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I hope that this legend of the Australian Sanke Goddess has will help to fill your day with magic, the magic of imagination and enchantment here in the world of Fairies and me.
The Fairy Lady 
A rainbow serpent goddess from Australian Aboriginal mythology, Julunggul is associated with fertility, rain and opals. She is called by several names including Kalseru, Kungpipi, Kalwadi and Mumuna. She is capable of assuming male, neuter, or androgynous form and is embodied in the pearls, crystals, opals, the ocean, waterfalls, and the deep pools where she lives. In legend, she came to Arnhem Land in northern Australia in the Dreamtime from a place that was sinking into the ocean. Being eternally pregnant makes her a parallel with Eingana, the snake goddess who gave birth to all of humanity.
Another similarity Julunggul shares with Eingana is seen in the legend of the Wawalag Sisters. According to legend, the sisters are traveling together when the older sister gives birth, and her blood flows to a waterhole where the Rainbow Serpent lives. The Rainbow Serpent then traces the scent back to the sisters sleeping in their hut, a metaphor for the uterus. The Rainbow Serpent enters, a symbolic representation of a penis entering a vagina, and eats them and their children. However, the Rainbow Serpent regurgitates them after being bitten by an ant and this act creates Arnhem Land. Now, the Serpent speaks in their voices and teaches sacred rituals to the people living there.
Julunggul is a goddess of initiation (a second birth to the Aborigines) and puberty. In initiation dances, young boys were symbolically swallowed and regurgitated out as young men. Another name for this deity, Yurlunggur, is also the name of an extinct genus of madtsoiid snakes (Yurlunngur), specifically named after the goddess.
Stories about the Rainbow Serpent are passed down from generation to generation and vary according to environment in which they are shared. Tribes of the monsoola depict an epic interaction of the sun, serpent, and wind in their Dreamtime, whereas tribes of the central desert experience less drastic seasonal shifts and their stories reflect it.
Another legend from Western Australia tells of how Rainbow Serpents, or Wagyls, smashed and pushed boulders around to form trails on Mount Matilda, along with creating waterways such as the Avon River
A myth from the Northern Territory tells of how a great mother arrives from the sea, traveling across Australia and giving birth to the various Aboriginal tribes. In some versions, the great mother is accompanied by the Rainbow Serpent (or Lightning Snake), who brings the wet season of rains and floods. Some Aboriginals in the Kimberley regions believe that it was the Rainbow Serpent who deposited spirit-children throughout pools in which women become impregnated when they wade in the water. This process is sometimes referred to as "netting a fish".
The most common motif in Rainbow Serpent stories is the Serpent as creator, with the Serpent often bringing life to an empty space. The snake goddess is known both as a benevolent protector of its people and as a malevolent one who punishes law breakers.
A more children-friendly rendering of the Rainbow Serpent myth tells of how a serpent rose through the Earth to the surface, where she summoned frogs, tickled their bellies to release water to create pools an
d rivers, and is now known as the mother of life.
A tale is told in the children's book, The Rainbow Serpent, written and illustrated by Dick Roughsey, an Australian Aboriginal, about the Rainbow Serpent creates the landscape of Australia by thrashing about and, by tricking and swallowing two boys, ends up creating the population of Australia by various animal, insect, and plant species.
The Australian Aboriginal Rainbow Snake Goddess
A great comparison to mother Gaea
A story from the Great Sandy Desert area in the northern part of Western Australia explains how the Wolfe Creek Crater, or Kandimalal, was created by a star falling from heaven, creating a crater in which a Rainbow Serpent took up residence. In some versions it is the Serpent which falls from heaven and creates the crater. The story sometimes continues telling of how an old hunter chased a dingo into the crater and got lost in a tunnel created by the Serpent, never to be found again, with the dingo being eaten and spit out by the Serpent.
A myth from the Northern Territory tells of how a great mother arrives from the sea, traveling across Australia and giving birth to the various Aboriginal tribes. In some versions, the great mother is accompanied by the Rainbow Serpent (or Lightning Snake), who brings the wet season of rains and floods. Some Aboriginals in the Kimberley regions believe that it was the Rainbow Serpent who deposited spirit-children throughout pools in which women become impregnated when they wade in the water. This process is sometimes referred to as "netting a fish".
A more children-friendly rendering of the Rainbow Serpent myth tells of how a serpent rose through the Earth to the surface, where she summoned frogs, tickled their bellies to release water to create pools an
Thank you so much dear friends for letting me share this legend with you and for sharing your time with me and please feel free to share your thoughts, they are valuable to me. With love to you all from the Fairy Lady
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