What Do You Think?
Conceptions! I always have new perspectives on new given perceptions in one direction, so most of the mob think, and I went the other way. For most, you learn the entire nature of the beast from the tail up. My conception of my beast was and still is kind of teetering in between as I envision either side.
That's the best I can describe my conception using finite words, words recorded in Webster's dictionary. The dictionary is the only tool of choice for the English language edition to express oneself here in the Temporal World. You can't stuff an elephant in a thimble and then pull it out of the eye of the needle backward by the tail.
That was off the beam from what other people perceived from the same given information, running out of words for conceptions.
The Fairy Lady
¿Qué piensas?
¡Concepciones! Siempre tengo nuevas perspectivas sobre nuevas percepciones dadas en una dirección, así piensa la mayoría de la gente, y yo fui en la dirección opuesta. Para la mayoría, aprendes toda la naturaleza de la bestia desde la cola hacia arriba. Mi concepción de mi bestia estaba y sigue estando como tambaleándose entre ambos lados, mientras imagino uno u otro lado.
Es lo mejor que puedo describir mi concepción usando palabras finitas, palabras registradas en el diccionario de Webster. El diccionario es la única herramienta de elección para la edición en idioma inglés para expresarse aquí en el Mundo Temporal. No puedes meter un elefante en un dedal y luego sacarlo del ojo de la aguja hacia atrás agarrándolo por la cola.
Eso estaba fuera de lugar con respecto a lo que otras personas percibían a partir de la misma información dada, quedándose sin palabras para las concepciones.
Anyone interested in Visions and spiritual experiences?
ReplyDeleteA "vision" within a spiritual experience refers to a vivid, often symbolic image or scene perceived during a heightened state of consciousness, typically interpreted as a message or revelation from a higher power, spirit guide, or the unconscious mind, often occurring during meditation, prayer, dreams, or other altered states of awareness
Reply, Myths, Fairies, and Me
We are spirit beings having a human experience. That's our life on Earth. Spiritual experiences are a part of our lives, and they happen to anyone open to them.
Comment, Paula Koval:
I believe in the validity of near-death experiences or the possibility of meeting a loved one in a dream. If someone has a vision of a future event or a person revered as saintly, that is indeed possible.
I don't believe in ghosts haunting a person or place. Mediums are there to take your money. Mediums cannot arrange a meeting between a living and a dead person. Fortune tellers are not spiritual to me. They are skilled in reading their subjects, and their subjects predict their own futures!
Yes, I am interested.
Author, Myths, Fairies, and Me
Thank you. Then be it; it will be my topic for the day tomorrow .