I believe truth is like Love. It's meant to evolve. It grows as we share it
with others. I believe our truth is "enlightened" when
shared/compared with others "truths"....The more we expand our truth
the closer to our divinity we Become.....Religion often tries to limit our
understanding of truth. Telling us, what's true and what's not. That is not my
way. I know what's true for myself, But my truth may not be another’s
perception of their faith and truth. Truth is made up of many potential realities
within the spiritual oneness of consciousness. I believe that this oneness of
consciousness is not one that can be conceived or contained within the confines
of any one finite mind. It is beyond the concept that is restricted to the
confines of any one religious best Religions tend to segregate
and separate the unity of one.
The Oneness, which is everyone of us are as one connected as part of the fabric
that connects all in creation as one of which **we** are all part of. Each of
us one single strand or thread that binds with all the other threads which
makes up the fabric or the web of this reality we reside in, a universal web.
Perhaps similar to what religion refers
to as the Holy Spirit. In the Quabalah they speak of this entity as the mother
who brought all life to universe, The Sacred feminine, In the Bible they refer
to her as Wisdom! God's right hand maiden. The age of Aquarius I believe
mention the coming of this entity as well.
In my opinion, or theory, and not necessarily anyone else’s, is that we are all
integrals of the Oneness within the web of creation... But then everyone has
their own individual belief and theory as to the connection of all conscious
sentient being in universe. The seed for all that was to be, that is today and will ever be in the future
originated from the first seed to come out of the big bang, or birth this
physicality, “ genetics?
Each of us have
our very own conception of this physical
reality and only very few of us have any conception of the spiritual or
of the extraterrestrial phenomena of this reality. Then who are we to say if
each individuals concept others believe is true, or not. Or is this just jus by
chance a mish mash of mashed potatoes? If that is so then there is no point in
even looking for the butter because the mashed potatoes would be no more then a
chaotic disorder.
But I would be more inclined to say that each
individual’s perception is just as comparable to any of the others ... No two
persons "truth" is completely the same...but collectively the picture
becomes clearer and our soul minds are all connected as one on the spiritual or
universal web.
Hopefully our consciousness grows and evolves more
towards the totality of the true reality, thus our consciousness and
enlightenment continues to grow
.It's an insecure ego who needs to be right, needs
their truth to be the one and only....I believe that the oneness of
consciousness *Great Spirit* or thought if we will, wants us to Become all of
who we already are. We already exist in paradise we just need to open our eyes
to truly see it, it’s inner essence not just
the surface appearance. I believe our truth expands and evolves whether
we are intending it or no, unless one has already given up their own souls too
their own personal eternal darkness.
Written by Cynthia 2007©
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