luego uno que contenía los datos personales y financieros de millones de contribuyentes estadounidenses y otro sistema que albergaba los contratos del IRS.
Otro miembro del personal de DOGE intentó cerrar casi todos los programas e iniciativas del IRS financiados por el Congreso y planificados para este año fiscal, muchos de ellos destinados a modernizar la agencia y mejorar el proceso de declaración de impuestos.
Actualizado a las 10:45 a. m. EDT, sábado 15 de marzo de 2025
- CNN -
Cómo la COVID-19 cambió a los canadienses, su salud y su futuro
*Cinco años después de la pandemia, la COVID-19 ha quedado atrás para la mayoría de los canadienses, pero sus efectos persisten*
Su historia forma parte de la Segunda Opinión de CBC Health, un análisis semanal de noticias sobre salud y ciencias médicas que se envía por correo electrónico a los suscriptores los sábados por la mañana.
Hace cinco años, esta semana, la Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró el brote de coronavirus como pandemia, advirtiendo que la situación empeoraría en países de todo el mundo.
"Prevemos que el número de casos, el número de muertes y el número de países afectados aumentará aún más", declaró entonces el director general de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Eficacia de las medidas de Canadá contra la pandemia
Canadá tuvo la segunda tasa de mortalidad más baja después de Japón, informaron Razak y su equipo. El país también tuvo la tasa de vacunación más alta con dos dosis de la vacuna entre el
4 de febrero de 2020 y el 8 de febrero de 2022.
- CBC -
Good afternoon or good evening, Everyone! Thanks for visiting.
ReplyDeleteIt's a quiet, cloudy Saturday on the Niagara Peninsula. The weather is milder because spring begins in six days, but a cold snap is due on Monday to keep us humble.
While reading Cindy's news item about how COVID-19 changed Canadians, their health, and their future, I saw that Japan had the fewest COVID-19 deaths, followed by Canada. Canada also had the highest vaccination rate for two shots between February 4, 2020, and February 28, 2022.
Being curious about the number of Americans killed by the first wave of COVID-19, I found this: Total number of U.S. COVID-19 cases and deaths April 26, 2023
Published by
John Elflein
Aug 29, 2023
As of April 26, 2023, the number of both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of the COVID-19 disease reported in the United States had reached over 104 million, with over 1.1 million deaths reported among these cases.
Does anyone know why that happened?
The Bizzaro president and his dancing Muskrat continue doing the most baffling shit I've seen.
The business of government is NOT business. The Preamble to the Constitution clearly states why America has a government and a Constitution by which the Nation is to be governed. Here is the text of the Preamble to the Constitution:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
The word "profit" is not in the Preamble, nor is "income," or "cash flow."
Our government, our nation, needs money to operate and do what is in the Preamble. A minor stream of funds comes from customs duties, tariffs, and excise taxes, but the greatest source of funding for the United States government is personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, and other taxes collected by the Treasury through the Internal Revenue Service.
It's no secret that everyone who needs to file a federal income tax return must do it on or before the deadline of APRIL 15. Here's the baffling shit Bizzaro part: Trump allowed Muskrat and the DOGE gang to go into the Internal Revenue Service Headquarters in Washington, DC to fire thousands of employees during the busiest time of year!
The dogs of DOGE also got into the computer systems containing all of the personal and financial information of every American taxpayer. How's that for privacy? The reduction in force has made it impossible for taxpayers to call the IRS for help with preparing their tax returns for the 2024 tax year. Anyone who has a tax refund due has no idea when they might receive it.
How's that for baffling Bizzaro shit? I didn't vote for the captain of the USS Delusion. That's not much consolation as I watch the nation go to shit at the hands of Trump's largest presidential campaign donor. He donated $285,000,000 to the mad king's campaign, and look what he got for it. Carte blanche to destroy the nation.
This is proof that Trump can be bought, complete with toys and accessories.
Have a nice weekend anyway.
Reply: The Fairy Lady
Paula Koval : Unfortunately, that is the way the old cookie crumbles at the good old hockey game. I could go on with homemade cuss words, but he's not worth my effort. I tried that already; I think I was wearing out my stock of homemade cuss words. Thank you for your comment.