Good afternoon my dearest friends and followers. today's posting is continued from Native American legends the world of stories the Iroquois told to their children.
Today's selection from “Stories the Iroquois Tell Their Children” is truly a Wonder Story. You would never guess that such an important matter was dispatched as told in this story.
At one time, the animals had tribes and chiefs, like men. It was when the porcupine was chief, that a council was called.
A great fire was lighted, for it was night. When all the animals were seated around the fire, the porcupine spoke.
“Friends,” he said, “we have met here to settle a great question: 'Shall we have night all the time, or day?'” At this, all the animals began to talk at once. There was great confusion. The night animals kept shouting, “Night, night! Always night!” Others of the animals cried, “Day, day! Always day!” Still others called for “Day and night!”
A great fire was lighted, for it was night. When all the animals were seated around the fire, the porcupine spoke.
“Friends,” he said, “we have met here to settle a great question: 'Shall we have night all the time, or day?'” At this, all the animals began to talk at once. There was great confusion. The night animals kept shouting, “Night, night! Always night!” Others of the animals cried, “Day, day! Always day!” Still others called for “Day and night!”
At last the animals grew tired of calling. One by one th evoices grew fainter, and the shouting ceased. Of the night animals, the voice of the bear alone was heard. He had a big voice and still kept calling, “Night, night! Always night!”
The animals who wanted day all the time, and those who wanted day and night also became quiet – all except the chipmunk. He chattered on, “We will have light – and then night. We will have light – and then night. Chee, chee, chee!”

But all night long the wide-awake little chipmunk kept up his song. Not for a moment did he stop to rest. Out of the dark came his voice, sure and cheery, “We will have light – and then night. We will have light – and then night! Chee, chee, chee!
And before the animals knew it, the sun began to rise.
At the first rays of light, the bear sat up, blinked, and rubbed his eyes. He saw that while he slept, light had indeed come. He knew that he and the night animals had been beaten in the council, and that the chipmunk and the animals who wanted day and night had won.
The chipmunk laughed and sprang into a hole of a hollow tree nearby. But those black stripes on the chipmunk's back show where the paw of the black bear touched him as he slipped into the tree.
Ever since this council, and the little chipmunk called so long and so loud for “light and night,” we have had day and night.
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