It is credulous to say the least that the people of modern times are even more enclosed or entrenched in our own separate little shells of ignorance, and have lost much of the ancient wisdom.
As a species we have only begun to learn how to once more synchronize with the elements of Gaia and the Universe. An ancient art that at one time was regularly performed by shaman, medicine men and women, and other folk of the ancient traditional practices, such as Wiccans and other aboriginal and native American practices. Practices that were tabooed and classified today as black magic by today’s self righteous.
So much has been lost over time in the art of simply synchronizing our heart and minds with the elements, Like closing your eyes and actually feeling your own essence intermingling with all essences, the breath and heart pulse Gaia. Only in recent time have we begun to reawaken sufficiently to experience tiny glimpses through the veil of illusion of what we have been taught and conditioned think for the past millennia as the reality and the only reality.
There are possibly also those few in the field of scientific research who may be open minded enough to consider the possibilities of the existence of extraterrestrial energy sources like such that have been postulated by those in the study off quantum physics and metaphysics. Much of science is after all based mostly on theory which is subject to change with newly discovered data.
Be in harmony with the elements be one with the elements, the breath of Gaea.
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