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The "law of life" refers to a set of natural principles or guiding rules that govern the cycle of life, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living things and the need for balance and adaptation, essentially highlighting the value of respecting the natural order and living in harmony with it to ensure survival and well-being; it can also represent personal moral codes based on these natural principles, promoting values like resilience, responsibility, and compassion.
1. Understanding the natural world:
2. Personal growth and development:
3. Promoting sustainability:
4. Respect for all living beings:
An empath, from my own experience, is that I am highly attuned or sensitive to sounds and negative energy, as well as the good. I feel the emotional elements of others around me, even on the TV or what I read on the cell. I feel what others are feeling so deeply that I take on those emotions like they were my own. I have learned how to keep it under control to a degree, but sometimes the balloon bursts.
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An empath is a person who is highly attuned to the energies and emotions of those around them. Empaths are said to feel what others are feeling so deeply that they "absorb" or "take on" the emotions themselves, often at the expense of their own emotional well-being.
The Law Of Life
I believe I am living the law of life by feeling inside of myself the essence of the nature of all things. I believe all things in creation are part of the conduits leading from the major central control, which is THOUGHT. LEARNING the process of thought, KNOWING the VALUES of life, and living, and being open to the spirit of consciousness of THOUGHT takes me back so that I may learn what not to do next.
I am grateful that I had several spare reset buttons in my back pocket. That way, I can get a reset every time I sit down. π² It's all on the same wavelength as animal whisperers, sensitives, empaths, and extrasensory perception, like some of our sensors are on hyperdrive.
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How does SPS - sensory processing sensitivity - affect animals?
Sensory processing: Highly sensitive animals process sensory information more deeply and have lower thresholds for sensitivity.
Emotional responses: They react more strongly to stimuli and can become overwhelmed by too much activity or noise.
Behavior: They may experience behavior problems and mental health problems.
Catfish, platypus, elephant, Planet of the Apes. Oh, and Homo sapiens. No, this isn't Final Jeopardy. The question regards high sensitivity. If humans can be highly sensitive, can animals be highly sensitive, too?
What exactly is high sensitivity?
Talk about that topic the next time.π
The Fairy Lady
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La "ley de la vida" se refiere a un conjunto de principios naturales o reglas rectoras que rigen el ciclo de la vida, enfatizando la interconexiΓ³n de todos los seres vivos y la necesidad de equilibrio y adaptaciΓ³n, resaltando esencialmente el valor de respetar el orden natural y vivir en armonΓa con Γ©l para asegurar la supervivencia y el bienestar; tambiΓ©n puede representar cΓ³digos morales personales basados ββen estos principios naturales, promoviendo valores como la resiliencia, la responsabilidad y la compasiΓ³n.
1. Entender el mundo natural:
2. Crecimiento y desarrollo personal:
3. Promover la sostenibilidad:
4. Respeto a todos los seres vivos:
Un empΓ‘tico, desde mi propia experiencia, es que soy muy sensible a los sonidos y la energΓa negativa, asΓ como a la buena. Siento los elementos emocionales de los demΓ‘s a mi alrededor, incluso en la televisiΓ³n o lo que leo en el celular. Siento tan profundamente lo que sienten los demΓ‘s que asumo esas emociones como si fueran mΓas. He aprendido a mantenerlo bajo control hasta cierto punto, pero a veces el globo estalla.
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Un empΓ‘tico es una persona que estΓ‘ muy en sintonΓa con las energΓas y emociones de quienes lo rodean. Se dice que los empΓ‘ticos sienten tan profundamente lo que sienten los demΓ‘s que "absorben" o "asumen" las emociones, a menudo a expensas de su propio bienestar emocional.
La Ley De La Vida
Creo que estoy viviendo la ley de la vida al sentir dentro de mΓ la esencia de la naturaleza de todas las cosas. Creo que todas las cosas en la creaciΓ³n son parte de los conductos que conducen desde el control central principal, que es el PENSAMIENTO. APRENDER el proceso del pensamiento, CONOCER los VALORES de la vida y vivir, y estar abierto al espΓritu de la conciencia del PENSAMIENTO me lleva de regreso para que pueda aprender quΓ© no hacer a continuaciΓ³n.
Estoy agradecido de tener varios botones de reinicio de repuesto en mi bolsillo trasero. De esa manera, puedo reiniciarme cada vez que me siento. π² Todo estΓ‘ en la misma longitud de onda que los encantadores de animales, los empΓ‘ticos sensibles y la percepciΓ³n extrasensorial, como si algunos de nuestros sensores estuvieran hiperactivados.
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ΒΏCΓ³mo afecta la SPS (sensibilidad de procesamiento sensorial) a los animales?
Procesamiento sensorial: los animales altamente sensibles procesan la informaciΓ³n sensorial mΓ‘s profundamente y tienen umbrales de sensibilidad mΓ‘s bajos.
Respuestas emocionales: reaccionan con mΓ‘s fuerza a los estΓmulos y pueden verse abrumados por demasiada actividad o ruido.
Comportamiento: pueden experimentar problemas de comportamiento y problemas de salud mental.
Bagre, ornitorrinco, elefante, El planeta de los simios. Ah, y el Homo sapiens. No, esto no es Jeopardy final. La pregunta se refiere a la alta sensibilidad. Si los humanos pueden ser altamente sensibles, ΒΏpueden serlo tambiΓ©n los animales?
ΒΏQuΓ© es exactamente la alta sensibilidad?
Hablaremos de ese tema la prΓ³xima vez.π
Comment, Paula Koval:
ReplyDeleteI say, "Wow!" to your post because it covers so much of who we are as part of the universe, what we are to do here, and why we are to do it. You've merged creation, morality, feeling, and respect for all things, especially living things. That's how I see things working. Nothing does anything by itself, but all work together to improve the world.
We are all a part of one another. Excellent post, Cindy.
Question, Paula Koval:
If there is a bible of cosmology, which view of cosmology does it favor?
Reply, The Fairy Lady:
Paula Koval: - Google Search - THE BOOK OF LIFE or The Tree of Life. The Book Of Life in Revelation 13:8 says, βAll who dwell on the earth will worship (the beast), everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in *the book of life* of the Lamb who was slain.β So, here it says our names were written in *The Book of Life* before the beginning of time (βthe foundation of the worldβ).
Quabbalah, TREE OF LIFE :
The Tree of Life or universal Tree of Life is a metaphor, conceptual model, and research tool used to explore the evolution of life and describe the relationships between organisms, both living and extinct, as described in a famous passage in Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species
*COSMOLOGY:* is the study of the history of the universe and how it relates to the origin and evolution of life. It combines the study of astronomy, biology, and other sciences to understand how the universe came to be and how life developed.