It is already a known fact that science is aware of the concept that our universe is composed of not just one, but many infinities and time and space is but an illusion or hologram interfaced upon what is called the etheric grid or the universal matrix.
Many worlds can be coalesced into a universal interpretation. When trying to interpret what is not yet observable but is known to be there by the behavior of contiguous elements in the surrounding area but that element suddenly shifts to a different area, to pulse once then again shift to a different location. In this theory, whenever a measurement takes place, the entire universe divides as many times as there are possible outcomes of the measurement. All universes are identical except for the outcome of that measurement. Unlike the science fiction view of "parallel universes", it is not possible to our current knowledge, for any of these worlds to interact with each other.
We exist in a realm where we can only relate to time and distance as reference points between A and B. The infinities that are around us are so vast that the only way one can even have any concept of it is when the mind is stilled like during meditation, Where we are only aware of one heart pulse at a time in the void where the consciousness is at a midway between the wakeful and the sleep state. And even in the soundest of sleep the mind is never completely at rest or void of mental activity thus limited to it’s full awareness.
As we move along what we believe to be a linear path through time and space our consciousness of the infinite reality around us grows by learning through experience as we also learn from those we meet along our journey who are also students in this reality in time and space. But our greatest lessons are those we learn from within, the conscious awakening begins from within as we grow outwards and continue to grow exponentially beyond the confines of this reality.
Just as in theory, whenever a measurement takes place, the entire universe divides as many times as there are possible outcomes of the measurement. All universes are identical except for the outcome of that measurement. While this creates an unthinkable number of different worlds, it does solve the problem.
How many realities are there and just how many life times could one potentially live in each one? Or how many suits of flesh has our souls or spirits already worn since the first seed of creation or beginning of time, or from the spark of the Big Bang? I believe life exists everywhere in quantum infinities having been planted into the fertile soils of a plethora of planets not just in this universe. This would mean that our spirit beings have always been around. From the Oneness we came which contains all that is, infinitum, to the Oneness we shall return.
What are dreams? Where do thoughts come from? What is the difference between imagination and fantasy? Where does a dream or vision begin it’s manifestation into a reality? Can you imagine if you were able to access all the the memories of the life times a soul has experienced In all infinities?
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