Tree House News
The Land of the Whispering Pines
Good morning, everyone! The sun is shining, and I wish the birds were singin', but it's 3.2°F out there. However, if there are any birds out there today, they will be wearing parkas, fur mitts, mukluks, and snow shoes. Would you try to stay up on a tree limb while wearing all that stuff?
This is my brief comment on sadism and its close cousins, depression and psychopaths.
You have heard of the word sadist. I mentioned it briefly in one of my posts yesterday, in the same sentence as the word politicians, especially one fat one.
- Google Search -
A sadist is a person who derives pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain or humiliation on others.
Some are cruel or negative to people who don't even pose a threat or anything disrespectful to them.
sometimes even act out on their family members, even the children. I ran into a few of those:
Many negative people think negatively about everything. Even if they don't act it out, they make it obvious. Some infect others around them with their negative attitude and thinking. There is also the blaming of someone else for their failure, which is a response of the average depressed individual. It is quite the run-of-the-mill type of people.
It's the ones who enjoy entertaining themselves alone somewhere in a dark room with dreams and thoughts of having power over the things they can't control. Those are the borderline sadist traits, with or without the sexual gratification thing; I wasn't around one long enough to find out. I read them as I feel them; I'm an empath as well as a well-seasoned but retired social worker, and I had a couple of good teachers along the way. Mental illness is like the shades of grey; which shade of grey is the danger zone?
From psychopaths to ‘everyday sadists’: why do humans harm the harmless?
Why are some humans cruel to people who don’t even pose a threat to them – sometimes even their own children? Where does this behaviour come from and what purpose does it serve? Ruth, 45, London.
Humans are the glory and the scum of the universe, concluded the French philosopher Blaise Pascal in 1658. Little has changed. We love, and we loathe; we help and we harm; we reach out a hand, and we stick in the knife.
We understand if someone lashes out in retaliation or self-defence. But when someone harms the harmless, we ask: “How could you?”
Published: September 24, 2020 8.30am EDT
- theconversation com -
Why Trump’s two days in the White House already feel like a full term
It already feels like he’s been back for months.
Donald Trump is setting a frenetic pace in his second term, fulfilling campaign promises, imposing undiluted power and settling scores.
After the sedate Joe Biden years, the return of a presidency that is an incessant assault on the senses is a reminder of why so many millions of Americans see Trump as a compelling, historic figure – and why millions more deeply fear him.
Trump has cracked down hard on immigration, held a splashy $500 billion tech investment announcement, renamed the Gulf of Mexico, outlawed much of the diversity policy in the federal government, shopped around TikTok, fired people by social media post, mooted territorial expansion, threatened a trade war, talked to reporters more than Biden did in months and danced with a sword...
Updated 6:27 AM EST, Wed January 22, 2025
- CNN -
Endless diarrhea and exhaustion: the stomach bug making the rounds among the most vulnerable in Canada
Worse, the bacterial infection is getting harder to treat with antibiotics
For the past five weeks, Toronto night nurse Keren Elumir has been handing out clean underwear and electrolyte packets at a safe consumption and overdose prevention site in Moss Park.
She's been seeing more and more people with the telltale signs of a Shigella infection, also known as shigellosis: diarrhea, stomach cramps and fever.
Toronto has an outbreak of 11 confirmed cases, all among homeless people, who don't always have reliable access to facilities like washrooms.
Posted: Jan 22, 2025 4:00 AM EST | Last Updated: 5 hours ago
- CBC -
Trump administration directs all federal diversity, equity and inclusion employees be put on leave
Employees eventually to be laid off
U.S. President Donald Trump's administration moved Tuesday to end affirmative action in federal contracting and directed that all federal diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) staff be put on paid leave and eventually be laid off.
The moves follow an executive order Trump signed on his first day ordering the sweeping dismantling of the federal government's diversity and inclusion programs, which could affect everything from anti-bias training to funding for minority farmers and homeowners. Trump has called the programs "discrimination" and insisted on restoring strictly "merit-based" hiring.
Posted: Jan 21, 2025 11:35 PM EST | Last Updated: 7 hours ago
- CBC -
Welcome to the land of peace, the land of the Fay
Noticias de la casa del árbol
La tierra de los pinos susurrantes
¡Buenos días a todos! El sol está brillando y me gustaría que los pájaros estuvieran cantando, pero afuera hace 3,2 °F. Sin embargo, si hay pájaros hoy, llevarán parkas, guantes de piel, mukluks y raquetas de nieve. ¿Intentarías mantenerte en la rama de un árbol con todo eso puesto?
Este es mi breve comentario sobre el sadismo y sus primos cercanos, la depresión y los psicópatas.
Has oído hablar de la palabra sádico. La mencioné brevemente en una de mis publicaciones de ayer, en la misma oración que la palabra políticos, especialmente uno gordo.
- Búsqueda de Google -
Un sádico es una persona que obtiene placer, especialmente gratificación sexual, al infligir dolor o humillación a los demás.
Algunos son crueles o negativos con personas que ni siquiera representan una amenaza o algo irrespetuoso para ellos.
a veces incluso actúan mal con sus familiares, incluso con los niños. Me encontré con algunos de ellos:
Muchas personas negativas piensan negativamente sobre todo. Incluso si no lo hacen, lo hacen obvio. Algunos infectan a quienes los rodean con su actitud y pensamiento negativos. También existe la culpabilización de los fracasos de los demás, que es una respuesta del individuo deprimido promedio. Es un tipo de gente bastante común.
Son los que disfrutan entreteniéndose solos en algún lugar de una habitación oscura con sueños y pensamientos de tener poder sobre las cosas que no pueden controlar. Esos son los rasgos sádicos limítrofes, con o sin la gratificación sexual; no estuve cerca de uno lo suficiente como para descubrirlo. Los leo como los siento; soy empático y también un trabajador social jubilado con mucha experiencia, y tuve un par de buenos maestros en el camino. La enfermedad mental es como los tonos de gris; ¿Qué tono de gris es la zona de peligro?
De psicópatas a “sádicos cotidianos”: ¿por qué los humanos dañan a los inofensivos?
¿Por qué algunos humanos son crueles con personas que ni siquiera representan una amenaza para ellos, a veces incluso con sus propios hijos? ¿De dónde proviene este comportamiento y qué propósito tiene? Ruth, 45 años, Londres.
Los humanos son la gloria y la escoria del universo, concluyó el filósofo francés Blaise Pascal en 1658. Poco ha cambiado. Amamos y detestamos; ayudamos y dañamos; extendemos una mano y clavamos el cuchillo.
Entendemos si alguien ataca en represalia o en defensa propia. Pero cuando alguien daña a los inofensivos, preguntamos: "¿Cómo pudiste?".
Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2020 8:30 am EDT
- theconversation com -
Por qué los dos días de Trump en la Casa Blanca ya parecen un mandato completo
Ya parece que ha vuelto hace meses.
Donald Trump está marcando un ritmo frenético en su segundo mandato, cumpliendo promesas de campaña, imponiendo un poder absoluto y ajustando cuentas.
Después de los años tranquilos de Joe Biden, el regreso de una presidencia que es un asalto incesante a los sentidos es un recordatorio de por qué tantos millones de estadounidenses ven a Trump como una figura histórica convincente, y por qué millones más le temen profundamente.
Trump ha tomado medidas enérgicas contra la inmigración, ha anunciado una inversión tecnológica de 500.000 millones de dólares, ha rebautizado el Golfo de México, ha ilegalizado gran parte de la política de diversidad del gobierno federal, ha ofrecido sus servicios en TikTok, ha despedido a gente por publicaciones en las redes sociales, ha planteado la expansión territorial, ha amenazado con una guerra comercial, ha hablado con los periodistas más de lo que Biden lo hizo en meses y ha bailado con una espada...
Actualizado a las 6:27 a. m. EST, miércoles 22 de enero de 2025
- CNN -
Diarrea y agotamiento interminables: el virus estomacal que está haciendo su aparición entre los más vulnerables de Canadá
Peor aún, la infección bacteriana es cada vez más difícil de tratar con antibióticos
Durante las últimas cinco semanas, la enfermera nocturna de Toronto Keren Elumir ha estado repartiendo ropa interior limpia y paquetes de electrolitos en un sitio de prevención de sobredosis y consumo seguro en Moss Park. Ella ha estado viendo a más y más personas con los signos reveladores de una infección por Shigella, también conocida como shigelosis: diarrea, calambres estomacales y fiebre.
Toronto tiene un brote de 11 casos confirmados, todos entre personas sin hogar, que no siempre tienen acceso confiable a instalaciones como baños.
Publicado: 22 de enero de 2025 4:00 AM EST | Última actualización: hace 5 horas
- CBC -
La administración de Trump ordena que todos los empleados federales de diversidad, equidad e inclusión sean puestos en licencia
Los empleados eventualmente serán despedidos
La administración del presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, tomó medidas el martes para poner fin a la acción afirmativa en la contratación federal y ordenó que todo el personal federal de diversidad, equidad e inclusión (DEI) sea puesto en licencia paga y eventualmente sea despedido.
Las medidas siguen a una orden ejecutiva que Trump firmó en su primer día ordenando el desmantelamiento radical de los programas de diversidad e inclusión del gobierno federal, que podrían afectar todo, desde la capacitación contra los prejuicios hasta la financiación para los agricultores y propietarios de viviendas pertenecientes a minorías. Trump ha calificado los programas de "discriminación" e insistió en restablecer la contratación estrictamente "basada en el mérito".
Publicado: 21 de enero de 2025 a las 23:35 h EST | Última actualización: hace 7 horas
- CBC -
I'm just trying to inform and share with you whatever knowledge I have so that the reader will consider it. How you interpret the information will determine what you get out of it. Nobody has listened to me before, so it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't give a hoot. But it doesn't matter; I do it for myself, if nothing else. Words are words; I go by what I feel, and sharing what I feel with someone else's feelings is what is most important.
ReplyDeleteI do my best to do precisely that by the airways in the form of prayer.🙏
Solo intento informar y compartir con ustedes todo el conocimiento que tengo para que el lector lo considere. La forma en que interpreten la información determinará lo que obtendrán de ella. Nadie me ha escuchado antes, así que no me sorprendería si no les importara. Pero no importa; lo hago por mí, al menos. Las palabras son palabras; me guío por lo que siento, y compartir lo que siento con los sentimientos de otra persona es lo más importante.
Hago todo lo posible por hacer precisamente eso por las vías respiratorias en forma de oración. 🙏
Comment: 2:40 pm 22, 2025
ReplyDeletePaula Koval:
Sadism is one of the most damaging psychotic behaviors I know. Its basis is the sadist deriving pleasure, often sexual pleasure, from inflicting pain on animals or people. Unspeakable harm has been done by sadists to their family members, their animals, their sexual partners, and anyone over whom they can take control. Some of their victims are willing to enter into sadomasochistic relationships. I have said enough about this behavior whose perpetrators should not be free to victimize.
As for how long two days of Trump's second term feels already, I paraphrase Einstein's simplified explanation of the Theory of Relativity: "If you have your hand on a hot stove for two seconds, that feels like eternity. If you're engaged in conversation with a lovely , young woman for hours, that feels like a minute or two."
So it goes with the chaos of the second term, and it's already worse than the first. Annexing Canada and Greenland, invading Mexico, still selling his idea that tariffs are paid by the exporting nation and not the consumer or commercial buyer, and fooling people into thinking that America isn't already great with the strongest and fastest post-pandemic growth of any industrialized nation, the lowest domestic unemployment since 1969, and inflation reduced from over 10% to less than 2% is the chaos his followers live on.
Take a seat and be ready to watch or fight it. Sitting it out is not a viable option.
The most vulnerable always get the worst of it. Transgender people have no economic or political clout, so all the hate in America is focused on them. Homeless people don't have access to basic sanitation, so they get shigellosis. If you can't help with a donation, please pray for the homeless.
Trump administration directs all federal diversity, equity and inclusion employees be put on leave
Employees eventually to be laid off
U.S. President Donald Trump's administration moved Tuesday to end affirmative action in federal contracting and directed that all federal diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) staff be put on paid leave and eventually be laid off.
It figures. He hates anything that might put all members of the same group on an equal footing with the same access to equal benefits and advancement. He mocks the physically disabled. What did you expect?
Replied by:
Myths, Fairies, and Me
Paula Koval, I can't see what this man has done for every puddin' head to stick by him like the event horizon around a black hole.
They have to be puddin' heads or be empty-headed to be sticking by him like the event horizon around a black hole. Or being legally blind would be the only other reason.
A country that is ready to sacrifice its own puddin' to protect this butt hole needs a lot of praying in my opinion.