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Monday, 13 January 2025


King Orange Turd and Buddy Elon, The Weeny Wanker.

Here we go again; I paid my pound and two shillings, CAD 1.76, and got on the merry-go-round of life, around and around the merry-go-round; I went, and where do I get off? I do not know. Who the heck knows? Stop the world and let me off! The Trumpeter goes on Trumpeting while Musk the Musky is about to get dumped on his plumpy little arse by the Orange Trumpet. Boo, hoo, hoo! Arse Pick gets in his starship and moves to Mars.
I do not need a red polka dot handkerchief to wrap around my head to predict this one. Crystal ball notwithstanding, The Fairy Lady, the unemployed soothsayer and fortune teller, can see what's a commin.'
Hamas is about to put up the white flag and call it quits for whatever the masters of Hamas reason. Either Hamas ran out of firecrackers to make bombs with, or did someone drop a dud drone bomb on its bunion? I hope it gets a bad dose of chainsaw-totin' crotch crickets. As soon as the white flag goes up, the Orange trumpet will take the glory.
Unless sanity returns in the US, I can see demonstrations and riots, and let's pray that it does not go as far as a civil war in the future of America. Let us also pray for some sanity to return to our elected governing personnel; let us pray again for some more leaders to restore America once more with ethics, true justice, and human respect.
The Constitution does not need to be replaced or scrapped; it only requires some enhancements to reflect the needs of American society in the 21st century.
The Fairy Lady

El rey de la mierda naranja y Buddy Elon, el pequeño gilipollas.

Aquí vamos de nuevo; pagué mi libra y dos chelines, 1,76 dólares canadienses, y me subí al tiovivo de la vida, dando vueltas y más vueltas; me subí, ¿y dónde me bajo? No lo sé. ¿Quién diablos lo sabe? ¡Que paren el mundo y me dejen bajar! El trompetista sigue tocando la trompeta mientras Musk el almizclero está a punto de ser arrojado al suelo sobre su pequeño y regordete trasero por la trompeta naranja. ¡Bu, bu, bu! El idiota se sube a su nave espacial y se dirige a Marte.
No necesito un pañuelo rojo de lunares para envolverme la cabeza para predecir esto. A pesar de la bola de cristal, la Dama de las Hadas, la adivina y pitonisa desempleada, puede ver lo que está por venir.
Hamás está a punto de levantar la bandera blanca y dar por terminado el asunto, sea cual sea el razonamiento de los amos de Hamás. ¿O a Hamás se le acabaron los petardos para fabricar bombas o alguien le arrojó una bomba dron en el juanete? Espero que reciba una buena dosis de grillos en la entrepierna con motosierras. En cuanto se ice la bandera blanca, la trompeta naranja se llevará la gloria.
A menos que la cordura vuelva a los EE.UU., puedo ver manifestaciones y disturbios, y recemos para que no lleguen al extremo de una guerra civil en el futuro de Estados Unidos. Recemos también para que vuelva algo de cordura a nuestro personal de gobierno electo; recemos de nuevo para que haya más líderes que restauren a Estados Unidos una vez más con ética, verdadera justicia y respeto humano.
La Constitución no necesita ser reemplazada ni desechada; sólo requiere algunas mejoras para reflejar las necesidades de la sociedad estadounidense en el siglo XXI.
La Dama de Hadas

1 comment:

  1. Paula Koval:
    Good Monday to Everyone!

    The link to the story about the Nuclear Boy Scout works, Cindy.
    It was a fascinating story with a sad ending. Young Mr. Hahn was passionate about building a nuclear reactor in the shed, and he did. His burn to build caused him to act recklessly. This story is a brief read. You're welcome!

    Hamas and Israel very close to an agreement? Sure they are. Watch for white smoke from my balcony to signal that I've been elected pope. That's more likely to happen.

    CanadaPost raised the price of a first-class stamp by 25%, which is no surprise. What surprises me is why the strike occurred in 2024 and how long the company's management was willing to let it continue.
    The employees had two issues: Compensation and job safety. I doubt the increase in postage rates will cause a significant improvement in either area of employee concern.
    The Fairy Lady
    Thanks, Paula. If Hamas puts up a white flag, it will be because they have been, literally, smoked. And the blemish for this little fiasco of genocide will have Joe's signature on each one of those shell casings. May G-d bless and forbid.
    La tache de merde sur la robe d'un ange
