Tree House News
The Land of the Whispering Pines
May the Trumpeters trumpet all they like, But when they wake up, it might be too late. King Orange Turd will have already set their pants on fire from drinking too much of his cool aid. There, the trash is out, and I feel a bit lighter.
I would sooner carry an anvil in my purse and drag it along with me. "Never leave home without your anvil!" than to carry that mental garbage around with me. If you allow it to, it will annoy you like the proverbial bee after a horse's bag, and you know what the horse thought about that.

Let us also pause for a moment in meditation and prayer for the well-being of the people of Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles.
Increase In Droughts And Wild Fires
I am the type of person who, if something piques my interest and I become curious, I starts to nosing around for information. And I can agree with everyone else; I haven't heard of anything on this grand scale except for a few volcanoes in our recently recorded history.
The only recent fire event that I can think of that may rival the California fires is the 2023 wildland fires across Canada, which were unprecedented. In Alberta, the fires became out of control in late spring, followed by enormous wildfires in Quebec, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, and British Columbia.
- Google Search -
"We have some fires that ignited in 2022 and 2023 that are still burning on Oct. 1, 2024, and will still be burning in 2025.
When you walk in the woods, stop and look at the sky and then at your feet. How long has it been since precipitation, and how long is it between each episode of significant rainfall? Under the ground are dry moss, pine needles, decayed leaves, and so on; whatever is below the surface has been exposed to a more extended, hotter, dryer climate.
The forest floor becomes a tinderbox, and even with that six feet of snow on it, it will not put it out; it continues to smolder under the snow. That's the result of the warming trend, that's why the polar ice is melting. If it keeps this trend, what was above water will be underwater, and the land that's left on the higher elevations will be near desert-like. Anything else would be just drawing a possible blueprint that points toward the general direction.
Trump seizes on Los Angeles infernos to reopen his feud with Newsom
Walls of fire devoured neighborhoods, forcing tens of thousands of residents to flee for their lives. But as a cataclysm fueled by windstorms charred swathes of Los Angeles, Donald Trump spotted an opportunity.
The president-elect responded to six massive blazes by reopening his long-term feud with California Gov. Gavin Newsom, landing an early jab on a Democratic governor and a state likely to emerge as a major opponent to his second term plans.
Trump and Newsom have clashed bitterly in the past, including over fire prevention, environmental policies, climate change, green vehicles and immigration...
Updated 7:52 AM EST, Thu January 9, 2025 - CNN -
CBC investigation uncovers grocers overcharging customers by selling underweighted meat
Problem of grocers misweighing meat going on for years, says former food inspector
The Loblaw grocery chain overcharged customers by selling underweighted meat across 80 stores for an undisclosed period that ended in December 2023, a CBC News investigation has found.
On top of that, over the past few months, CBC News visited seven major grocery stores in three different provinces and discovered packages of underweighted meat in four of them: two Loblaw stores and one Sobeys-owned location, plus a Walmart. Calculated overcharges per item ranged from four to 11 percent.
The findings suggest grocers selling underweighted meat is a prevalent and ongoing problem, at a time when shoppers are struggling with high food prices that began rising during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Posted: Jan 09, 2025 4:00 AM EST | Last Updated: 5 hours ago
- CBC -
The Great Mother Gaia Nurturing Her Children
Noticias de la casa del árbol
La tierra de los pinos susurrantes
Que los trompetistas toquen todo lo que quieran, pero cuando despierten, puede que sea demasiado tarde. El rey naranja excremento ya les habrá prendido fuego a los pantalones por beber demasiado de su refrescante bebida. Ahí, la basura está afuera y me siento un poco más liviana.
Preferiría llevar un yunque en mi bolso y arrastrarlo conmigo. "¡Nunca salgas de casa sin tu yunque!" que llevar esa basura mental conmigo. Si se lo permites, te molestará como la abeja proverbial tras la bolsa de un caballo, y ya sabes lo que el caballo pensó sobre eso.

Hagamos también una pausa por un momento en meditación y oración por el bienestar de la gente del condado de Los Ángeles y la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Aumento de las sequías y los incendios forestales
Soy el tipo de persona que, si algo despierta mi interés y me da curiosidad, empiezo a curiosear en busca de información. Y puedo estar de acuerdo con todos los demás; no he oído hablar de nada a esta gran escala, excepto de unos pocos volcanes en nuestra historia registrada recientemente.
El único incendio reciente que se me ocurre que puede rivalizar con los de California son los incendios forestales de 2023 en Canadá, que no tuvieron precedentes. En Alberta, los incendios se salieron de control a fines de la primavera, seguidos de enormes incendios forestales en Quebec, Nueva Escocia, los Territorios del Noroeste y Columbia Británica.
- Búsqueda de Google -
"Tenemos algunos incendios que se iniciaron en 2022 y 2023 que todavía están ardiendo el 1 de octubre de 2024 y seguirán ardiendo en 2025.
Cuando camines por el bosque, detente y mira al cielo y luego a tus pies. ¿Cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde la última precipitación y cuánto tiempo pasa entre cada episodio de lluvia significativa? Bajo el suelo hay musgo seco, agujas de pino, hojas podridas, etc.; todo lo que está debajo de la superficie ha estado expuesto a un clima más prolongado, más cálido y más seco.
El suelo del bosque se convierte en un polvorín, e incluso con esos dos metros de nieve sobre él, no lo apagará; continúa ardiendo bajo la nieve. Ese es el resultado de la tendencia al calentamiento, por eso se está derritiendo el hielo polar. Si continúa esta tendencia, lo que estaba sobre el agua estará bajo el agua, y la tierra que quede en las elevaciones más altas será casi como un desierto. Cualquier otra cosa sería Solo se trata de trazar un posible plan que apunte hacia la dirección general.
Trump aprovecha los infiernos de Los Ángeles para reabrir su disputa con Newsom
Muros de fuego devoraron barrios, obligando a decenas de miles de residentes a huir para salvar sus vidas. Pero cuando un cataclismo alimentado por tormentas de viento carbonizó franjas de Los Ángeles, Donald Trump vio una oportunidad.
El presidente electo respondió a seis incendios masivos reabriendo su disputa de larga data con el gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, asestando un golpe temprano a un gobernador demócrata y a un estado que probablemente surja como un gran oponente a sus planes de segundo mandato. Trump y Newsom se han enfrentado amargamente en el pasado, incluso por la prevención de incendios, las políticas ambientales, el cambio climático, los vehículos ecológicos y la inmigración...
Actualizado a las 7:52 a. m. EST, jueves 9 de enero de 2025
- CNN -
Una investigación de CBC descubre que los tenderos cobran de más a los clientes al vender carne de bajo peso
El problema de los tenderos que pesan mal la carne viene de hace años, dice un ex inspector de alimentos
La cadena de supermercados Loblaw cobró de más a los clientes al vender carne de bajo peso en 80 tiendas durante un período no revelado que finalizó en diciembre de 2023, según descubrió una investigación de CBC News.
Además de eso, en los últimos meses, CBC News visitó siete grandes supermercados en tres provincias diferentes y descubrió paquetes de carne de bajo peso en cuatro de ellas: dos tiendas Loblaw y una ubicación propiedad de Sobeys, además de un Walmart. Los sobrecargos calculados por artículo oscilaron entre el cuatro y el 11 por ciento. Los hallazgos sugieren que la venta de carne de bajo peso por parte de los supermercados es un problema frecuente y continuo, en un momento en el que los compradores están luchando contra los altos precios de los alimentos que comenzaron a aumentar durante la pandemia de COVID-19.
Publicado: 9 de enero de 2025 a las 4:00 a. m. EST | Última actualización: hace 5 horas
- CBC -
Paula Koval:
ReplyDeleteCindy is quite correct about the preferability of dragging an anvil to allowing the convicted felon president-elect's verbal burble and jejune babblement to occupy the lowest partition of your mind. His utterances are worthless, but what can be expected of one who blames the governor of California for the worst wildfires in the history of Los Angeles City and County? Were this self-proclaimed genius to shit his pants, he would blame it on whoever was convenient.
I'm not surprised that supermarket chains are selling short-weight meat products. What surprises me is that no region, province, or federal government apparently inspects consumer commodities for correct weights and measures!
I've seen several gas stations closed for inspection of the accuracy of their gas pumps by inspectors who use a precision-calibrated measuring can to check for a difference between the number of liters the pump shows were dispensed and the number of liters in the calibrated can. But food weights and measures aren't checked.
It's bad enough meat products packed and labeled by the supermarket are short-weight, but how about canned and bagged commodities like sugar, flour, pasta, cereals, grains, meat products packed by their manufacturers, cans of juices... you can see where this is going.
Does it surprise you that we are getting ripped off even more when food costs are going up so fast?
The text below is taken from the Government of Canada website and is about weights and measures inspections. Please take a look, and maybe you'll ask yourself the same questions I ask. Where are these inspectors? What are they checking? Are they asleep on the job? Do we need more of them? Do you think these duties should be contracted out? If the inspectors lose their integrity, what is the penalty?
Government of Canada/ Gouvernement du Canada
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You are here Measurement Canada Inspections
Weights and measures inspection services
Measurement Canada has two alternative service delivery programs that enable qualified private sector authorized service providers to inspect scales, gas pump,ps and other measuring devices for use in the Canadian marketplace: accreditation and registration. You can access a list of Measurement Canada accredited and registered service providers, as well as the scope of the inspection services they can provide.
The Weights and Measures Act places the responsibility for device accuracy on device owners, such as retailers. In addition, recent amendments to the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations require mandatory inspections at regular intervals in the following categories of trade: retail and downstream petroleum, mining products, grain and field crop products, dairy products, forestry products, retail food, and fishing products. The requirement for mandatory initial inspections continues to apply to all categories of trade.
Effective August 1, 2014, all mandatory inspections of scales, gas pumps and other types of measuring devices used in measurement-based financial transactions are to be carried out by Measurement Canada authorized service providers. In cases where there is no service provider in Canada authorized to provide the type of inspection service required, contact Measurement Canada to determine how to proceed.
The use of Measurement Canada authorized service providers to provide inspection services is in keeping with Measurement Canada's commitment to focus its resources on establishing rules and requirements related to measurement, investigating occurrences of suspected inaccurate measurement, and monitoring the performance of authorized service providers and the marketplace in general.
Date modified: 2018-10-18