Fairies and Similar Creatures From A to Z part 4
✿ڪے♫♪❤Hi my dear friends and followers.❤♫♪ڪے✿
This last series will be the last review unless you wish to learn more about any one specific mythical character listed in this presentation, feel free to leave a request, thank you
Nixen....Swiss, associated with water. They look like young, hand- some people. The males can be easily singled out by their kelly green teeth. They are prankish and often dangerous, and are known for being master fiddlers with very catchy tunes. They use the music to lure humans into the water and either drown them or take them to their undersea lairs to use for breeding. Often the corpse is found floating down the river or tossed on the bank.

Pamarindo....Italian, associated with the earth. They are mean, malicious, small and ugly, fat, lazy and usually covered in what ever they had for their last meal. They crave meat but can’t kill anything, so they trick and con humans and animals to fall off cliffs or chase them into bogs so they can eat the corpses. If a human sees him it is best to turn the other way. He can’t kill but will maim if provoked, and is a nasty faie who should be avoided.
Peg O'Neill....From and, water element. She appears pale, like a frozen female corpse. She demands sacrifice. Every seven years she must have an animal sacrificed or she will come out and drown a man or woman by reaching out of the spring in which she lives and drowning them.
It most often appears, as that of a sleek, dark horse with sulphurous yellow eyes and a long, wild mane. In this form, it roams large areas of countryside at night, tearing down fences and gates, scattering livestock in terror, trampling crops and generally doing damage around remote farms.
The pooka can also become a small, deformed goblin who demands a share of the crop at the end of the harvest. For this reason several strands, known as the “pooka's share”, are left behind by the reapers. The pooka has the power of human speech, and it has been known to stop in front of certain houses and call out the names of those it wants to take upon its midnight dashes. If that person refuses, the pooka will vandalize their property because it is a very vindictive fairy.
The origins of the pooka are to some extent speculative. The name may come from the Scandinavian “pook” or “puke”, meaning “nature spirit”. Such beings were very capricious and had to be continually placated or they would create havoc in the countryside, destroying crops and causing illness among livestock. Alternatively, the horse cults prevalent throughout the early Celtic world may have provided the underlying motif for the nightmare steed.
Another account of the Phookas: Originated in Ireland, Wales, and Scandinavia. It is possible that it was a Nordic faery who was brought to Ireland. They are also known as Kornbockes, Bookahs, or Bwcas. Their element is air and they are active from Samhain to Bealtaine, especially at night.
Pronounced “Pook-ahs”, they are the hobgoblins of Ireland. They have heads resembling human males, but the bodies of horses. They can fly for limited distances, but have no wings. They are trooping faeries who run in destructive packs. They are said to be very ugly and ill-tempered and to quarrel amongst themselves often. Their favorite pastime is wreaking havoc and will go out of their way to harm children and crops. They lay claim to any crop not harvested by Samhain night. They love human babies and are always on the lookout for a newborn to steal, and are jealous of airplanes and will do them harm whenever they can. Their favorite food is potatoes.
Portunes....Originated in England and are earth elementals. They are the smallest of the astrals and are only about 1 inch tall. They appear as tiny old men that tend to be associated with horses and farming. They are pranksters who have very little human interaction, but if captured they will grant a wish for release.

Rubezahl....Originated in Germany and is associated with the earth. They appear about 3 feet tall and wear black capes with the collar turned up so their faces are rarely seen. They carry a walking stick and will attempt to do whatever they can to make a traveler lose his way.
Sylphs....From Egypt; air spirits. They appear about 2” tall, are transparent and very light. They look almost like floating glass that resembles a human with small wings that vibrate like hummingbirds.
Tengu...The Japanese have their faie, too. Tengu are are air spirits, about 6” tall, winged, with a beak-like mouth and usually seen wearing red robes. They tend to be fierce, ready for a fight and are master sword fighters. It is rare for them to have any human inter- action, but some will teach their sword fighting skills to potential heroes.
Tengu...The Japanese have their faie, too. Tengu are are air spirits, about 6” tall, winged, with a beak-like mouth and usually seen wearing red robes. They tend to be fierce, ready for a fight and are master sword fighters. It is rare for them to have any human inter- action, but some will teach their sword fighting skills to potential heroes.
Tuatha de Danann....One of the five myth cycles of Ireland is the Invasion Cycle in which the Tuatha de Danann take a leading role. They can be any element and are also known as the Irish Faeries, the Royalty, and the Gentry. They can travel anywhere, but make their homes in the burghs of Ireland. Pronouced the Too-ah day Thay-nan, in mythology were among the earliest conquerors of the island, and their goddess Dana is one of the great mother goddesses of Western Europe. Dana was later renamed Brigid.
The Tuatha are trooping faeries with warrior-like temperament, but are fair and just. They are male, female, and children and look just like humans only somewhat smaller. It is said the Milesians drove the Tuatha underground into the faery burghs which they still inhabit. Hurling is a popular sport among them and it is said much of the folk music of Ireland was composed by them.
The current royal family of Britain is believed to be descended from the Melesain kings. The Tuatha also posses the invincible sword of the sun god Lugh and the cauldron of the god Dagda.
Undines....Water spirits from the Middle East, they appear as a combination of human and seahorse with a human head, and are only about 2” tall. These spirits are mainly strict, but can be playful or even sensual depending on how they are approached.

Wilde Frauen....Of German origin, associated with the earth. They are about 3 feet tall and range from small children to elderly women, but none are males. They are wise ladies who exclusively tend to the sacred forest of Germany. They live in the roots of sacred trees and have very little human interaction.
Will ‘O’ Wisp....The Will-O'-The-Wisps, or fairy lights, are quiet and helpful. They appear in the misty Irish mountains to help searchers locate someone lost in a ravine or drowned in a rocky pool. Those who can see their lights have the gift of knowing; they know that their closest of kin are in danger.
Yan-An-Od....Originated in England and appears as a nice old man wearing the clothing of a shepherd with a walking stick. He has a white beard, but when people get to close he slowly fades away. He can not be approached directly, but is a big help among herders. Just one of the many nature spirits who helps with livestock.
So there you have it, as far as we know, fairy folk from A to Z. There may be others out there that we have not cataloged here. If you have knowledge of a fairy not mentioned above, please contact the owner of this blog with as much information as you can provide about it. Your submission will be considered for publication.
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